"Then I Guess Screw Secrets"

Third Times the Charm... [Kai "He's My Teacher" Side Story]

this story has like...over 1/4 of the subs "Teacher" has and like.. 1/30 of the chapters...XD

hhaahaha thank you all for the support! its been a while since i updated..so hopefully this is a pleasant surprise for those struggling through the school week (bio is killing me..T_T"). more sad kai...but the faster i get through the sad chapters the faster we'll get to the new story^^



Friday, October 26, 2012

                “Look, Suho, I’m just not really in the mood to…you know. Go out. Alright?” Suho was one of the friends I had picked up somewhere along the times I went out and about; he was a junior at Eridanus Performing University, or EP U as it was known, and loved to party.

                “Come oon, Kai, get over whatever girl you’re thinking about right now and come out with me!”

                I stiffened.  “You…you know about Hyemin?” I asked, my throat dry as I tried to swallow.

                “Hye…min?” Suho asked, confusion clouding his voice.

                Instantly, my face grew hot, realizing how could Suho know about Hyemin!? We were pretty close but it wasn’t like we held weekly gossip sessions to catch each other up on our individual schools… “Right. Uh. Why’d you mention a girl?” I asked, trying to play it off casually.

                Suho sighed. “Please, I know you. If you don’t wanna come out there’s probably someone on your mind.”

                “I—not…really. Anymore…” I murmured quietly.

                “Bull! But come on, get everything out of your mind and comee with me.”

                “Suho, seriously,” I sighed, getting exasperated. “It’s almost midnight and I have to go and—“

                “Cool, I’ll be at your place in 15. Be ready, Man,” Suho called excitedly, instantly hanging up.

               I gazed at my phone, slightly dazed. Finally I decided I might as well just play along and hoisted myself off the couch, heading to my bedroom and picking some acceptable clubbing clothes out.


                “Whoo! Good night,” Baekhyun called, grinning as we stepped into the club. Suho had called some of his other friends and now there was a group of about six of us together.

                “Yeah…” I agreed weakly, tucking my fake ID back into my wallet and my wallet in my back pocket. “Hey, Hyung, I’m gonna go get a drink first—“

                “Noo way. Let’s hit the dance floor first,” Suho insisted, grabbing my arm and pulling me along with his friends to the center of the crowd. The loud music was honestly just giving me a headache, and I didn’t wanna deal with all these girls trying to grind on me…

                “Dang, who’s that?”

                I spun to where Chanyeol was pointing, and noticed a large group of guys dancing around one girl. She ran her hands through her long black hair as she giggling with the guys, grabbing some of them to lean on as she stumbled on the dance floor. But even though she was so obviously drunk her dancing was still really y. As my friends and I headed nearer I realized—that was Hyemin. She was wearing what sort of looked like the Café Pristine uniform, but she had taken off her tights, her black pencil skirt was ridiculously short, and she had ed her white blouse dangerously far. What the hell is she doing… I sighed, shoving my way through the crowd and grabbing her arm firmly. She flinched at my grip, but then looked up at me with big pupils and slightly bloodshot eyes. She blinked a few times, then giggled, leaning on me heavily.

                “Mm, Oppa—“ she slurred, wrapping her arms around my neck.

                “Hyemin what are you doing?” I asked, sighing as I shook my head.

                “Mm? What?” she asked, sounding like she was trying to keep another laugh in. “Dance with mee,” she sang, waving her body against mine provocatively. I noticed the guys around me trying to pull her away from me, and I just snapped. 

                “Hyemin, stop it, what the hell are you doing?” I hissed, shrugging my blazer off and putting it on her shoulders.

                She blinked slowly. “Stop itt~ I’m hot,” she whined, trying to push my jacket off her.

                I bit my lip, making sure my jacket stayed over her shoulders as I pushed my way through the crowds with vicious force. I sat her down firmly on a stool at the bar, where she instantly tried to order another drink, and I adamantly made sure the bartender did no such thing.

                “Hyemin why are you here?” I asked, sighing as I dropped onto the stool next to her.

                “Mm?” she asked, cocking her head at me innocently, adorably. “What do you mean? I’m having fuunn!” she said, throwing her arms into the air and giggling.

                “You’re drunk.”

                “Tell me something I don’t know, Sweetheart,” she said, giving me a look.

                I closed my eyes. “Hyemin, let’s get out of here…”

                “What? Why? No! I’m having. Fun,” she insisted firmly.

                “Hyemin, what’s wrong?” I asked softly, afraid it was because of the guy I thought it was… God, I was gonna kill him if he did this to her…

                “You know what ?” she asked, suddenly straightening and locking eyes with me. “Junhyung. God, he . Why is he even…that little. You know where I went tonight?”

                “Junhyung’s place?” I asked, feeling as queasy as Hyemin should…

                She nodded enthusiastically. “And that little bastard—God, he just spat some about it being “inappropriate” and then kicked me out. Kai, do you know how many times I’ve slept with Junhyung?”

                “You—you…with Junhyung?” I stuttered. I knew they were close, but still…

                Hyemin laughed. “Oh not like that. I. Am a .” When she began talking again she was nearly shouting, waving her arms around. “Mother ers I ain’t no ! And—“

                I slapped a hand over . “Junhyung. What happened tonight?”

