Infinitely Yours
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„Great…“ Seungho muttered, after finally snapping out of the shock. The fact that Sandara was coming was indeed not good. The best option for them was to go back to the hospital and ask Sanghyun what to do, but on the other hand, they didn’t want to stress him more than he already was…

„What are we going to do?“ Mir asked, nervously bitting his nails.

„We’re not going to tell her of course.“ Seungho stated. „Thunder has to tell her himself.“ He sighed and started the car.

The way to the dorm was silent. Joon with G.O, who were sitting at the back of the car, both blankly staring out of the window, watching the world pass by. You couldn’t tell what was going on inside their heads… They didn’t know it themselves…

Mir, who was sitting next to Seungho in the front was crying. He didn’t even try to hide it anymore, since it was useless no matter how much he tried. Seungho however was too engrossed in his own thoughts to notice maknae’s sobbing, but mindful enough to focus on driving.

Sandara was coming tomorrow… And they had to lie to her… Lie to her in order to help Thunder, even when it was just a little bit… And then there was this thing… Did Thunder hear him before? Did he wake him up by voicing his heart? Because if he did and Thunder heard everything he said, he might be pretty screwed now, since aside from Thunder’s current problems – which were already too much, not to mention that Mir had also a thing for him and he knew about it – throwing another problem to deal with on his shoulders would be too cruel…

Just the image of Thunder lying helplessly on his bed and crying stabbed Seungho’s heart immediately, making it freeze. Sighing, he forced that picture out of his head, before it could send goosebumps to his body and rather focused on driving…

The rest of the afternoon was like a nightmare to the remaining members. They kept wandering around like empty shells without souls, trying to forget about their current situation at least for a while. Yet everything was useless. Whether they tried to make some lame jokes, eat or sleep, nothing worked and all they could do was just sit and think. Nothing more, nothing less.

Seungho locked himself up in his room, refusing to come out. Not that any of the members actually tried to get him out. The three were all just spread on the sofa drowned in their own depressions, not really paying attention to TV, which was playing some stupid reality show.

Suddenly, the door-bell rang, apparently catching only G.O’s attention.

Therefore, he got up and lazily went to the door, not really in mood to talk to anyone. Opening the door, however, his eyes widened as heat covered his body, after he spotted a person of small height, cute face, which was way too similar to Thunder’s…

„Hi~~“ Sandara greeted with a grin spread across her face.

‚How happy she looks…‘ G.O thought bitterly, still remembering the reality she’ll have to face later. He was 100% sure that he won’t see this expression on her face ever again, because even when he kept denying it, G.O couldn’t help himself and think that Thunder’s chances are less than l

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I have to postpone the update to Sunday/Monday >.< I'm sorry Q.Q


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DeathDarkSoul #1
Chapter 15: WHHAAA!!!! TTOTT MY HEART REALLY HURTS!!! I thought that thunder lived...but it was just Seungho's imaginations WHHAAA!!!! T-T *sniff* a really touching story...
KiwiPrincess #2
Chapter 15: oh, i'm crying so hard, my baby Thunder.. T__T
but still this story is awesome, i love it eventhough my heart break after reading this but its AWESOME..
Chapter 15: My heart literally break apart after reading this and i cant stop crying .... omg this is an awesome fic i swear A-W-E-S-O-M-E! Though it's finished quite long ago but i must tell you this fic really made me happy and sad at the same time.. good job! ^^
Chapter 15: Well done! This was such a touching story!
Chapter 15: i finally discovered a fanfic with Seungho!!! *throws big hearts* but, how did you know i was going to read this? o.o I was shocked when i saw my username on the forward. are
lol jk
I freaking love love this story!
this is the first story that made me cry. o.o O.O O____O if you write such a good story, you needs to provide tissues. >:( lol jk
Chapter 15: Omg i cried like, every cryable chapter :( and it sounded like U-Kiss' 0330 too :) the story is unbelievably good!!! I cant stop praising it!! I love it!
Hotpinknails #7
Chapter 15: Crying right now! Argh! Such a wonderful love story. Thank you for this! :) Eventhough the ending for doongie is tragic, i know seungho will forever live him!
naznew #8
Chapter 15: wow..i crying non-stop..great angst story..
Dharyism #9
Chapter 15: Why is it that I always cry during things like this? Always!