"You at least Owe her This"

Third Times the Charm... [Kai "He's My Teacher" Side Story]


i was gonna make this a totally like....ONLY kai story. but...omfg....the plot just...went crazy and then this...and the next chapter.. gah..XDD



Wednesday, October 2, 2013

                “Kai? Kai!”

                I turned my head to see that girl again, calling my name, smiling brightly next to two others.

                “Who’s that?” Chanyeol asked, glancing at her. He looked shocked, and kept trying to get a better look at her.

                “No one,” I responded grouchily, grabbing his arm and pulling him in the opposite direction.

                “Oh come on, Kai.” I jumped when I heard her voice right next to me.

                “Who are you?” Chanyeol asked, and he couldn’t keep the burning curiosity out of his voice.

                “Oh, right sorry. Hi, I’m Eunmi,” she introduced happily, waving like they were good friends.

                “And…you know Kai?” Chanyeol inquired, doubt now filling his voice.

                “Sort of. I’ve seen him half and he’s seen me cry, so we’re on pretty good terms,” she reasoned, jokingly somber.

                Chanyeol’s mouth dropped open. “Don’t tell me he tried to—and you rejected him?”

                “What? No,” I replied, rolling my eyes. “Various different reasons. None of them related.”

                 “So…Eunmi. Aaare you two close?”

                Eunmi was silent before she answered again. “Eh…not really. He’s just Kai. And I’m just that girl he sort of knows.”

                Chanyeol’s eyes flitted between me and her. Eunmi? Right…Eunmi. “And Kai…you…she…”

                “She already said it, she’s just a girl I kinda know,” I responded coolly.

                She shrugged. “Told ya,” she said to Chanyeol. “What class did you guys come from?”

                “Calculus,” Chanyeol answered.

                “You guys are freshman?” she asked.

                Chanyeol nodded. “You?”

                “Same,” she responded.

                “What major?”

                “Business,” Chanyeol responded. I didn’t answer, mostly because I wanted her to go away. But I guess partly because— “He’s undecided,” Chanyeol answered for me, jabbing a thumb in my direction. “Fickle little guy….”

                Eunmi shrugged. “That’s okay. I am too. I have no idea what the hell to do with my life.”

                Chanyeol laughed lightly. “What class were you in?”

                “Painting,” Eunmi told him. “It’s stupid, I know. But I really like it. And I’m not too bad at it…”

                “No way, you’re into art?” Chanyeol asked. “Our friend is minoring in art! You know, Baekhyun,” Chanyeol reiterated excitedly to me. “He’s always complaining about how none of us know what he’s talking about or whatever. You should meet him! We can go now! He doesn’t have a class, right Kai? Right?”

                Chanyeol was getting excited…And excited Chanyeol wasn’t a good thing. The bad decisions and hyper attitude of a person whose high on crack is equivalent to Chanyeol when he’s simply in a good mood.  “Chanyeol…” I sighed.

                “Oh, lighten up, Kai. Come on! Let’s go!” Chanyeol grabbed one each of my and Eunmi’s arms and began tugging us in the direction of Baekhyun’s apartment.

                Eunmi laughed, tripping over her feet momentarily before righting and quickening her pace to match Chanyeol’s long legs.

                “Uh…if it’s not an intrusion,” she smiled.

                “Chanyeol…” I hissed again, warningly.

                Chanyeol met eyes with me, and a fierce emotion that I didn’t know the happy goofball possessed was burning in his deep brown eyes. “Let’s go,” he repeated, softer. I was dumbfounded with his strict tone, so I shut up and followed him. He and Eunmi were chattering happily as we headed to the apartment. God, just hook up with her already and maybe she’ll leave us alone, I groaned inwardly. It’s really a win-win situation.

                “Here we are!” Chanyeol suddenly announced. He knocked on the door, but no one came. Frowning, he pounded harder, and finally both a feminine voice and Baekhyun’s was heard groaning.

