Infinitely Yours
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„He loves you.“

Those words were ringing in Thunder’s head like a school bell, he always hated. It was like thousands needles were stabbing his heart again and again. Friend he treasured the most loved him. Him.

Right there on spot, while watching his leader concentrating on the road ahead of them, Thunder wanted to say ‚But I love YOU‘ to him, but he knew if he said it, it would just worsen the situation.

Still the fact that Mir loved him, his best friend, was creeping the hell out of the visual. Nothing was going to be like it was before. He couldn’t just act like nothing happened. Like they’re still friends…

Not really realizing it, Thunder let out a rather hearable sigh, catching leader’s attention.

„Sorry if I… I just thought it’ll be better if you knew.“ Seungho sighed too. „You know him. He’d never tell you the truth. He’d rather suffer alone.“

„It’s fine, hyung… It’s just that, out of all things you could say, I didn’t expect this one the most.“ Thunder said, still processing it all. He felt his heart beating hundred times faster somewhere in his throat. How was he supposed to deal with it? He never thought he’ll be a part of some love triangle. Sure, he was the same like Mir – he never intended on confessing his feelings to Seungho, but he had his reasons. Like he’ll die soon anyway, so why make the leader hurt more?

Thunder never told them, but after the first discussion he had with the doctor alone, he was told something indeed unpleasant. But also that they’ll try new medication on him. Assuming from doctor’s words, Thunder was sure that he’ll have 51% chance on surviving this. But still, the battle just started and being the major pessimist in the group, he didn’t give himself that many hopes.

„Are you okay? You’re pale. Do you want me to stop the car?“ Seungho asked, noticing Thunder squeezing his jacket pretty hard.

„I’m fine.“ Thunder hissed.

Even when Seungho knew it wasn’t true, he didn’t ask more. He didn’t want to hurt him more. Even now, the leader already wanted to kill himself for telling about Mir to him, even when he already had too many problems to deal with.

He somehow felt different about their visual. When G.O, Joon or Mir did anything wrong, he’d just scold them and let them be. Thunder rarely did something wrong, but when he did, Seungho just shrugged it off. He couldn’t say even a word of reproach to him, knowing that he’d blame every bad thing on himself and lock himself in his and Joon’s room for a day.

But it was

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I have to postpone the update to Sunday/Monday >.< I'm sorry Q.Q


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DeathDarkSoul #1
Chapter 15: WHHAAA!!!! TTOTT MY HEART REALLY HURTS!!! I thought that thunder lived...but it was just Seungho's imaginations WHHAAA!!!! T-T *sniff* a really touching story...
KiwiPrincess #2
Chapter 15: oh, i'm crying so hard, my baby Thunder.. T__T
but still this story is awesome, i love it eventhough my heart break after reading this but its AWESOME..
Chapter 15: My heart literally break apart after reading this and i cant stop crying .... omg this is an awesome fic i swear A-W-E-S-O-M-E! Though it's finished quite long ago but i must tell you this fic really made me happy and sad at the same time.. good job! ^^
Chapter 15: Well done! This was such a touching story!
Chapter 15: i finally discovered a fanfic with Seungho!!! *throws big hearts* but, how did you know i was going to read this? o.o I was shocked when i saw my username on the forward. are you...omg...omo...no...telepathic?
lol jk
I freaking love love this story!
this is the first story that made me cry. o.o O.O O____O if you write such a good story, you needs to provide tissues. >:( lol jk
Chapter 15: Omg i cried like, every cryable chapter :( and it sounded like U-Kiss' 0330 too :) the story is unbelievably good!!! I cant stop praising it!! I love it!
Hotpinknails #7
Chapter 15: Crying right now! Argh! Such a wonderful love story. Thank you for this! :) Eventhough the ending for doongie is tragic, i know seungho will forever live him!
naznew #8
Chapter 15: wow..i crying non-stop..great angst story..
Dharyism #9
Chapter 15: Why is it that I always cry during things like this? Always!