Infinitely Yours
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Seungho was slowly regaining his consciousness, just to hear that annoying sound which he couldn‘t remember was connected with. But as his mind was getting rid of the fog which blurred everything, he recalled everything that happened one by one. He simply put two and two together.

The accident.

… Or was it a suicide attempt?

The pain from the impact.

And the reason..?

Thunder’s condition… Was it?

MBLAQ’s leader’s eyes shot open. However what he saw once his eyes got used to the light that filled the room he was in, he almost forgot to breathe.

There he was, with that contagious beautiful smile of his, not so pale and skinny anymore, as if stars were about to jump from his already sparkling eyes as he smiled, Park Sanghyun.

Left dumbstruck to say anything, Seungho just stared at the angel in front of him. For a split of a second he wondered if he really died or not, because this was too beautiful to be real.

However, Thunder also didn’t say anything, he just kept on smiling while staring in the eyes of the man he loved more than his life and with whom he was determined to spend the rest of the life.

There they were, just staring at each other, unable to talk...

Until certain loud maknae barged into the room.

„Hyung! Finally! I thought you’re never going to wake up!“ Mir exclaimed as he literally jumped on the bed Seungho lied in, almost squeezing the life out of his poor, still weak leader.

„Ouch.. M-Mireu… Let g-go…“ Seungho let out, surprising himself how hoarse his voice was.

„Get the hell off him, Bang Cheolyong.“ G.O nagged from the door, where he leaned against the doorframe watching the two with kind of amused facial expression.

And being the good maknae Mir always was, he listened to their nagging umma and got out of Seungho’s bed, positioning himself next to Thunder.

„Hey dude.“ G.O grinned. „Glad to have you back.“

„Hey.“  Seungho chuckled. „What’s the date?“ he asked, being completely unsure about the date.

„February 20th.“ G.O said after checking his phone. „You missed Christmas and New Year. We had to drink everything without you.“ He added, teasing the leader.

„You’re kidding me right now, aren’t you? How could I be asleep for almost three months?“ Seungho’s eyes widened. It wasn’t possible right? „And how could you drink without me?!“

„It’s called coma, man. They didn’t give you much hope.“ G.O explai

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I have to postpone the update to Sunday/Monday >.< I'm sorry Q.Q


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DeathDarkSoul #1
Chapter 15: WHHAAA!!!! TTOTT MY HEART REALLY HURTS!!! I thought that thunder lived...but it was just Seungho's imaginations WHHAAA!!!! T-T *sniff* a really touching story...
KiwiPrincess #2
Chapter 15: oh, i'm crying so hard, my baby Thunder.. T__T
but still this story is awesome, i love it eventhough my heart break after reading this but its AWESOME..
Chapter 15: My heart literally break apart after reading this and i cant stop crying .... omg this is an awesome fic i swear A-W-E-S-O-M-E! Though it's finished quite long ago but i must tell you this fic really made me happy and sad at the same time.. good job! ^^
Chapter 15: Well done! This was such a touching story!
Chapter 15: i finally discovered a fanfic with Seungho!!! *throws big hearts* but, how did you know i was going to read this? o.o I was shocked when i saw my username on the forward. are you...omg...omo...no...telepathic?
lol jk
I freaking love love this story!
this is the first story that made me cry. o.o O.O O____O if you write such a good story, you needs to provide tissues. >:( lol jk
Chapter 15: Omg i cried like, every cryable chapter :( and it sounded like U-Kiss' 0330 too :) the story is unbelievably good!!! I cant stop praising it!! I love it!
Hotpinknails #7
Chapter 15: Crying right now! Argh! Such a wonderful love story. Thank you for this! :) Eventhough the ending for doongie is tragic, i know seungho will forever live him!
naznew #8
Chapter 15: wow..i crying non-stop..great angst story..
Dharyism #9
Chapter 15: Why is it that I always cry during things like this? Always!