"There Wasn't Any Reason For Me Not To"

Third Times the Charm... [Kai "He's My Teacher" Side Story]

merp. im a er for comments..XD i wasn't planning on uploading this so soon buuut~~ /shrugs.

ALSO. the next chapter is one of my favorite. i dont know why, but i just really like it XP



Thursday, September 26, 2013

                I gave my order to the barista, describing to her patiently what I wanted, which was more difficult than you’d think because she kept staring at me and not minding what I’d said. I sighed and repeated the order again.  She finally got it and I was about to pay before some bills were slapped down onto the counter. I glanced back at whoever had just tried to pay for me, surprised to see a girl I’d never met before.

                “I got it,” she smiled at me. But she still looked…sad. Underlying her happy grin was real pain. It did look pretty convincing, though, it’s just that I’ve gotten pretty good at noticing those things ‘cause I’ve faked it so many times myself. Then I got ahold of myself and realized the situation.

                Gently, I pushed her money aside. “Thanks, but I’m good,” I told her, detached, as I paid with my own money. I moved aside to where I began to wait for my drink, but she followed me, looking slightly hurt. 

                “Why…not?” she asked, cocking her head at me.

                “There was no reason for you to,” I responded easily. Seriously, who even was she?

                “There wasn’t any reason for me not to,” she responded easily.

                “I don’t know you. That’s a pretty good reason. Why waste your time on me?” I asked casually. “Thanks,” I mumbled evenly to the worker who brought me my coffee.

                “Well, yeah, I don’t. But I saw you dancing.”

                I almost dropped my coffee as I walked out of the shop. The words Sehun had said to me over the summer floated into my mind, "The next girl that sees you dancing without your knowing. That's her. The girl you'll fall in love with. Third times the charm, right?" Hurriedly, I shook it out of my head. That was stupid. I didn’t believe that. Nobody should believe something as stupid as that… “When?” I asked instead, trying to keep my voice even.

                “That time in the forest, thanks for taking my spot, by the way,” she said in a teasingly playful voice.

                “You’ll need to elaborate, I go there often.”

                She furrowed her eyebrows at my curt responses. “Well, it was that time you hung your hammock. You were dancing as you hung it…”

                Stupid. Why was I dancing? I probably looked like an idiot… “Ah. Well. I still fail to see why that’s your spot.”

                “Well…three summers ago I…uh…visited my…my brother here. He went to this college, and I stayed with him in his apartment. It was a lot of fun but while he was at class I got bored, I’d walk around and eventually I was wandering aimlessly and I went into the forest. And I found that little clearing. Ever since then, every time I could, I went there.  My family lives not too far from here, you know.”

                “Well, obviously not every time you could because I’ve been visiting there since school started.”

                “Well, I…wasn’t at school for most of the time…” she said, and it was obvious she was choosing her words very carefully.

                “Huh. Well, I have class. Goodbye,” I stated, walking into my building.

                I can’t really say she was on my mind, but at the same time, she popped into my thoughts every so often. Which was more than I can say for any other girl I’ve met. I guess I shouldn’t be ist, it’s more than I can say for any other person I’ve met…even the guys, I spent so much time with Suho and them, yet the only time I thought about them was when they contacted me first and set up all the details. Well, whatever…

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tozpembe #1
Chapter 20: Whoo~! I like upset and jealous Kai, he deserves it!
Honoka #2
Chapter 18: ASGHJKL I wish this will happen to me! >__<
Honoka #3
Chapter 16: ASDFGHJKL ooh! does kai have feelings for eunmi? :DD can't wait for the next update! :DD