"What If It's Just an Excuse?"

Third Times the Charm... [Kai "He's My Teacher" Side Story]

merp. im thankful for all of my subbies and commentors and readers<3



Saturday, September 28, 2013

                “Well somebody looks tense…” Chanyeol commented dryly as he walked by me; drink in hand and girl on arm.

                “Really? Who?” I responded, playing along.

                He rolled his eyes. “Let loose, will ya?”

                I shrugged. “I feel fine,” I told him, setting my mostly-finished drink down and walking onto the dance floor.

                It was a pretty good night, a lot of people and most of the girls pretty nice to look at. One girl in particular made eye contact with me, running her tongue over her bottom lip as she continued to dance provocatively. After a few more moments of eye-ing she spun around, swaying her hips as she walked into a secluded hallway near the private rooms. Smirking to myself, I followed her. Girls make it too easy. I didn’t know if that was a good thing or a bad thing, so I ignored that question and finally caught up to her.

                “Hey hey hey, where you going? The party’s back there,” I whispered, leaning in.

                “The party’s right here,” she responded, reaching up and pulling me into a provocative kiss. She ran her tongue across my bottom lip and I gladly responded, letting her slip her tongue in. “I’m Jimin, by the way,” she whispered against my lips.

“Kai,” I responded, slightly breathless as her hands roamed my body.

“Well, Kai, you wanna get a room?” she breathed into my ear, proceeding to bite it gently.

“Of course,” Hyemin said, offering me her hands as she helped pull me up. “Kai you wanna get a room?”

What? Where did that come from? I could hardly even remember the situation surrounding those words, but I heard her speaking so clearly. I shook my head, trying fervently to clear my thoughts.

Instead of answering her, what was her name? Jiah?, I reached behind her and opened the door knob of the room she was leaning against, and pushed her in onto the couch.

                She laughed lowly against my neck, her hand undoing my tie and the buttons on my shirt sneakily. “Getting excited are we?” she teased.    

                “Only for you babe,” I responded, ping her dress.

                She laughed, playing her hands in my hair. “Can’t wait,” she whispered in my ear.

                “Shh,” I said, setting one of my fingers against her plump lips. “Let me do everything,” I whispered, trailing kisses along her neck.

                She was talking about Junhyung. She couldn’t stop it…I cut her words off by resting my index finger on her lips. “You’re rambling,” I told her with a small smile.

                Where was this coming from!? I didn’t even know I remembered these things… “Mm just how I like it,” the girl, Hyeji? What was her name!?, vocalized seductively.

                “Stop…Hyemin…” I was getting a pounding headache, was it the alcohol? Normally it didn’t affect me like this…

                “Excuse me?” the girl suddenly snapped. “What did you call me?”

                “I—Hye—Ji-Ji-Jihye…?” This never happened. This…this was something I was good at…

                The girl gave me a disgusted look, zipping up her dress to the best of her abilities. “God, you’re disgusting,” she hissed, stepping out of the room. I sighed, digging my palms into my eyes. I thought I heard a conversation outside but didn’t think anything of it until a worker stepped into the room. I looked up, slightly embarrassed but mostly not caring.

                “Oh! Sorry, I thought—that woman said—I’m- I’m sorry,” the worker apologized, bowing. She looked flustered at her mistake, but not really embarrassed by walking in on me in the half-undressed state I was in. “I just came to tidy the room, but if you’re still—“

                “Carry on. I hope you don’t mind if I stay though,” I responded, waving my hand carelessly.

                The worker nodded, and proceeded to tidy the things we had knocked over or messed up. When she got nearer to me, she paused. “Hey, you’re the dancing guy with the hammock!”

                Here, I looked up, and lo and behold, it was the girl from the coffee shop. I nodded once, too tired to really look up at her. “Yeah…yeah, I guess that’s me…”

                She nodded and continued with her work in silence for a few more minutes. Then she spoke again. “Well, this might make you feel better…I dunno…but it’s a good thing you didn’t …actually…with her. You know, like, ,” she finally said bluntly. I looked up, slightly amused at her words. She didn’t look fazed. “’Cause that girl, I work here, and she sleeps with a new guy almost every night she comes here, and she spends half her life here. I’m pretty sure she has like, chlamydia by now…”

                A chuckle escaped, and it surprised even me. It’s been awhile since I’ve laughed without previously commanding myself to. “Well, then I guess I got lucky.”

                The girl nodded. “Maybe. Probably. Most people prefer not to have STDs. But you never know.”

                I looked up at her, an almost-smile on my face. “Most people? Who do you know?”

                She sighed, stopping with her hand on her hip for a moment. Finally, she shrugged and answered the question seriously. “Well, I don’t know. But like…They probably have a reason. Whoever out there…does want an STD. So I…I can’t judge them until I really know that reason well.”

                “So whattabout me? Right here, drunk and hooking up with girls if they’ll let me?” I asked bluntly.

                She looked up at me, boldly meeting my eyes, hers not judging, not biased, just soaking in her surroundings. She went back to cleaning, talking as she did. “I’m a pretty good judge of character, and you seem alright. So I’m guessing you have a reason for doing what you do. And I’ll bet it’s a pretty good reason.”

                “What if it’s just an excuse?”

                “Well, every case is different, so unless you’d like to spill your whole life story with the bartender then I think I’ll just repeat what I said about the STDs.”

                “Aren’t you…a little young to be a bartender?” I asked, finally realizing. She was pretty, had a mature body and held herself well, but she had a baby face.

                She blushed slightly. “Shh,” she whispered, laughing a bit. “Like I can’t tell you faked your ID to get in, either.”

                I raised an eyebrow. “What? I’m 22, born June 1st, 1991,” I responded with a cheeky smile. I was surprised she knew I was young, most people thought I was much older, fake ID or not. “I just can’t believe your boss let you in.”

                “Well, he’s a guy, so I just wore a low cut shirt that day and he probably wouldn’t have noticed if I said I was 12,” she mused. “Oh. I mean, not that I’m a or anything. I just really needed this job,” she explained. Then she let out a bitter laugh. “Well, if you believe that.”

                “I’m a pretty good judge of character, and you seem alright. So I guess I will,” I told her.

                She looked up at me, a smile on her face. “Thanks,” she said, and it was almost a whisper. Then she straightened. “I should go now…but…if you don’t mind me asking, what school do you go to? And what’s your real grade?”

                “ESU,” I told her. “Senior.”

                “Oh really? No way, I’m at ESU, too, but I skipped a few grades, I’m a 12 year old freshman,” she said with a smile that was nothing but pleasant, calling me out on my lie. “See ya around, Kai.”

                I vaguely wondered how she knew my name, but I pushed down any curiosity as I left the room and headed back into the crowded club.

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tozpembe #1
Chapter 20: Whoo~! I like upset and jealous Kai, he deserves it!
Honoka #2
Chapter 18: ASGHJKL I wish this will happen to me! >__<
Honoka #3
Chapter 16: ASDFGHJKL ooh! does kai have feelings for eunmi? :DD can't wait for the next update! :DD