"Memories Unearthed"

Third Times the Charm... [Kai "He's My Teacher" Side Story]

okay guys, sorry this took sososo long. to be honest i've been really depressed lately. the hardrive to my laptop crashed and so i lost everything that i havent uploaded. i lost a TON in this story and didn't even want to continue it >< buuut i love this story, and i finished "he's my teacher" despite what i lost...soo..yeah(: anyways, super long flashback chapter coming up...updated on a random Monday..XD



Saturday, October 27, 2012

                 My eyes slowly blinked open, and for a moment, I was blissfully ignorant of my current situation, about to fall back asleep. Then I remember the events of last night, and more importantly, Hyemin. I sighed as I rolled out of bed and brushed my teeth and washed my face before heading into the kitchen to begin breakfast. Around 11:30 I heard a slight commotion in the bedroom, then the door flew open and a tussled looking Hyemin poked her head out.            

“Kai?” she croaked, scratchy.

“Oh, hey,” I greeted pleasantly, putting the finishing touches on breakfast.

“Why…? Why am I…?” Hyemin paused, squeezing her eyes shut and leaning heavily on the fridge.

“For drinking as much as you did last night you sure don’t have as high a tolerance as I expected…” I commented dryly, bringing over her food.

 “What…happened?” she asked after a short pause.      

 “Well, I don’t know how much you had drunk before I got there. But I came with some friends and it wasn’t hard to spot you considering you were grinding it up on the dance floor in a group comprised of about half the guys in the whole club.”

                Hyemin closed her eyes softly. “And…?” she asked softly.

                “Well, I pulled you out of there and you kept on talking…”

                She winced. “About what…?”

                “Your conversation with Junhyung…” I prayed my voice was still normal; inside I was trembling.

                “And?” she squeaked.

                I paused for a bit, wondering how to word it. Wondering if I should, if I could, say it at all. “And how much you liked him…more than a friend…”

                “It’s not true,” Hyemin denied instantly.

                I let out a small laugh. “Please. I’m not as stupid as I pretend to be…”

                “You…what happened…you took me…home?” she finally asked after a few moments of silence.

 “You were obviously drunk but kept wanting to order more so I finally dragged you out with the help of my friends. Got back in the car and took you home. You passed out right after you got on the bed. Got up a couple of times to throw up, thank God you didn’t do it anywhere else ‘cause I woulda murdered you.”

                Hyemin cringed. “Right…thanks…” she said, nodding slowly.

                “Well, breakfast is finished. Advil’s right there and you’re gonna wanna drink a lot of water…”

                She nodded as she poured some of the pills into her hand and downed them all. “And how do you know so well how to treat a hangover?”

                I shrugged and grinned. “I help my older friends a lot.”

                “Ahh…friends…” she murmured jokingly, beginning to eat. “It’s really good,” she complimented.

                I nodded. “Just one of my many charms.” God, this was killing me. Pretending to act normal, pretending this wasn’t killing me…

                “Mm of course. Normally I just have some—!” she exclaimed, suddenly leaping up. “My brother!” She was shaky but she still forced herself to the door.

                “Hey! Calm down! Wait!” I called, grabbing her wrist and stopping her retreat before she hurt herself any more. “I called him. Don’t worry.”

                She nodded, blinking slowly. She was swaying dangerous and I quickly ran towards her.

 “Whoaa there,” I said softly as she toppled over into my arms. I eyed her blissful smile and delicate features, her cheeks flushed pink. “Well, time to go home,” I whispered, lifting her up easily and taking her downstairs.


I pulled up to the familiar restaurant, a feeling of nostalgia washing over me. Then I glanced back down at Hyemin, still sleeping prettily. I leaned over to undo her seat belt, but was stopped as I neared her when she mumbled something. I stopped, staring at her, but she didn’t continue. I was about to undo her buckle when I happened to glance up, her full pink lips parted slightly as light breaths entered and left her, her skin looking incredibly soft and her deep black hair swept delicately across her forehead. I would never be able to look at her like this again…before I really knew what I was doing I leaned in, and let my lips press against hers. The moment was incredible, the kiss sweet and her lips sweeter. Forcing myself to pull back, I clicked her belt off and got out of the car, carrying her in.

“Whoa. What happened?” Youngmin asked, eyeing me as he lifted Hyemin out of my arms.

