Infinitely Yours
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„Doctor Shin, please come to the reception. Thank you.“

A monotone woman voice echoed through the hospital building, where currently four out of five MBLAQ members were shaking in fear and worry. Thunder has been in the emergency room for pretty long time already, what slowly kept on killing each of them with anxiety.

„What’s taking them so damn long!?“ Seungho exploded, voicing the question everyone had in their heads. Standing up, he immediately felt G.O’s grip on his wrist.

 „We can’t do anything.“ G.O said quietly, letting out a rather hearable sigh. Seungho groaned, listening to his younger friend and sat down obediently. Mir on the other hand was going crazy. Walking from one corner of the hall to the other, he kept on mumbling something, what made him look like he belonged to some sort of mental hospital. He couldn’t understand them. How could they just sit there like that? How couldn’t they have the urge to storm into that freaking emergency room to find out what going on there for so long? Did they like Thunder only this much..?

 ‚How nice of them…‘ Mir thought bitterly, suspiciously scanning every one of his hyungs.

„Cheolyong-ah.“ Joon sighed for like tenth time that day. „Sit down for crying out loud.“ He said, his voice shaking. But all he got from the maknae was another death glare, as if sitting down was the biggest sin ever. As there was still nothing coming from the room Thunder’s been in for nearly two hour, Mir drowned in his scary thoughts again…

After another twenty minutes a nurse popped out of the emergency room, immediately catching attention of the members. Along with Mir, Seungho was the fastest to approach her.

„What’s with him?“ Mir asked right away, almost scaring the nurse away.

„I- I can’t tell you anything now, sir. You need to wait for the doctor.“ She said and walked away, leaving the two speechless.

„Wait, huh? I bet it’s really bad. That’s why they don’t want to tell us anything!“ Mir screamed, already not caring about the stares people around gave him.

„Yah, Cheolyong-ah.“ Seungho tried to get hold of the maknae, who really seemed like he went finally crazy. „Calm down.“ He pulled Mir to tight embrace, when he fell on his knees, breaking down.

„I can’t calm down!“ Mir cried to Seungho’s chest, hitting him. Seungho just sighed, letting the maknae beat his chest as much as he wanted to. Joon with G.O helplessly watched the scene in front of their eyes with sorrow literally leaking from their faces.

„Lee Changsun-sshi?“

They all turned their heads in the direction which the voice came from, spotting tall, young male, dressed all in white – apparently a doctor.

„Yes, that’s me.“ Joon got up from his seat and went to the doctor.

„You called us before, am I right?“

„Yes.“ Joon nodded.

„Can you come with me for a second?“ The doctor asked, apparently wanting to talk with Joon alone.


The three who were left alone, just watched their backs disappearing behind a door.

„I have two things to tell you.“ The doctor said, once they were left alone i

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I have to postpone the update to Sunday/Monday >.< I'm sorry Q.Q


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DeathDarkSoul #1
Chapter 15: WHHAAA!!!! TTOTT MY HEART REALLY HURTS!!! I thought that thunder lived...but it was just Seungho's imaginations WHHAAA!!!! T-T *sniff* a really touching story...
KiwiPrincess #2
Chapter 15: oh, i'm crying so hard, my baby Thunder.. T__T
but still this story is awesome, i love it eventhough my heart break after reading this but its AWESOME..
Chapter 15: My heart literally break apart after reading this and i cant stop crying .... omg this is an awesome fic i swear A-W-E-S-O-M-E! Though it's finished quite long ago but i must tell you this fic really made me happy and sad at the same time.. good job! ^^
Chapter 15: Well done! This was such a touching story!
Chapter 15: i finally discovered a fanfic with Seungho!!! *throws big hearts* but, how did you know i was going to read this? o.o I was shocked when i saw my username on the forward. are
lol jk
I freaking love love this story!
this is the first story that made me cry. o.o O.O O____O if you write such a good story, you needs to provide tissues. >:( lol jk
Chapter 15: Omg i cried like, every cryable chapter :( and it sounded like U-Kiss' 0330 too :) the story is unbelievably good!!! I cant stop praising it!! I love it!
Hotpinknails #7
Chapter 15: Crying right now! Argh! Such a wonderful love story. Thank you for this! :) Eventhough the ending for doongie is tragic, i know seungho will forever live him!
naznew #8
Chapter 15: wow..i crying non-stop..great angst story..
Dharyism #9
Chapter 15: Why is it that I always cry during things like this? Always!