
My Boyfriend, Boyfriend

"You," my mother pointed an accusing father at my father. "You must've been the one who influenced her. It was you wasn't it?"

"Dear, please. Let's just calm down and talk about this like adults," my father said, trying to calm her down.

"Don't you talk to me about being calm!" She retorted. "I was calm the day you left me. I was calm the day I realized I had to raise my daughter alone. I was calm the fifteen years I had to raise my daughter with her always wondering where her father was. I refuse to be calm now!"

"M'am, it wasn't his fault. He had nothing to do with it," Kwangmin said walking over to her.

"What are you doing?" I hissed, grabbing his wrist.

He looked to me and smiled, then nodded and yanked his wrist away. He then stood in front of my mother and confronted her.

"Ms. Go, if you would just please sit down and listen, you'd understand how much Go ____ really wants this," Kwangmin said softly, looking into her eyes.

"Are you Kwangmin?" My mother asked in a suppressed tone.

"Uh, yes," Kwangmin replied.

In a split second, my mother whipped her hand across Kwangmin's face. 

"Kwangmin!" I gasped, rushing to his side. I held his head up to see his cheek beginning to throb and swell. I knew my mother's hand well, and she had a tendency to use too much force. I looked to my mother sternly.

"You were the one who took my daughter here! You must have been the one who put all these ideas in her -" She shouted.

"Mother, that is enough," I said in a harsh tone.

"Excuse me?" She asked.

"I said," I stood up and looked her straight in the eyes. "That's enough. Stop blaming it on other people! I chose this, Mom. I chose to be a singer. I chose the dream of being an idol. I refuse to let you take it away from me. No matter what the cost."

"Go ___... you are making a big mistake," my mother growled.

"No," I replied. I looked to the guys who gave me comforting nods. "I'm not making a mistake. I'm making the best decision in my life."

My mother's fiery eyes extinguished as tears began to form. She pursed her lips and relaxed her tense body. 

"Is this what you really want?" She asked silently.

"Yes. It is," I smiled as Kwangmin grasped my hand. 

"I'm sorry," she whimpered as she cried. "I just... I miss my baby so much..."

"Mom..." I cooed, putting a hand on her shoulder.

"I'm sorry, Go ____. I just can't stand being so far away from you. You're my everything. You were all I had left, and you were gone. I just... I just couldn't stand being apart from my daughter," she sobbed. "I didn't want to lose you anymore than I already have... you're growing up too fast for your mother."

She brushed my hand off and hurried out the door. 

"I'm sorry. This mother knows her place now," my mother said as she left. 

"Mom!" I called after her. 

I reached my hand out and curled it back when I realized what had just happened. It never once crossed my mind that my mother was upset about me being away from her... not about her past. I didn't know whether to feel relieved or worried. Sighing, I waved everyone away and told them to go back to sleep. The next morning, I recieved a phone call from my auntie. She told me that my mother came home in tears. She had packed up all her belongings and left that night for the airport. I didn't even let my auntie finish her explaining when I hung up. I was crestfallen. The only mother I had, and I drove her off. 

For the next few days, I trained harder and harder, focusing as to get rid of the feelings fogging my head. I refused to eat, never having an appetite for any food. My emotions were eating me up, and I could feel it. As I was practicing a few hours before the actual performace, I tripped and fell. A familiar hand reached out and helped me up. 

"Hyun Seong?" I asked, looking up at him.

"Are you okay?" He asked, handing me a water bottle.

"Uh, yeah," I said, gulping the water down.

"Are you sure?" He asked again, staring into my eyes.

Once I saw his dead serious look, I sighed and took a deep breath. "Honestly, I'm a bit down."

"You don't say?" Hyun Seong chuckled. He led me over to a bench, and we took a seat. "On a scale of one to ten, how conflicted are you right now?"

"Fifteen," I immidiately replied.

"Wow," he reacted. "Well, what's wrong?"

I sighed loudly and swung my legs under the bench. "I don't know... I guess.... I feel happy that I'm still here in Korea, yet I still feel a little pang of..."

"Guilt?" Hyun Seong interuppted.

"Yeah, I guess," I said. "I just... I never knew my mother was so upset with me being away from her. She would always be laughing and smiling when I called her. It never once crossed my mind that she would be so emotionally distraught."

"Well, it's natural for a mother to react like that. This is their child you're talking about. Their flesh and blood. It's also natural for the child to miss her mother. Don't you miss her?" Hyun Seong asked.

"Of course I do. It's just... God, I don't know how to say this," I groaned frustratingly.

"It's just that you don't know how to put your feelings into words. You know you miss your mother but to hear her happy voice instead of her worried one calmed you inside. Correct?" 

"Yeah... what should I do?"

"Well, what do you think you should do?"

"I-I don't know. I mean, I really love my dream, and I'm so close to achieving it. On the other hand, I am upset, and I feel guilty about making my mother cry. I just... I just..."

There was a long silence between us before Hyun Seong spoke once again, shattering the deafening silence.

"Well, it's always up to you. It is your life and you control it. But always keep in mind what your heart wants. Your mind may tell you one thing but your heart may be telling you the opposite."

"What my mind wants... and what my heart wants..."


I began to think about it in detail. What does my heart want? What does it really want? I turned to Hyun Seong and smiled. 

"Thanks, Hyun Seong," I said, pecking him on the cheek. 

"Anytime," he replied, rubbing his cheek as I left the room.

Night fell and the concert was soon to begin. I was a backup dancer so I wore a pair of jeans and a short sleve polo. I wore a red bowtie, which bothered me becuase everytime I moved, it would tilt. To add to my outfit, I was given a pair of non prescription glasses. I looked into the mirror and laughed.

"I look like a nerd," I laughed.

"An adorable nerd," Kwangmin chuckled, placing his chin on my shoulder.

"Oh, hey," I greeted.

"Are you feeling okay?" Kwangmin immidiately asked.

"What?" I was taken back by his comment. "Of course I am."

"Really?" He asked, softening his smile. "You just seemed a bit upset the last few days."

I sighed and pursed my lips into a straight line. "I was. But now I'm not."

"Uh... okay," Kwangmin murmured, confused. 

"Good luck tonight!" I chirped, raising a fist. "Fighting!"

"I should be saying that to you! Fighting!" He joked.

That night, I performed my heart out on stage, even though I was just another back up dancer. Though I was smiling and constantly in the moment, there was one thing I had on my mind.

Home... I thought as the lights switched off, ending the concert.

:( The end is near readers. Thank you all so much for reading my story all the way through! Last chapter is next. I'm hoping to make a short few shot as a sequel. Would you guys read it ^_^?


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angelVKS #1
Chapter 50: Amazing . I love the story it's just like a fairytale. Wish I can get a chance like that
MinhosLover #2
Chapter 10: This one made me laugh so much I love you because you used Ouran High School Host Club and Boyfriend + me together! <3
gellie_otaku012396 #3
Chapter 10: haha... what a coincidence... my friends and i were actually talking about the boyfriend members doing a live action movie of ouran high....

that would be totally awesome... (n_n)
Angelz6 #4
Chapter 50: OMG WHAT A GREAT STORY I even cried. How awkward
MitsuKyuYamazaki #5
Chapter 50: LOVE THE STORY!
kyaaa~~~~ >3<~~~~
Chapter 50: I loved this story. Good story thanks for writing!!!!! ^.^
Chapter 50: Make more ... Please I'm beggin' you T-T
InspiritForever123 #8
Chapter 50: Omg I finished this story in 2 hours!!!!! Please please please make a sequel!!!!