“She….she’s a little hung over,” I told him, unfazed. “But—it’s not her fault. I’d say she had a pretty good reason,” I added, with just a hint of bitterness.

Youngmin nodded solemnly, and Key and Yongguk stepped up behind him as he left, carrying Hyemin upstairs.

“Do you…wanna stay? Coffee? Or something to eat?” Key finally offered.

I checked my watch: 12:14. Final rehearsal for the Homecoming Dance was at noon today… “Sorry, I gotta go. Thanks though. I—I hope she’s alright,” I added, slightly awkwardly, before leaving back to my car.


“Well look who finally decided to grace us with his presence,” snapped a very sassy Junhyung. Fantastic. Just the guy I wanted to see…

                “No problem,” I greeted back pleasantly.

                “Get in your spot,” Junhyung growled, and I happily obliged.

                We ran through the dance up on stage a couple more times, checked costumes and lights and all, and around 1:30 we were free to go. “Don’t forget you need to be changed and back here at 7:45,” Junhyung called.

                Right. Well, I’d be arriving at school at 7:45. What was there for me at homecoming, anyways? Suddenly, my phone rang, and in the moment I questioned who I had named “” in my phone. I let out a little laugh as the memory came back and I clicked “ignore”…


                “Oppa, isn’t this one pretty!?” I walked over to where Krystal was admiring a watch.

                “Krystal, that- that’s a guy’s watch…” I pointed out.

                “I know,” she said, smiling shyly. “But remember that guy Henry from the club? I think it would suit him…”

                Suddenly, something in me just snapped. Why did I spend so much time doting on a girl that flirted with other guys right in front of me? I’ve spent hundreds of dollars on her, and wasted so much of my life on her. “You’re…a .” Sure, I could have worded that better but that was the predominant thought in my head and it just came out. She looked shocked, but I continued before she could say another word. “I’ve treated you nothing but…amazing, ever since we first met. But all you’ve done with me is toy around and use me for my money and status. You throw me away then pick me up just to mess me up some more. You’re shallow and jaded and spoiled and cruel and honestly, I’m done with it.” I was purging myself of the single greatest girl I’ve ever met, Hyemin, so no way could I put up with the single worst I’ve ever. “It’s over, Krystal. Whatever we were…whatever we have been, it’s over.”

                And ever since then she’s been calling me more than she ever did before. Funny how those things work out…


                “Kai!” I heard a voice call my name as soon as I stepped into the school, and saw CL rushing towards me, a tall blond guy in tow behind her.  “There you are!”

                “Who’s that?” I asked, gesturing to the guy behind her.

                “That’s my boyfriend,” she replied distractedly.

                “Oh, I didn’t know you had a boyfriend.”

                “He’s…older,” she said, ducking her head in embarrassment.

                “I’m not 30,” the guy said, rolling his eyes. Then he stepped forward and offered me his hand. “I’m Jiyong, call me GDragon.”

                “Oh, hi, I’m—“

                “Stop!” CL exclaimed. “Hurry up. You’re late,” she accused, dragging me over to the backstage area. “Now you better be good.”

                I let out a small chuckle at her menacing words before I heard another person shout my name. “He’s here!” Chunji called. “Kai came!”

                I ignored the daggers Junhyung was shooting me and instead talked with Chunji. “Hey, sorry, I was a bit…busy…”

                “It’s fine,” Chunji said, letting out a nervous laugh. “I was just worried you wouldn’t show up. They were gonna make me do the solo…” I heard the DJ begin to announce us and we were ushered to the stairs.

                “You woulda been fine,” I a reassured him.

                “Yeah, well, you’re gonna be better,” he said, giving me a grin before I walked onto stage. It was pitch black, and then the music started, loud and pounding, the light shining on me, almost blindingly so. My cue was coming up, and it was about to be another lifeless routine like I had practiced, but suddenly, I saw Hyemin. Out of the hundreds of kids here, I manage to see the one standing far away while a spotlight is hindering 98% of my sight.


                I stepped into the café for the first time, not knowing what to expect. When I got in a waitress jumped up, shot annoying glares at the other workers who were still sitting, and came up to me. Long, black hair, pretty smile. “Hi, welcome to Pristine Café. What would you like?”


                 “Teacher-ssi!” Hyemin called loudly, waving her arm at Junhyung and I. “We only have three people is that okay?!”      

