Saying Good Bye

My Boyfriend, Boyfriend

As I lugged my belongings down the stairs, I stopped and looked around the house. The house I had lived in for nearly five years of my life. My eyes followed the stairs down, reminding me of the night of the prom. Once I reached the last step, I yanked my luggage down, sending a few of my  clothes tumbling out of the ped case.

"Oh, darn it," I cursed, snapping out of my flashback. "I could've sworn I zipped this. God, I'm so out of it."

I reached down and began stuff my clothes back into the luggage. I picked up a familiar blue fabric and held it up to my face. It was the blue swim suit I had gotten when I went to the beach with Boyfriend. I giggled at the thought and tossed it into the luggage, sending Hyun Seong's little hair tie flying off. 

"So that's where this was," I laughed, picking it up.

I remembered that day with melancholy, the thought dampening my spirits. It was the few days when I first met Boyfriend. We all went to the beach together, and Donghyun offered to buy me a swimsuit because I didn't bring one. Then as we were swimming, I began having girl problems. I was in so much pain I couldn't move. Hyun Seong then came to the rescue and brought me to safety without saying a single word to embarrass me. He surely was a caring and gently mother-like person. I shook the memory out of my head and tied my hair up. Remembering in detail would only bring on the heartbreak later on. 

The last item I packed up was the white polka dot and blue dress Jeongmin had bought for me. I had only worn it a few times after our date. I remember the date as if it were yesterday. It was a romantic shopping date. Jeongmin bought me a beautiful dress and made me feel special. After that, he took me to a lovely restaurant. That was also the day I found out about Jeongmin's parental troubles. That was also the day he "kissed" me. He was such a heartstrings player. I blushed at the thought of the date and quickly shoved the dress into the already overloaded luggage. 

As I put on my converse, I turned slightly to the side to see the pair of heels I had gotten for the prom. I bent over and picked them up, petting them slightly and reminiscing over their beginning. I remembered how I had asked Donghyun to be my date just to escape the boys' wrath, how he went shopping with me and we had to tie him to a chair, and how he said he would be my stand in father. He really did care about me. I blinked in surprise when I saw a tear splash on the sole of the heel. I quickly looked around and wiped my eyes off then tossed the heels into my carry on backpack. 

"You're really leaving," a voice called from behind me.

Still rubbing my eye, I spun on my heels and meet eye to eye with my auntie.

"You scared me," I stated, trying to smile for her.

"Oh, you poor thing," she cooed, putting the pile of papers she was holding down. She came towards me and wrapped her arms around my shoulders. "You must be really conflicted right now, aren't you."

I hugged her back and replied, "Yeah. I'll really miss these guys. They were like the six brothers I never had. But when push comes to shove... my mother means more. They're like my brothers but my mother really is my mother. I only have one of those."

My auntie pulled away and wiped my tears away with her thumbs. 

"Well, sweetie, I think you made the right decision. I'm proud of you," she said. 

"Thanks, auntie," I chuckled, sniffing. "I guess this is good bye then."

"Until next time," she giggled, putting a finger to her lip. "Before you go, I found some old papers of yours and was wondering if you'd need them."

She handed me the pile of papers, and I began running through them. They were mostly old assignments I had thrown around the house. I then came upon a notebook with scribbled handwriting all over the cover. I began to laugh quietly as I looked through it. It was Minwoo's algebra notebook. He really did try hard to study in school, he just couldn't focus well. His notes were meet and organized. It was quite a downer to realize he couldn't register these wonderful notes into his mind. I continued on through the notebook and stumbled upon a page in the very back with all the unused papers. On the page were a bunch of doodles of hearts and faces. In the very middle was a heart with my name and his name written on it. I smiled at it. 

You doo doo head. You're supposed to be studying, not doodling. I laughed in my thoughts and closed the notebook.

I then slid it into my backpack. I turned to my auntie once again and hugged her before walking out the front door. As the cab I called for arrived, I turned around and glanced at the house I lived in once more. The house was old and ragged but it was full of memories I would never forget. From the day I first stepped into it, to the day I left, that house held all that I knew of my life in Korea. I got into the cab and was greeted by the man.

"Seoul Airport please," I said, taking one last glance at the house. 

As we drove to the airport, we passed by the park along a large sunflower field. I immediately remembered the day Youngmin and Kwangmin took me to the park. Youngmin had whisked me away and ditched his little brother then took me to quiet flower field. That was where Youngmin presented me with beautiful sunflowers, my favorite flower, and gave me his very own solo performance. Youngmin radiated such a beautiful aura of happiness as if he were, well, a sunflower. Remembering his bright smile made me smile myself. 

The more I though about them, the more it hurt to say good bye. I was so afraid of the emotional hurt that I hadn't even told the boys of my departure. I thought it would be better that way, but I was wrong. It only hurt more. Oh, what I wouldn't do to see their smiling faces one more time. I snapped out of my daydream to see that I had already arrived at the airport. I paid the taxi driver and headed in. As I looked around the large open airport, I found my gate and proceeded towards it. After checking in my luggage, I waited in the seating area until the announcer called for my plane over the P.A.. Taking one deep breath, I twirled Kwangmin's Yang pendant around on my neck.

