"What're the Odds"

Third Times the Charm... [Kai "He's My Teacher" Side Story]


well i'm really stupid and forgot to post this chapter..T_T" totally just skipped over it.../lesigh

sooo to make up for it....ISNT THAT A SUPER Y KAI PIC!?!? brb dying...



Sunday, September 29, 2013



                Eunmi considered ignoring the call, not wanting to deal with the tedious conversation that would undoubtedly follow. With a resigned sigh, she realized she would only be postponing it, and answered the call.

                “Eunmi, hello.”

                Dr. Baek’s voice was unmistakable even distorted over the telephone. “Hi,” she replied dully.

                “So, how are you? How have you been doing?”

                “How much are my parents paying you for all this special attention?” Eunmi snapped suddenly. “You know I have nothing to do with them, so just take the money and make up some lie that will make them happy. It’s not like you’re not used to that.”

                “Eunmi…” Dr. Baek said, his voice warning.

                Eunmi rolled her eyes and let out a breath. “I’m not mental, Dr. Baek. Isn’t everyone allowed to break down sometime? I think I’ve been through enough…”

                “I don’t think you’re crazy, Eunmi…”

                “Ooh yeah, only clinically depressed, slightly bipolar and severely suicidal,” she returned bitterly. “Well I’m fine, okay? I feel great. School’s going well and I’m all caught up with the work. My life is going great. Perfectly, in fact. There’s no way I’d ever want to leave or change anything about it.”

                Dr. Baek let out a long sigh. “Eunmi…”

                “Is there anything you need to talk to me about?” she asked, cutting him off.

                “How’s Minwoo?”

                “He’s good, senior year—“  she cut off abruptly, realizing the trap.

                “Eunmi,” Dr. Baek’s tone was grave. “Minwoo is—“

                Eunmi in a sharp breath. How careless, what a dead giveaway, such an obvious reason to bring her back there. Well, she wasn’t going back. “I- I know,” Eunmi replied. “Minwoo…Minwoo is dead. He’s been dead and he’s not coming back. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a class soon.”

                “Eunmi, its Sunday, I highly doubt…”

                “Think of it as an extracurricular,” Eunmi shot back. “I’m not going back,” she told him sternly. “Goodbye, Dr. Baek.”

                Eunmi dropped her phone on the bed, cringing away from it as the tears spilled. It’s been a year…so why was she still so sensitive? Why didn’t she understand? Why was she still so…weak? What a hateful word…weak. Well, that wasn’t Eunmi, she wouldn’t let herself turn into that. With new found energy, she picked herself up from bed and left her apartment.



                Well, what else would I be doing if not heading over to the forest? Hanging out with friends? Hooking up with girls? Not after last time…

                I turned my music up louder, pulling my headphones over my ears and my feet carried me along the familiar path, my mind not even needing to think about it. I nearly walked right in, used to my clearing being empty, but today I jumped back last minute. “Y-you,” I mumbled, shocked, when her face twisted back to look at me.

                She seemed just as surprised as I was to be walked in on, and she blinked quickly, wiping away her tears. “Oh…Kai…” she responded weakly. “Wow…I guess we really did…this place…” she trailed off, vaguely gesturing to the forest with her hand. “What’re the odds, huh?” she asked, a broken smile taking over her face.

                I was too shocked to say anything. First to actually see her here, second to her appearance; messy hair, smudged mascara, the delicately beautiful hand that flew up to cover as more tears slid out.

                “I’m sorry,” she suddenly burst out, standing up. Her stance wasn’t exactly stable as she picked her way along the uneven Earth. “I’ll go. I didn’t mean to intrude,” she hurried, stumbling out of my sight quickly.

                I guess I should have followed her, helped her, or something. But I was too…stunned. Too surprised, still slowly taking in the sight I saw, to do anything other than stand rooted to my spot. Once all traces of her appearance were gone, I headed over to my hammock. Well…obviously not all traces, I realized as I bent down to examine the glimmering trinket on the ground. It was a golden ring, slightly worn in places from what looked like continuous touches. I wondered passively if it was hers, and curiously held it up to the light. It looked awfully small to be hers, it looked more like a child’s. With curiosity I slid it onto my pinky, and, surprisingly, it fit snugly. I tucked it into my back pocket and pushed all unwanted thoughts out as I headed to the hammock.

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tozpembe #1
Chapter 20: Whoo~! I like upset and jealous Kai, he deserves it!
Honoka #2
Chapter 18: ASGHJKL I wish this will happen to me! >__<
Honoka #3
Chapter 16: ASDFGHJKL ooh! does kai have feelings for eunmi? :DD can't wait for the next update! :DD