                Junhyung strode over, me following. “Ah…and why is that?” he asked.

                Hyemin gave him a look. “Um…cause we have no friends…?”

                Junhyung frowned at her, but I could tell from the way they interacted and from at the café that they were close friends. “Alright, Kai, will you join this group?”

                I didn’t want to, but what choice did I have? “Yeah, I’ll do it.”


                 “So you wanna find out to be the and know what happened to me…then you’ll tell everyone the story, just to ‘clear the rumors,” I accused Hyemin coldly.

              I saw her pout slightly, but her answer surprised me. Normally girls would back down, be scared, but she held her ground. “If that’s what you want, then sure. And no, I don’t wanna find out just so I can brag to my friends that the quiet kid trusts me. That’s a douche move to gain someone’s trust with the sole intent of ruining that. And besides, I’m already the . I don’t needa do anything to get that title,” she said with a small smile.

                I closed my eyes and shook my head. “I can’t tell with you, Hyemin…I really just don’t…”

                Suddenly, she popped up to her feet and offered me her hand.“Let’s get the ending done before the others come. That way we just needa go through the whole thing a couple times and we’re done. Chunji and Ahran already got their ending down. We’re falling behind.”


                “That two faced you—“ Suddenly, I couldn’t handle Hyemin’s words anymore.

                “Don’t talk about Krystal like that,” I spoke lowly, gripping her face tightly in my hand. But before I knew it I felt her fist fly against my jaw, and I staggered backwards, surprised she had just hit me.

                “Fine, maybe I shouldn’t talk about your precious Krystal like that, but you damn well should,” she ranted with angry emotion.  “She treats you like crap and openly flirts with other guys right in front of you while you’re the one treating her well and taking her out and buying her things. If I, if anyone had a sweet boyfriend like that, one that looked at them with as much love as you look at that girl, they shouldn’t be looking at other guys like she does, and they damn well shouldn’t be treating you like she does.”

                Everything she said was…true. I shook my head, closing my eyes. “You don’t know…you…don’t understand,” I said softly.

                She rolled her eyes. “Damn right I don’t. I don’t understand you at all,”


                  “Cool! So it’s a date! We’ll pick you up tomorrow around 6:00. Where should we pick you up? Here?” Krystal said as L and Hyemin slowed down in front of Pristine Café. They looked shocked, but I was…pretty used to this by now.

                “Um...yeah…” Hyemin croaked, and as she made eye contact with me we both connected the first time we had met.

                “Great. See you then,” she winked at L as they headed in.

                After a few moments of walking in silence I turned to Krystal. “Why?” I asked softly. Why wasn’t I good enough for her?

                “Oh, calm down, Oppa. She’s not that bad,” she said, as if that fixed anything.


                 “You look nice,” I said softly. A look of confusion flitted across her face.

                “Oh!... Thaanks…you look good, too. I’ve never seen you in clothes other than the uniform and workout stuff.”

                “Correction; I’ve never seen you in clothes other than the uniform and workout stuff. Café Pristine’s included.”

                Hyemin smiled. “Ahh…right. I almost forgot about that,”


                “Weird that he switched us,” I said as we headed into the new dance room.

                “Yeahh…I know,” she mumbled.

                “You don’t think it has anything to do with the fact that you went out on a date with him on Saturday, do you?” The look on her face was priceless. She was utterly stunned. It made me laugh, smile. Being around her made me smile.


                   “Aish…put a shirt on!” Hyemin called at me.

                “Why? Making your uncomfortable?” I asked, smirking.

Hyemin leaned against the refrigerator. “Nahh,” she said, very obviously eyeing me up and down. “It’s just that no one really wants to see you …”



                “So how are you asking Krystal?”

                “I dunno…flowers?” I let out a heavy sigh, Hyemin sitting beside me.

                “Oh yeah. Roses. That’s got the wow factor Krystal demands. And I actually mean she demands it, not she deserves it.”

                I let out a dry laugh, shaking his head. “I really wish you wouldn’t insult her so openly in front of me. It makes it difficult.”

                “Difficult?”Hyemin repeated, looking a little guilty.

               “Everything you say…is true. And yet, I still like her. It’s annoying. It’s frustrating.”

 “I’m…I-I’m sorry. It’s not a sin to love someone…it’s not a bad thing. No matter who it is, you don’t have to fight it.”