                “Jeez, okay, I’m coming, what?” he demanded, finally getting the door open on the last word. He was shirtless, and his hair was tussled. Behind him, I saw a girl on the couch. When he caught sight of Eunmi, looking positively helpless next to the towering Chanyeol, his face twisted in confusion. “Look, guys, I’m fine with any of your habits you three plan on acting on but if you’re gonna bring a girl to my place, especially when I’m home, you really need to let me—“

                “Oh shut up, Baek,” Chanyeol interrupted him. “We’re not here for something we could do at Kai’s, we’re here because we made a new friend for you.”

                Baekhyun furrowed his eyebrows, leaning against the doorframe. “You—made a new friend…for me?”

                Chanyeol nodded, pushing past Baekhyun. His fingers were intertwined with Eunmi’s as he pulled her into Baekhyun’s apartment. When I noticed their hands my mood worsened. It’s not like I cared if Chanyeol got a girl, and I wouldn’t mind if Eunmi had a boyfriend, but not….Chanyeol and her. She was mine. Well, not mine. Just like—she was…she wasn’t

                “Oh, well look who it is. The ’s back on campus, huh?” I was surprised at the cutting tone coming from the girl Baekhyun had been with. She had looked so pretty and innocent.

                Eunmi frowned, shuffling so she was nearly behind Chanyeol. They were still holding hands and now she was gripping his forearm with her other one, too.  “I’m not here to talk with you, Hyojung. Just leave me alone,” she muttered.

                The other girl scoffed. “Riight. Are you at least 18 now? So you can’t cry and cause a load more trouble than you’re worth?”


                Eunmi closed her eyes, letting go of Chanyeol’s hands. Slowly, her arms returned to her side.  She didn’t answer for a few moments, but finally she looked up at Chanyeol. “Thanks…for inviting me. And all…But I…I have other places to be. Maybe I’ll see you around,” she finished, smiling at Chanyeol. God, that was so fake. Like I hadn’t done that a million times.

                “Wait, Eunmi, hold on—“ Chanyeol called, reaching after her and grabbing her arm.

                “No. It’s okay,” she responded, her voice completely empty, dead. She slowly pried his fingers from her arm and left the apartment, the door closing with a soft click.

                “Kai, what the hell, go after her!” Chanyeol suddenly shouted.

                “What?” I sputtered. “If anything, tell Baekhyun’s new hoe to go apologize! She’s the one that was a to her!”

                Chanyeol sighed and closed his eyes. “Kai, you are such an idiot. If a girl is willing to keep talking to you, willing to greet you so happily when you’re obviously such an to her, you at least owe her this. Now go. Why do you even think I invited her over? She’s worth keeping around, and not just as some toy.”

                Chanyeol’s words froze me. Everything he said was true, but I still couldn’t bring myself to believe it. Or do anything. I was so…confused.

                I heard another heavy breath from Chanyeol. “Fine, Kai,” he started, softer, but this time full of angry emotion. “She needs someone, and if you’re not willing to swallow your goddamn pride for ten minutes…” he didn’t say another word, simply bumping my shoulder harshly as he exited the apartment in a hurry.

                “I…think you need to go…” Baekhyun directed at the girl a few minutes later.

                She shrugged as she stood up, straightening her clothes as she did. “Fine. Whatever. But I’m telling you…she’s not a girl you want to associate with. She may seem helpless and innocent, but there’s a story behind every pretty face.”



sooo recently ive gotten super obsessed with exo. i know i had kai in a couple stories before this but i recently just got like...OBSESSED with exo. i have to say i ADORE tao, kris, and chanyeol<3 and suho's a frikkin beautiful model... buut anyways like i said in the beginning...chanyeol was not supposed to play a part in this story with eunmi..but my happy virus biased heart and my fingers that type with a mind of their own had a different plan...T_T" lesigh. whatever. 

and also eunmi was supposed to have a semi-angsty backstory (you probably figured that out with the phone calls with her doctor and such) but i just made it sO much deeper and more involved...im a lost case DX merp.

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tozpembe #1
Chapter 20: Whoo~! I like upset and jealous Kai, he deserves it!
Honoka #2
Chapter 18: ASGHJKL I wish this will happen to me! >__<
Honoka #3
Chapter 16: ASDFGHJKL ooh! does kai have feelings for eunmi? :DD can't wait for the next update! :DD