"Evidentially, the Past is Hard for Me to Forget"

Third Times the Charm... [Kai "He's My Teacher" Side Story]

*ahem* so block b's album was released, what?, four days ago? and then epik high released their stuff today, and bap is coming back on the 23rd...AHH;ALKSDJL;KFJSA I CANT HANDLE THIS. too much awesome...T_T"



December 24, 2012

                Well you see, getting caught illegally at a club when your fake ID fails you is apparently reason enough for expulsion from school. I guess it wasn’t really all the fake ID’s fault. I guess if I hadn’t gotten into a fight they’d have no need to look further into my background. It had been a pain in the , really. My dad went ape crazy on me. Well, I can’t say I’m not used to it by now…

But even still, this Christmas is gonna be the best, cause guess what? It never ends. Not if I don’t want it to. And even if I do decide to go to college next year, I still have a nine month Winter break. That, my friends, is what I call a good deal…

                Plus now I have an excuse to miss school every day and not have to see Hyemin…

                Except it’s mostly the nine-month break thing….


December 25, 2012

                “Hello?” I answered, groggy and hung over.


                Why was she calling me? “Yes?” I asked, my patience already wearing thin.

                “Yah, why are you so mean to me?” I could practically hear her pouting.

                “Am I being mean? Sorry,” I muttered.

                “Aish. What a troublemaker. You’re already kicked out of school. You had such a bright future, then you decide to ruin it with your stunt at SM and now this…ah, my head hurts.”

                But my heart hurts more, I mouthed, rolling my eyes.    

                “But my heart hurts more!” she continued dramatically.

                “Aalright, is there anything else you have to say?”

                “Uh—y-yes. Of course. Aren’t you going to visit us?”


                “It’s Christmas. Don’t you miss us? We’re family, you know. And I haven’t seen my son in far too long…”

                Her voice was so sincere, soft with sadness, that I almost lied to her. But in all honesty, I didn’t miss them. Not to mention my dad wouldn’t even care if I came home, in fact, he’d dislike it…I couldn’t tell her that to her face, however; she was so fragile she’d make a huge deal about it if I did. “Sorry, I’m a little busy.”

                “With what?” she scoffed.

                “I’m trying to find a job,” I informed her. BS, but it would make her happy.

                “Awh, there you go! Your father’s too harsh on you! I know you’re doing something, not just wasting your life!”

                Ha. It’s funny cause the things I do are actually worse than wasting my life, they’re actively ruining it. “Yep, that’s me. Have more faith in me…”

                “You know I always have! Alright, it’s been good to hear your voice, Jongin. Merry Christmas! I love you, and…I-I really do miss you,” she added softly.

                “Yeah,” I said, maybe a bit too curtly. “Same. Bye.” With that I hung up, not wanting to make a bigger deal of anything. But in reality I could feel only a small amount of empathy for my mother. Evidentially, the past is hard for me to forget. 

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tozpembe #1
Chapter 20: Whoo~! I like upset and jealous Kai, he deserves it!
Honoka #2
Chapter 18: ASGHJKL I wish this will happen to me! >__<
Honoka #3
Chapter 16: ASDFGHJKL ooh! does kai have feelings for eunmi? :DD can't wait for the next update! :DD