Meeting Kyuhyun

Dancing in the rain


Leeteuk POV

I lead her up the stair until I reached the door of the appartment and stopped there.


Leeteuk:"I'm gonna warn you... again, they don't often see girls... like you..."

Kaia:"...Like me?"

Leeteuk:"A pritty girl... I know we meet all these perfect moddels in other bands, but you are properly the first real girl they would have met not in front of cameras, so if they look at you weirdly, just ignore them... okay?"

Kaia nodded and smiled:"Hehe that sounds fine... really,"

Leeteuk:"Okay good," Once that was said I took her hand and opened the door. I was so glad that there was no smell when I opened it, normaly there was. It would have been no suprise if there was a smell, I mean having all 13 members in one room, there would be some smell.

Leeteuk whispered:"umm... w-watch where you step... I'm sorry about the mess,"

Kaia whispered in return:"There is no mess... just people,"

Leeteuk joked:"That was what I ment... anyway," I looked at her beautiful face that was still blushing at the touch of my hand. So I held it tighter.

Leeteuk:"Just stay behind me, and step where I step,"

Kaia quietly giggled:"okay...?"

As I stepped carefully over the sleeping bodies with Kaia behind me a sudden voice almost caused me to lose my footing.

Kyuhyun:"I wasn't playing Starcraft I swear!" he quickly claimed, throwning down a game control to hide it away from me... but it didn't work. I could feel Kaia hiding behind me, preventing Kyuhyun from seeing her.

Leeteuk:"Kyuhyun keep your voice down," I hissed "And you know I told you not to play on Starcaft,"

Kyuhyun:"...I wasn't..." But as he spoke I saw his head tilt to one side, trying to see around me, his eyes widened when he caught a glimpse of the shadow behind me.

Kyuhyun lent forward and whispered:"Teuk! There is someone behind you,"

I rolled my eyes as Kaia stepped out from behind me.


Kyuhyun's jaw dropped and he quickly brushed his hair down:"B-but... baa... Yello- er- hello, I'm Kyuhuyn... Cho Kyuhuyn,"-

Kaia bowed, and so did Kyuhyun.

Leeteuk:"So I see you have both met, this is Kyuhyun, our youngest singer, and Kyuhyun this is Kaia... the girl I've been telling you about,"

Kyuhyun:"T-this... what?... really... I don't get it,"

I frowned and looked at Kaia who also didn't know what to make of Kyuhyun. So I decided to change the subject.

Leeteuk:"Urmm, Kyuhyun... Kaia needs a bed for the night, so could you bunk somewhere else for the night?"

Kyuhyun moaned:"Why? I don't wanna..."

Kaia:"It's fine you don't have to,"

Leeteuk:"You a guess where Kaia, you deserve a bed... and plus, it's my bed, so..."

Kyuhyun:"Fine... Fine, I'll go,"

Kaia bowed once again:"I'm sorry,"

Kyuhyun:"No it's okay... I'll live," he said as he walked away, sitting himself neatly down next to Ryeowook before lying down.

I whispered in Kaia's ear:"This is what I was talking about... he'll nbe in a better mood in the morning... he is always grumpy after gaming."

Kaia:"I feel really bad,"

Leeteuk:"Don't feel bad... I've been trying to get him off that bed for ages,"

Kaia giggled:"Thank you,"

Leeteuk:"thats okay... I'll get you some pajamas,"

Kaia:"No that's not necessary,"

Leeteuk:"What? You want to sleep in your damp coat and jeans?"

Kaia looked down at her clothing, then back up to me:"Good point... thank you... again,"

I smiled and soon got her my smallest pair of pajamas before leading her into the bathroom so she could change quietly and on her own. And returned to my seat, as I did Kyuhyun decided to question me.



Kyuhyun:"So she's the one you've been seeing... you know... out there," he pointed out the window.

I nodded.

Kyuhyun:"Aww hyung, isn't that just cute,"

Leeteuk:"Don't mock... your just jealous,"

Kyuhyun:"Maybe... you never told me she was that pritty,"

Leeteuk:"Didn't I?"


Leeteuk:"Oh yeah I remember why,"


Leeteuk:"Because it's none of your business," 

As I spoke I heard the door click open beside me, I looked up quickly while Kyuhyun suddenly pretended to be asleep.

Leeteuk:"Kaia... do they fit you, the pajamas I mean,"

Kaia:"oh... yeah, thank you. And there is someone in the bathroom, but he's asleep,"

Leeteuk:"Oh, I'm so sorry, I should have checked. You sure he was asleep?"

Kaia stepped aside so I could see. When I saw the limp sleeping body, I smiled. It was Eunhyuk,  who lay in the empty bath with his hand dangling out over the side and had his head lent on the rim, is mouth slightly open and his eyes shut like a sleeping baby. I sighed.

Leeteuk:"Sorry about that," I said as I walked in.

Kaia:"No it's fine, he wouldn't wake up," her voice died down "No matter how much I poked him,"

Leeteuk:"What did you say?" I asked, pulling on Eunhyuks wrists before throwing his chest onto my shoulders.

Kaia:"Oh nothing... what are you doing?"

Leeteuk:"I'm not gonna leave him in there, it looks really uncomftable,"

Kaia:"What your gonna carry him?"

I jolted him up, so he flopped onto my shoulder, then turned to face Kaia.

Kaia:"Wow, just like that," 

I smiled, and carried him out of the bathroom, as I did I could feel a small poke on my bicep.

Kaia:"Sorry, I could help myself,"

I dumped Eunhyuk's still sleeping body at the end of Donghae's bed quietly giggling to myself.

Leeteuk:"hehe, okay, you can sleep there," I pointed to my bed.

Kaia:"You sure you don't wa-"

Leeteuk:"You are not sleeping on the floor, I let you in here because I wanted to help, so yes, I want you to have to bed," I smiled, sweeping her off her feet bridle style, then threw her on the bed.

Kaia let out a small whimper as she bounced twice before settling down and then began to laugh.

Kaia:"I can't believe you just did that,"

A voice then cut in.

Kyuhyun:"Guy's stop... being a cute couple,"

Me and Kaia shared a glance then both let out a silent giggle.

Leeteuk:"Sure Kyu,"

I turned back to Kaia to see her smiling as she shifted to duvets from under her and snuggled beneath them. So I lent against the wall just beside the bed and slid down until I was sat on the ground.


The room fell silent, Kaia had already fallen asleep and I was slowly nodding off at the thought of Kaia now being in my life. From now on, I wasn't going to let her go.

At that, my eyes closed and I fell asleep.


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aflaanirod #1
Chapter 11: leeteuk... i just love him...
Chapter 26: this is too sweet and killed my feeling.. Oh My Sapphire Blue!!... anyway great story author-nim...
c02chu #3
Chapter 25: update soon
Chapter 25: i read all in this chapter with my emotions..and I'm glad that TEUK got KAIA's father respect.. BUT his ankle..I worried about his ankle and I thought that he can't dance anymore.. OH MY SAPPHIRE BLUE~!!
Sweetlove123 #5
Chapter 25: Update plz.
Sweetlove123 #6
Started reading it & I was on last chap & u updated. Awesome. Thanks for updating. Love it. <3
Chapter 24: Go TEUKKIE!! GO!! GO!! GO!!....
lol~ KYUHYUK hahahhaha
tigerlily09 #8
Chapter 24: Update soon! I hope he can stop her!!!
Chapter 24: GO GO GO !!!
Chapter 24: Go get her Leeteuk!