"For Once"

Third Times the Charm... [Kai "He's My Teacher" Side Story]


Saturday, September 21, 2013

                I had gone into the forest pretty much every day for the last couple weeks. It was a quiet place for me to relax and study, and it was just so…serene. So beautiful. It calmed me down, no matter what. But recently, I decided I needed a place to sit…

I grabbed the hammock, hefting it onto my shoulder. It wasn’t that heavy, but it would be uncomfortable to carry for the long walk. So I plugged my Dr. Dre’s into my phone and some music, beginning the familiar walk outside of campus, along the river, and finally a good ways into the forest. In that clearing where the sunlight always seemed to hit. I finally lifted my headphones off my ears and rested them on my shoulders, turning the volume up much louder so I could still hear the music. Then I set to work, pulling the hammock off my now-achy shoulders and finding acceptable branches to tie the ropes to. Halfway through, the song I danced to at Homecoming came on, bringing back a whole flood of memories. Swallowing deeply, I went to the next song, a catchy, up-beat one. Feeling like I needed to break the somber mood I instantly began to dance, letting my body flow to the beat of the song. I had just tied the last part to a tree, when I stumbled over a tree root. I landed hard on my , and a smile escaped onto my lips. Shaking my head, I pulled myself up, settling down onto the hammock, proud with my work. Then I pulled my headphones back over my head. Sighing in contentment, I let my eyes close.



She was crying again. She knew it was stupid, and she hated how people looked at her, how they pitied her. So she went where she always did; the forest. The one place that could make her feel good. It was there before…it was there before it happened, and it was there while she was at home recuperating, and now, it was still here for her. She had been gone for two weeks, and hadn’t visited it at all during the summer, but even so, the path was familiar to her as she climbed her way through the rugged terrain.

                She exhaled a deep breath as she got nearer, and that’s when she heard the faint music. Slowing her pace, she saw a boy, with a partially hung hammock, headphones draped over his neck, and he was…dancing? Well…that’s weird. She shook her head, disbelieving her one sanctuary had been found by someone else. He wouldn’t turn around, so she didn’t get a good look at his face, but his dancing was incredible. In a way, it soothed her more than she would be usually just sitting in the forest and thinking or reading.

                The boy was finally done hanging his hammock, still dancing, but this time his moves weren’t so graceful, and he tripped, finally giving her a good look at his face. She inhaled a sharp breath, but he stood up, laughing, and she was relaxed. She noticed how good looking, how peaceful and happy he looked as he climbed onto his hammock and lay down. He turned the volume of the music down and pulled his headphones over his hears, closing his eyes. She stayed for a few more moments, just carefully admiring him, until, This is creepy… she suddenly realized, and she tore her sights off that mysterious dancing boy. Shaking her head, she retreated from the forest. Even though she hadn’t been able to spend any time in her beloved spot, she still felt…relaxed…refreshed. She let out a deep sigh, quietly trying to shush that voice in her head that whispered I hope I see him again…



                I had a dream about Hyemin. For once, though, it wasn’t…bad. I didn’t wake up in a cold sweat, heart hurting so damn bad, and missing her like . I woke up…feeling…oddly peaceful. I don’t even remember what it was about. In fact, I’m not positive it was Hyemin. I just distinctly remember a girl standing above me, laughing with me, and the overwhelming feeling of happiness. And I can’t think of another girl that would make me feel like that…definitely not Krystal or any of the other girls I’ve slept with…

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tozpembe #1
Chapter 20: Whoo~! I like upset and jealous Kai, he deserves it!
Honoka #2
Chapter 18: ASGHJKL I wish this will happen to me! >__<
Honoka #3
Chapter 16: ASDFGHJKL ooh! does kai have feelings for eunmi? :DD can't wait for the next update! :DD