
My Boyfriend, Boyfriend

As the training days passed, I found it quite weird that instead of growing farther apart due to the whole slip up situation, Kwangmin and I grew closer. Kwangmin would always be the one to help me out if I couldn’t figure out a move. He’d guide me step by step. After practices, the two of us would go out to lunch together. We’d grown so accustomed to it; we’d constantly forget to put on disguises once we left the building. Once we get to the diner beside Starship, the unnies and oppas there would yell at us for not wearing disguises. Kwangmin and I would always buy one order of food then share because we didn’t eat that much. We tried to hide this from Hyun Seong umma, as I’ve grown fond of calling him, and Donghyun appa. They soon found out, though, and they were way upset about it.

“You guys have only been eating half portions?” Donghyun scorned.

We nodded timidly.

“Aish, don’t you know that you need to eat full portions to keep up your energy?” Hyun Seong grumbled. “Besides, if you eat half portions, you’re only going to send your body in starvation mode.”

“But you guys make me snack constantly,” Kwangmin stated.

“I was talking about Go _____! I mean, look at her, she’s skinny as a stick,” Hyun Seong gestured at me.

 “And you! You’re a growing boy. You need to eat a lot to grow, Kwangmin,” Donghyun continued nagging.

As Donghyun and Hyun Seong continued nagging us, Kwangmin slipped his hand over mine and squeezed it. I glanced at him, and he smiled then looked away. I looked down at my hand to realize there was an ear bud hidden underneath his hand. I stealthily picked the ear bud up and put it in my ear. Kwangmin was listening to pop and rap songs from America. We sat on the bench together, listening to music and our “parents” nag at us here and there. I felt my eyelids grow heavy. Kwangmin went before I did, his head resting on my shoulder. Soon I gave up the fight with Mr. Sandman and fell asleep, my head on top of Kwangmin’s. Hyun Seong took notice of us and poke Donghyun who was turned around and nagging.

“What?” Donghyun shouted, turning around. “Omo.”

“They’re asleep,” Hyun Seong chuckled. “Kids.”

“Tell me about it,” Donghyun sighed. “Whatever, let’s leave them be. Where’s Kwangmin’s blanket that he hides and pretends we don’t know about it?”

“Here,” Hyun Seong said, pulling a blanket out from behind the bench cushions. He covered us with the blanket and the two walked out.

After a while of sweet dreams, I was awoken by the sound of the door abruptly opening. I fluttered my eyes opened to see Kim Mi Yun walking into the room with a bunch of papers and binders in her arms.

“Mi Yun?” I gasped.

She turned her head towards me, her jaw dropping. “Go _____.”

Kwangmin stirred in his sleep. I held a finger up to my lips and gently laid Kwangmin down on the bench. I got up and walked with Mi Yun outside, closing the door.

“What are you doing here?” I asked. “Look, if you’re here to sabotage me or something, please try not to hurt the boys in the process.”

Mi Yun sighed, “No, that’s not what I’m here for.”

“Then what for?” I asked quite sassily.

She smiled gently at me, something I thought would never happen. “I got an internship here. I’ve decided to give up on my dream of being an idol and take on the dream of behind the scenes business instead. I’m hoping to get a degree in foreign affairs for music businesses.”

I gasped. Mi Yun was the kind of person who strived with a passion to become an idol. I couldn’t register into my mind why she would give up like that.

“Why, Mi Yun?” I asked on whim.

“Well,” she sighed loudly. “On June 4th, I came for the Starship audition. I was the first one up. After auditioning, I find out the cold hard truth about my own talent that brought me near tears. They told me that I had the talent, but I didn’t have the feeling. I had a strong voice, but not a clear one. They brought down everything that I had brought up over years of my life. Then when I saw that you had gotten such a great reaction from the judges, I felt… empty. I started to think about it, and I came to the conclusion that I was wrong. Go ____, I’m sorry for everything I’ve done to you all these years.”

“Oh, Mi Yun,” I cooed. “You really do have a beautiful voice. It’s sad to see you go like this.”

“Yeah, I know,” she replied. “But after auditioning, I was offered an internship here. That’s when I found something I really could do well and with feeling. And that something was music business, behind the scenes that is. I communicate and lead well. I love the thrill of making other’s dreams come true instead of mine. It’s exciting what goes on behind the idols instead of in front. I really love it.”

“Well, I’m happy to see you happy then,” I said awkwardly. “Does this mean we’re… calling it a truce? Friends?”

She scrunched her nose and put her finger to her lips. “Hm, I don’t know.”

She glanced at me and giggled. “How about we start with frenemies?”

She put her hand out and I took it.


As we high fived and giggled, Kwangmin came out with a puzzled look on his face.

“What’s going on?” He asked, scratching his head. “Mi Yun?”

Mi Yun chuckled and picked up her papers and binders.

“Later, loser,” Mi Yun laughed, walking away with her fingers making an ‘L’ on her forehead.

“Whatever, head!” I called after her.

“Do I even want to know?” Kwangmin asked.

I laughed. “I’ll tell you later. First, let’s go get some dinner… don’t forget your disguise, and let’s get full portions this time. I don’t think I can sit through another nagging.”

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angelVKS #1
Chapter 50: Amazing . I love the story it's just like a fairytale. Wish I can get a chance like that
MinhosLover #2
Chapter 10: This one made me laugh so much I love you because you used Ouran High School Host Club and Boyfriend + me together! <3
gellie_otaku012396 #3
Chapter 10: haha... what a coincidence... my friends and i were actually talking about the boyfriend members doing a live action movie of ouran high....

that would be totally awesome... (n_n)
Angelz6 #4
Chapter 50: OMG WHAT A GREAT STORY I even cried. How awkward
MitsuKyuYamazaki #5
Chapter 50: LOVE THE STORY!
kyaaa~~~~ >3<~~~~
Chapter 50: I loved this story. Good story thanks for writing!!!!! ^.^
Chapter 50: Make more ... Please I'm beggin' you T-T
InspiritForever123 #8
Chapter 50: Omg I finished this story in 2 hours!!!!! Please please please make a sequel!!!!