                She nodded sloppily and pushed my hand away. “Right. Right. Well I went over to his house, not like he deserved it… But anyways, I went, right? Yeah, I went… And I was there, and I was talking, and I actually talked…like…a lot. Like, I went on a little rant. And you know how he responds? He’s all ‘Oh, it’s not appropriate for you to be here.’ And other stupid . But how is it not appropriate?! I went to his house aalll the time before. And so what if I like him now?!” Here, she paused, looking somewhere above my head. Then she shrugged and giggled. “Oops, I haven’t told anyone that. Did you know that?”

                A part of me wanted to just get up and leave…It hurt. It ing hurt… “Yeah, I knew,” I whispered.

                “You knew?!” she gasped loudly. Then she just broke into laughter again. “Well, then I guess screw secrets. But I mean, he doesn’t like me. So, whatever. Whatever.” She stood up, attempted to, anyway; halfway through she leaned on the bar for support. “Well, anyways, let’s go dance again,” she grinned.

                I let out a heavy breath. “No, Hyemin, let’s go home…”

                “What?! I don’t wanna go home…Youngmin’ll kill me anyways…” For some reason she found that incredibly funny and burst into a fresh round of laughter.

                “Hyemin, let’s go,” I said, grabbing her wrist and leading her out of the club.

                “No!” She whined, pulling against me weakly. I grabbed her hand, interlacing our fingers. It felt good for the moment….

                “I’ll take you home.”

                “Not home.”

                “I—I’ll—Hyemin, please, we just have to get out of here…” I begged, desperate to get her away from the hungry eyes of the half-drunk guys at the club.

                “Not home,” she repeated, shaking her head.

                “Fine. I’ll—I’ll,” I sighed. “I’ll just take you to my place, okay?”

                She contemplated this for a few moments. “I still wanna stay…” She was starting to break, though. Her body was wilting and her energy was slowly leaving her. “I don’t wanna go home. I don’t wanna see Junhyung. I don’t wanna—ing—God,” she sighed, her eyes almost closed.

                I had promised I would start to distance myself from her…but… I pulled her into my arms, and she nearly collapsed against my chest.  “It’ll be alright, I promise, you’ll be okay,” I mumbled into her hair, tracing random shapes against her back lightly. I felt her body crumble into mine, and soon enough her tears were seeping through my shirt. She mumbled something. “Hm?”

                “I miss him,” she said, a bit louder. “I miss him so much. I don’t even—it just—I want the way we used to be. I don’t care if we’re just friends. I miss him…I want him back…and he was never even mine.” My body went rigid, and I prayed she didn’t notice it. But hearing her say that…while I was right here…I squeezed my eyes shut tightly and inhaled a ragged breath.

                “You’ll—you’ll be okay, Hyemin. Things will go back to before. You two will make up.”

                She peeled herself away from me, and looked up at me, her eyes wide and tearstained. “You think so?”

                He loves you too much for it to go any other way... “I’m positive.” She gave me a teary half smile, nodding slowly. I noticed Suho walking by and grabbed his arm. “Keys, now,” I demanded.

                He gave me an odd look, eyeing Hyemin, collapsed in my arms. “Bro, I’m not gonna sponsor your booty calls…”

                “It isn’t like that,” I growled, feeling fiercely protective of Hyemin. “I need to get her home. She’s drunk.”

                Suho gave me a look. “Seriously, man? No way, I need to get home.”

                “Go with DO. He brought his car.”

                Suho finally let out a long sigh, noticing my vehemence in this subject. “Fine, whatever. It better be back at my place by tomorrow morning,” he warned, handing me the keys.

                I gave him a smile. “Thanks, I owe you man.”

                Suho sent a smirk my way. “Big time.”

                I nodded before turning back to Hyemin, who was all but passed out in my arms. I lifted her; once again surprised at her tiny, light frame, and headed out to the car. Despite the long walk and slight cold due to Hyemin still wearing my jacket, the journey wasn’t tiring at all. I opened the passenger side door and gently set her in, buckling her seatbelt. I stopped for a moment, gazing at her. I swept her bangs away from her face lightly, just relishing in her perfect features. When I first saw her…yeah, she was pretty. But now…she was…perfect. I leaned in and kissed her forehead lightly, not wanting to wake her, then went over to the driver’s side and got in, beginning the drive home.

                A loud honk startled me, and I realized I had been staring at Hyemin. Wincing, I tore my gaze off of her and began driving again, almost fearing how attached I was to her. This really wasn’t a good idea, considering that I was trying to get over her and yet she was still irresistible in her drunken state, but I pushed it to the side of my mind. When we got to my apartment I carried her up and set her down in my bed; she was still sleeping soundly, her chest rising and falling as thin breaths entered and exited her. I sat on the edge of the bed, thinking about everything. Thinking about Junhyung. Thinking about Hyemin. Finally, I tore myself away from her side and headed to the couch, lying down. Even in the still darkness, I couldn’t fall asleep; my mind racing. I drifted in and out of sleep, the only constant being Hyemin.

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tozpembe #1
Chapter 20: Whoo~! I like upset and jealous Kai, he deserves it!
Honoka #2
Chapter 18: ASGHJKL I wish this will happen to me! >__<
Honoka #3
Chapter 16: ASDFGHJKL ooh! does kai have feelings for eunmi? :DD can't wait for the next update! :DD