Keep It In Mind

My Boyfriend, Boyfriend

As Donghyun and I chattered on outside, Kwangmin suddenly came bursting out the front doors and trotting down the stairs. He stopped in front of us and awkwardly scratched his head.

"So, uh, hey," he greeted. "The last song is coming up before they announce prom king and queen."

"Oh, I didn't realize the time had passed by so quickly," Donghyun gasped. He put his hand on my head. "Guess time flies when you spend some quality time with your kid."

"Yeah, yeah, okay, anywho," Kwangmin interrupted. He held out a hand to me and bowed slightly. "Go ___, may I have this last dance?"

I looked to Donghyun and nodded, beaming. I took a hold of Kwangmin's hand. Kwangmin smiled like an idiot as we sprinted back into the ball room. As Kwangmin led me onto the dance floor, our very own Hyun Seong's "Only You" began playing softly in the background.

"Alright, we're going to slow this one down a bit. If you haven't voted for prom king and queen yet, please vote at the table over to the right. This is 'Only You' sung by Hyun Seong," the DJ announced.

I could see Hyun Seong scratch his neck self conciously and smile back at our table. The DJ increased the volume of the song as all the couples began pairing off for the dance. I turned to Kwangmin and put my arms around his neck. He placed his hands around my hips courteously. As the music moved on, the two of us swayed back and forth across the dance floor. Kwangmin smiled contently at me.

"You look beautiful tonight," Kwangmin commented.

I blushed unconciously. "Oh, thank you. You look very handsome yourself."

Kwangmin turned seven shades of red. "So how's the night going?"

"Wonderfully! I couldn't ask for anymore than I've gotten tonight. How about you?" I asked.

Kwangmin's smile faded into a softer after glow. He spoke in a soft, hushed voice. "Now that I'm with you, I'm happy."

Though the music was playing loudly, I could hear his words. They made my heart race faster than any horse could ever run. He looked down shyly then suddenly popped his head back up. 

"Did my messenger get his package to you?" Kwangmin asked, smiling goofily.

I pulled out my Ying necklace and smiled. "Of course!"

I giggled as he pulled out the Yang necklace and the two clicked together, being magnetic and all.

Ah, so he had the Yang half, you thought.

As the song ended, his smiles melted into a serious expression.

"Hey, could I ask you a question?" Kwangmin asked.

"Sure!" I replied, still holding our necklaces together.

"What are your parents' names?" He asked.

I thought about it for a moment then replied. "I believe it's Go Eun Bi and Go Jin Ho."

Kwamgin's expression drooped. "But then again, I heard my mother got a name chang once she got to America. Her name was formerly Kim Han Eul."

Kwangmin's jaw dropped. He grasped me by the shoulders. "Really?"

Before I could reply, Mi Yun appeared from out of nowhere. It's been so long since she last picked on me, I was surprised to see her again. She scowled at me then smiled happily at Kwangmin.

"Hey Kwangmin, good news. I heard something that'll blow your mind. Come over here with me. It's about the king and queen," Mi Yun chattered.

Mi Yun and her posse began dragging Kwangmin away, who tried to resist.

"Uh, Go ____, I'm sorry!" Kwangmin called out.

Mi Yun yanked Kwangmin away and my necklace's clasp snapped, falling to the ground. I quickly crouched down and picked it up, watching helplessly as Mi Yun led Kwangmin away. The microphone squeaked, and the student body president got up on stage.

"Hello, TTA Juniors and Seniors! How are you all enjoying the prom so far?" She asked, holding two envelopes in her hand.

I scurried over to our table and sat down beside Hyun Seong. There was a series of whoops and whistles from the crowd.

"Good! Alright, so it's the moment we've all been waiting for. Who will get to be the prom king and queen? The results are in and have been tallied," she continued. "First off, our prom king is..."

She pulled a slip of paper out of one of the envelopes. "Jo Kwangmin, towering over his band members by just one vote! Come on up for your crowning, king!"

Kwangmin sluggishly walked onto the stage, waving at the audience. He bowed his head down and the president put a sash over his shoulder and a crown on his head. Kwangmin then turned to the crowd and waved while everyone snapped pictures. He then stepped back and waited for the prom queen to be announced. He didn't look too pleased to hear the results, though.

"Okay... now. The prom queen is," the president spoke slowly into the microphone. The DJ played a soft drumroll in the background. "Kim Mi Yun!"

