Infinitely Yours
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What happened next was blurry in both of their eyes. Sandara fell to her knees immediately, pressing her tiny hand to , preventing herself from screaming. Seungho managed to stay still, but every little drop of blood within him stopped flowing.

He kept telling himself that he had to misheard the nurse. That she most probably said something else. Because this just couldn’t be true…

The nurse was just about to go away, when she felt a tight grip on her wrist. Turning around, she saw Seungho with tears in his eyes.

„J-Just a second… H-How long is the s-surgery going to t-take?“ He asked, surprising himself that he’s been even able to talk.

„I’m sorry.. That’s something I really don’t know.“ She replied, showing her concern by flashing Seungho one sad smile.

Once she left, Seungho managed to help Dara stand up, even when she was struggling. Leading her to small seats along the wall, he sat her down, sitting beside her, watching her with pity.

Sure, it was hard for him and those three idiots in the dorm, but he couldn’t even imagine how hard it was for her… his sister. Not even 10 minutes go, she didn’t know anything and now, Seungho knew he’ll have to tell her what happened, for real.

Once Sandara seemed to be out of tears, she turned to Seungho, who also was trying his best to hold everything in.

„Wh-What is all this about?“ She asked, wiping her face. „What happened to my baby brother?“

„I.. I don’t know that myself… The day after debut, he came back to the dorm with Mir, who was crying behind his back… In the end, he told us he’s been diagnosed with cancer…“ Seungho explained, sobbing quietly. „Lung cancer, to be specific…“

As he continued telling her everything about what happened since then, he could only see her eyes producing new tears… he could only see her bitting her lower lip in order to stay strong…

„How… H-how could he j-just keep that to himself? Why d-didn’t he tell m-me?“ Sandara asked, trying to calm herself down.

„I think he… didn’t want you to ditch your vacation because of him…“ Seungho sighed.

In fact, it was true, Thunder was always thinking that he’s a burden to everyone. When anyone got hurt he would blame himself… When anybody got sick just with simple cold, he would blame himself… He even blamed himself for being born… And Seungho knew that pretty well…

Sandara on the other hand had no clue about this, even when she should have. She loved her brother too much and he knew it, therefore, he never showed his darker side to her. Like this Sandara kept on thinking that world has never seen such perfection as her brother was.

But everyone has a flaw… right?

Right then, three doctors popped out of the door, having their faces covered in sweat. Seungho with Sandara jumped up to their feet, waiting for the doctors to approach them. N

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I have to postpone the update to Sunday/Monday >.< I'm sorry Q.Q


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DeathDarkSoul #1
Chapter 15: WHHAAA!!!! TTOTT MY HEART REALLY HURTS!!! I thought that thunder lived...but it was just Seungho's imaginations WHHAAA!!!! T-T *sniff* a really touching story...
KiwiPrincess #2
Chapter 15: oh, i'm crying so hard, my baby Thunder.. T__T
but still this story is awesome, i love it eventhough my heart break after reading this but its AWESOME..
Chapter 15: My heart literally break apart after reading this and i cant stop crying .... omg this is an awesome fic i swear A-W-E-S-O-M-E! Though it's finished quite long ago but i must tell you this fic really made me happy and sad at the same time.. good job! ^^
Chapter 15: Well done! This was such a touching story!
Chapter 15: i finally discovered a fanfic with Seungho!!! *throws big hearts* but, how did you know i was going to read this? o.o I was shocked when i saw my username on the forward. are you...omg...omo...no...telepathic?
lol jk
I freaking love love this story!
this is the first story that made me cry. o.o O.O O____O if you write such a good story, you needs to provide tissues. >:( lol jk
Chapter 15: Omg i cried like, every cryable chapter :( and it sounded like U-Kiss' 0330 too :) the story is unbelievably good!!! I cant stop praising it!! I love it!
Hotpinknails #7
Chapter 15: Crying right now! Argh! Such a wonderful love story. Thank you for this! :) Eventhough the ending for doongie is tragic, i know seungho will forever live him!
naznew #8
Chapter 15: wow..i crying non-stop..great angst story..
Dharyism #9
Chapter 15: Why is it that I always cry during things like this? Always!