Thinking about leaving Kwangmin shattered me inside. He was... my other half. I remembered the day we went on a little park date after ditching his hyung. I owed Kwangmin a lot, especially after he reunited me with my father. He was even brave enough to sacrifice himself to protect me from my father's goons, which we hadn't known at the time. He even had the guts to talk to my mother about my career. He was even there when I first got accepted into Starship. Heck... I guess you could say...

"I love him," I whispered to myself, tugging on the necklace. 

"Go _____ah!" A voice called out.

"Uh?" I gasped, startled by the sudden call. 

"Go _____ah!" A group of voices called again.

I turned around to see Boyfriend rush towards me. They were all in sweats and home wear. They stopped in front of me and bent over, breathing heavily. 

"Go ____ah," Minwoo whined. "Why didn't you tell us you were leaving?"

I turned away and answered, "I thought it'd be better this way. I just didn't want to see tears."

"Yah, Go ___," Donghyun scolded. "That's pretty selfish of you."

"My little girl! Why didn't you tell me?" Hyun Seong cried, wrapping his arms around my head.

"How'd you find out anyway?" I asked.

"We called your house and your aunt told us everything," Youngmin explained.

Auntie... I growled in my head.

I stepped back and took one more look at all my boys. Looking each one of them in the eye, I gave them each a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"I guess this is good bye," I announced as the flight attendant spoke over the P.A..

"I guess it's so," Donghyun sighed. "Be sure to keep in touch! We're only a call away."

"Yes, sir," I replied, smiling as he ruffled my hair.

"Be sure to stay healthy!" Hyun Seong chirped.

I nodded and turned away, wiping a tear from my eye. I followed the crowd as they lined up at the gate. Turning around, I waved one last time to them. 

Back at the group, Jeongmin elbowed Kwangmin in arm. Kwangmin shot Jeongmin a look as Jeongmin glared at him.

"What?" Kwangmin asked.

"Go after her," Jeongmin said. "You still haven't confessed have you?"

"Well, uh," Kwangmin stuttered.

"You better go now!" Jeongmin shouted, pushing Kwangmin towards me. "If you don't, I will!"

Kwangmin looked at Jeongmin and nodded with confidence. He then ran up to me and pulled me from the line. I looked at him confused as he stared into my eyes with his sweet, soft eyes. 

"What is it?" I asked.

"Go ____, there's something I've always wanted to tell you... I just," Kwangmin nervously looked around. "I... Go.... Go ____, I love you. Will you go out with me?"

I stared at him hesitantly, my heart jumping out of my chest. "Yes!" I replied, hugging him around the neck.

As I pulled away, my wrist brushed passed Kwangmin's neck and our pendants snapped together. I stared at Kwangmin awkwardly as I leaned in to unsnap the pendants. Kwangmin put his hand on my chin and lifted my face up. He softly placed his lips on mine. I could feel the electricity flow through my body as the kiss dragged on. After letting go, we said one last good bye, and I walked through the gate. As I handed the lady my ticket, she looked at me and smiled.

She glanced at the boys waving at me and asked, "Is he your boyfriend?"

I looked at the boys and nodded. 

"Yeah, that's my boyfriend," I replied happily. "My boyfriend, Boyfriend."

The lady gave me a puzzled look as I boarded the plane. Once the plane took off, I stared out the window, down to the city of Seoul.

Good bye, Seoul. My home... my family... my love... I'll never forget you. You'll live always in my heart.

Q_Q This is it guys. The end. Thank you so much for following the story through! I would especially like to thank all my great subbies, old and new! EDIT: I forgot to mention! I will be writing a short few shot as a sequel to this story. WAtch out for an update with the link ^_^!

UPDATE: Here's the sequel! Enjoy~ I will add a chapter soon... My Boyfriend, Boyfriend: Surprises

- xBtoBSungHyuK

- KookieMonster

- ChoiChanMi

- shiro123

- ftislandfanatic

- Elaine_

- notanasian

- _IShipEveryCouple_

- LeaderMaknae

- jessie14

- MeganxD

- ASaranghae

- love_ksh

- soni-rose

- springjasmine91

- narin3

- OhMinHa

- Jolynn

- BuBblEp0p1

- JungYooMi

- yMaruChan

- Megumi_Shin

- Younglynnx3

- jade-onew

- aiahrocks

- thythylove

And of course thanks to my lovely poster makers engraved on my foreword! THANKS SO MUCH EVERYONE!

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angelVKS #1
Chapter 50: Amazing . I love the story it's just like a fairytale. Wish I can get a chance like that
MinhosLover #2
Chapter 10: This one made me laugh so much I love you because you used Ouran High School Host Club and Boyfriend + me together! <3
gellie_otaku012396 #3
Chapter 10: haha... what a coincidence... my friends and i were actually talking about the boyfriend members doing a live action movie of ouran high....

that would be totally awesome... (n_n)
Angelz6 #4
Chapter 50: OMG WHAT A GREAT STORY I even cried. How awkward
MitsuKyuYamazaki #5
Chapter 50: LOVE THE STORY!
kyaaa~~~~ >3<~~~~
Chapter 50: I loved this story. Good story thanks for writing!!!!! ^.^
Chapter 50: Make more ... Please I'm beggin' you T-T
InspiritForever123 #8
Chapter 50: Omg I finished this story in 2 hours!!!!! Please please please make a sequel!!!!