
Third Times the Charm... [Kai "He's My Teacher" Side Story]

eheh...EHEHEHHE. i don't even know what day it is because GUESS WHAT?!!? WINTER BREAAKK BETCHESSS<3

anyways. short chappie. but i have longer ones already written^^


**PLEASE NOTE** i know it says I updated, but the most recent chapter was already updated. what happened was that i totally skipped over a chapter and just didn't upload it T_T" so it's chapter 14 "What're the Odds" that's new and you should read...mostly because chapter 18 is gonna reference stuff that happened in chapter 14...XD hehe...sorry guys...



Sunday, October 6, 2013

                God, was Eunmi the only thing these guys could talk about? Chanyeol and Baekhyun met her, what?, three days ago? DO even less, and yet they seemed to share about half a million inside jokes and know her whole life story.

                “I’m sorry when did you and Eunmi start going out?” I finally snapped, interrupting their story.

                Chanyeol cocked his head at me, but DO was the one who answered first. “Whaaat?! Relationship!? N-no way…” he stuttered, letting out a nervous laugh.

                “Yeah, don’t worry, Kai, she’s still fair game. Kyungie only gets the girl in his dreams,” Baekhyun told me, laughing as he got DO into a playful chokehold.

                “Ohh look at those eyes! Damn, Baekie, if I were you I’d be scared,” Sehun suddenly called, laughing. Blinking, I tried to tone down the apparent intensity with which I was glaring at Baekhyun.

                “Are you seriously interested in this chick?” Suho asked, one eyebrow raised. “Damn, she must be special. Got me curious.”

                “She’s not special, and I’m not interested in her,” I growled. “She’s just some regular girl. She’s kind of annoying, in fact.”

                “Annoying? Because she happens to be a happy person and doesn’t hate the world?” DO supplied.

                “What!? Are you implying that I hate the world?” I demanded.

                DO lifted his arms, avoiding eye contact. “I wasn’t implying anything…” he insisted.

                “Just back away slooowly and maybe he won’t attack,” Chanyeol advised, speaking slowly and staring at me intensely.

                I let out a laugh and threw a pillow at the oversized pixie. “Get outta here.”

                “Yeah…we really should. This dorm isn’t big enough…” Suho mumbled.

                “So coffee break?!” Sehun suddenly exclaimed.

                Everyone glanced at each other, and no one raised any protests, so we all got up, throwing on light jackets to ward off any Fall chill. We were standing in line inside of Starbucks when I felt someone tap my shoulder. Figuring it was one of the guys I turned around casually, surprised to instead see a familiar, dainty face with a cute smile.

                “Miss meee?” Eunmi asked, winking at me playfully.

                “Hardly…” I muttered under my breath. And here I thought things might be awkward between us. Of course not, she’s acting normal as ever, just as friendly as before…

                 “Fine. Good…because I came to see Chanyeol anyways,” she sniffed.

                “Oh glad to know I’m second best,” Chanyeol pouted dramatically.

                “Second best? You? Never,” Eunmi told him, breaking into a smile.

                “Wait, wait, wait, is this…?” Suho cut in, eyeing Eunmi.

                Chanyeol nodded. “Right. Eunmi, this is Suho, and Sehun. You know everyone else.”

                Eunmi nodded. “Mm. Hi, I’m Eunmi,” she greeted, lifting a hand.

                “Right. I definitely see why Kai is so obsessed with her now,” Sehun mumbled under his breath.

                “Kai? Wait…we must be thinking of different people ‘cause this guy hates me,” Eunmi laughed, jerking a thumb towards Kai.

                “I don’t hate you,” Kai mumbled half-heartedly.

                “Whatever,” Eunmi shrugged. “What are you guys doing here!?” she asked Chanyeol, changing the subject.

                “Getting something warm to drink. It’s getting cold…” he answered.

                Eunmi nodded. “Yeah, no kidding.”

                “Eunmi are you gonna stand there and flirt all day or come with us?” We all glanced up to two other girls standing near the door.

                “Excuse me? This coming from the girl who gives her number out as often as she smiles?” Eunmi called back sarcastically.

                “Aish, we’re leaving!” the first girl called back, crinkling her face at Eunmi.

                Eunmi laughed, then looked back at us. “Sorry, caffeine makes them cranky. I’ll see you later, Chanyeol! Byee~”With that she dashed out of the small store, her shoes clacking on the tiles.

                If I had been more attached to Eunmi, it would have bothered me she only said bye to Chanyeol. Considering she was freaking obsessed with me a week ago, and I met her first. It would have bothered me she didn’t even glance at me as she walked out. It would have bothered me that she spent all her time talking to Chanyeol and thought I thought things I didn’t.  I mean…If. 

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tozpembe #1
Chapter 20: Whoo~! I like upset and jealous Kai, he deserves it!
Honoka #2
Chapter 18: ASGHJKL I wish this will happen to me! >__<
Honoka #3
Chapter 16: ASDFGHJKL ooh! does kai have feelings for eunmi? :DD can't wait for the next update! :DD