As Mi Yun walked up sassily, waving into the audience like a princess, she threw air kisses here and there. Suddenly, the student body secretary ran onto the stage, pushing Mi Yun accidentally out of the way. She handed a slip to the president and whispered something into her ear. The president made a puzzled look then spoke.

"Well, there seems to have been a miscalculation of the votes. Apparently there were some last minute votes that had not been accounted for. Our real prom queen is," the president said. "Go _____! Winning over Kim Mi Yun by six votes!"

"What?" Mi Yun shrieked.

Everyone's jaws dropped except for the boys. I watched as the five sitting at the table fist bumped each other. I sat there in awe, my mouth unable to close. Donghyun proudly stood up and walked me to the stage. As I got to the bottom of the stairs, Donghyun let go and I continued onto the stage. I bowed my head and the president slipped the sparkling sash over my head.

"Congratulations, Go ____," the president whispered as she placed the tiara on my head. "I was hoping you'd win! You're an amazing person."

We shooke hands and she handed me my sceptar. I faced the audience and waved. The audience went wild and cheered for me. Donghyun and Hyun Seong took plenty of photos as I stood on stage.

"Alright, now it's time for the closing song! Please make room in front of the stage for the king and queen to have their dance. And, I know this may be abrupt, but would Boyfriend be willing to do a song for us?" The president asked.

The boys look at each other then smiled. They turned to the stage and said in unison, "Of course!"

Kwangmin hopped off the stage then caught me as I got off. The five boys rushed onto stage and talked to the DJ. Donghyun stepped up to the front of the stage and addressed the audience.

"Alright, this is a little song we'd like to call 'I'll Be There'. We hope you'll enjoy it!" Donghyun said.

Everyone paired up and the boys began singing. Minwoo took over Kwangmin's parts in his absence. As we danced, Kwangmin and I chatted to each other. I remembered the necklace and took it out. I showed it to Kwangmin who frowned. Then he smiled as if a bell went off in his head. 

"Okay, tie your necklace around my wrist," he said.

I did as told and the necklace was recycled into a neat little bracelet. He then proceded to take off his necklace and put it around my neck. As he leaned close to my face, I could feel his warm breath against my cheek. I heard the clasp lock into place. As Kwangmin slowly backed away, I looked into his eyes, and he looked into mine. Our eyes stayed fixed on each other for a long while. Kwangmin closed his eyes and leaned in. I closed my eyes and waited for it. It never came. He kiss my nose and smiled playfully. He took his finger and wagged it in my face.

"Nuh uh, not just yet," Kwangmin joked.

"You tease!" I scorned, slapping him on the arm.

"Hah, hey," he laughed.

He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me. I could feel him take a big breath in then sigh.

"Go ____, I just want you to know... you're really special to me. You're strong, beautiful, generous, and a leader. I love everything about you. If there was anything I could ever do for you," Kwangmin let go. "I want you to know, I'll be there. You may not know how much I actually care about you now... but when the time comes. You will know. Just keep that in mind."

For the rest of the night, his words puzzled me. I wondered what he had really meant. The boys ended their performance and the night ended well. We all took a group picture and then headed our ways. It was a night to remember. It was a night that left an imprint on my heart... and imprint that I would soon learn, would never go away.

Hey everyone! I hope you're enjoying the story so far! Comment and subscribe! Thanks to all my lovely subbies for sticking with me all the way to Chapter 33 ~ Saranghae ~

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angelVKS #1
Chapter 50: Amazing . I love the story it's just like a fairytale. Wish I can get a chance like that
MinhosLover #2
Chapter 10: This one made me laugh so much I love you because you used Ouran High School Host Club and Boyfriend + me together! <3
gellie_otaku012396 #3
Chapter 10: haha... what a coincidence... my friends and i were actually talking about the boyfriend members doing a live action movie of ouran high....

that would be totally awesome... (n_n)
Angelz6 #4
Chapter 50: OMG WHAT A GREAT STORY I even cried. How awkward
MitsuKyuYamazaki #5
Chapter 50: LOVE THE STORY!
kyaaa~~~~ >3<~~~~
Chapter 50: I loved this story. Good story thanks for writing!!!!! ^.^
Chapter 50: Make more ... Please I'm beggin' you T-T
InspiritForever123 #8
Chapter 50: Omg I finished this story in 2 hours!!!!! Please please please make a sequel!!!!