                I nodded slowly. “She’s not the only one I’m trying to stop falling for…”


“Hyemin…you can’t ignore it…” I said softly, really not wanting to say it myself. “What if Junhyung…did…you know…have feelings for you?”

                Hyemin squeezed her eyes shut, then finally spoke. “Then…it makes sense,” That hurt. That really…I don’t know what I expected. Her to vehemently disagree, I guess, say she didn’t want that, but…I was too hopeful.



                The applause was deafening, which was understandable considering that I had just danced…probably the best I ever would. It wasn’t like my listless moves at practice, that was…that was real, inspired dancing.

                All of us performers filed off the stage, congratulating each other happily. They each greeted their own dates back on the dance floor, and after a few moments Hyemin reached me, slightly breathless.

                “Hey,” she greeted.

                I looked at her and smiled, well, I tried to anyways. “Hey.”

                 “You guys were awesome,” she told, admiration shining in her eyes.

                I smiled. It just…it hurt, hearing her compliment me. Being so close to me, when I couldn’t, we couldn’t ever… “Junhyung’s here…”

                Hyemin stiffened. “Oh…well, he is chaperoning…”

                I let out a mirthless laugh. “Please, Hyemin stop that. Stop denying that you like him, when he clearly likes you back. It’s adding insult to injury for the poor rejected second male lead over here…”

                I saw a flash of recognition pass through from that time in the dance practice room I had uttered that exact phrase. Finally, she responded. “You can’t be rejected if you never try.”

                I let out a scoff. “Oh believe me, there are more ways than just that to get rejected.”

                 “So…who are you here with?” she asked, sounding dry.

                 “I uh…broke it off with Krystal.”

                Hyemin’s eyes flew open. “You—you, you…what?”

                I nodded, looking away. “It finally clicked. After all those years of being her servant…I don’t know…I just…I realized that there are other girls out there…”

                Hyemin stiffened slightly.  “There are, Kai. You’ll find someone better than her, someone better than…than anyone you might like right now.”

                 “See? There’s one.”

                Hyemin cocked my head at me. “A—what?”

                 “There’s a way to get rejected without confessing. The indirect, pity rejection.”

                A delicate blush crept onto Hyemin’s face. “I—I wasn’t… That’s not it, Kai…”

                I gave her a smile. This conversation wouldn’t last forever. Soon, she’d be out of my life. “Its okay, Hyemin. Don’t feel bad. If anything, once I get over…whatever is going on in my heart right now…at least I got over Krystal. I got rid of my one biggest sin. You’re my savior.”

                Hyemin smiled. That breathtaking, heart breaking, beautiful smile. “I’d do more if I could…”

                 “But you don’t need to,” I told her, my heart pounding. “Just—one last thing for me, okay?” She nodded and I continued. “Don’t let me go through all this pain in vain. You better never be unhappy with him—ever. Okay?”

                 “There’s no him—“ She began.

                 “Please…promise me.” I said, cutting her off. She didn’t respond, and I knew she was biting her lip like she always did when she was thinking hard.  “Hey, quit biting your cheek and answer me, would ya, Princess!?” I told her with a smile, trying to make this conversation…normal again.

                She ran her tongue over her bottom lip. “Right…right. Okay, I promise,” She told me softly.

                I smiled. “Well, we better leave it at this. My will power’s not the best, you know…”

                She let out a laugh. “Bye, Kai-ssi.”

                 “Bye, Princess,” I said, winking at her before I turned walked into the crowd, heading for the exit.

                I left the gym, left the school into the biting fall night air. So many memories were being unearthed. Not only of Hyemin, but of Krystal, too. The many, many breakups I had gone through with her. And yet, even though she had coldly cheated on me or humiliated me, this, this, hurt more. Being rejected in such a kind way by such an amazing girl. It hurt. It really, ing hurt…

                I sighed, pulling myself off the wall. Self-pity would get me nowhere. Where to now, then? I asked myself. But the thing was, I didn’t know. 

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tozpembe #1
Chapter 20: Whoo~! I like upset and jealous Kai, he deserves it!
Honoka #2
Chapter 18: ASGHJKL I wish this will happen to me! >__<
Honoka #3
Chapter 16: ASDFGHJKL ooh! does kai have feelings for eunmi? :DD can't wait for the next update! :DD