Missing You 2/3

Living with "Monsters"

" Have Fun NOONA!! "

I had my white ruffled dress, and black cargio. I had my hair in bangs, and big loose curly low ponytail. I added a black and white ribbon hair in my hair, I had black and white flats on. I had eyeliner, and ligh pink liipstick on. TOP did my make-up, he's good with make-up, I'm just saying. I can't believe it's his first time, and he does good job on it.

" Thanks. TOP your in charge. "

" Can we get ice-cream and donuts while your gone? "

" No. "

" Aww.......... "

" I already have ice-cream in the freezer, and donuts are................. in Daesung's stomach. "

" HYUNG! " shouted Seungri. " YOU ATE THEM ALL?! "

" HEY! I was REALLY hungry this morning. Don't accuse me.... "


" Here we go again. "

" WE..... GET..... FAT..... TOGETHER~~!! "

" Aish..... Is that like.... A catchphrase for you Seungri? "

" Yes hyung. "

" ________, I think you should go now. "

" Yeah..... "

I left off, walking to Minhyuk's birthday party. I never knew his parents were rich. I walked into the house, finding Minhyuk, since he was the only person I knew here, those crazed girls don't count. Unless he invited Bom, I would search for her too. But sadly he didn't. I found him on the stair case, painted brownish gold. I ran to him, skipping stairs, trying to get out of the crowd. I fell into his arms.

" Be more careful miss. "

" Minhyuk? " I looked up. " MINHYUK! "

" I don't know you...... "

" It's me, _________. "

" ________?!?! You don't look like yourself. Are you on a rush or something? "

" Why would you think that? "

" You look like your going to a date.... "

" Oh..... No I'm not going anywhere but here. I've decided to stay here for a day. One day, that's all. Today doesn't count. "

" Okay ________. " A slow song started playing, a high voice come from behind us.

" MINHYUK! It's your friend ________!! Since, you're now 17, would you get to dance with someone you'd like to dance with. "

" Anyone? Like......... anyone? "

" Anyone in the crowd, or next to you. "

" Aish...... ugh..... um........ How did Dad chose? "

" He spinned around with his arms out, pointing his pointer finger at a girl. He'd stop, and the person who he was poiting to would dance with him. "

" Sounds good enough. " he said. He came closer and whispered into my ear. " If I don't choose you, and I pick a girl who is crazy about me..... SAVE ME!!! "

For once, he sounded terrified and scary. He closed his eyes, and started spinning, pointing. In the background, I heard some whispers, I heard some saying:

" I hope he picks me. "

" PICK ME!! "

" Hopefully he doesn't pick that ________. "

" Getting excitied!! "


Minnie wouldn't be a good nickname if JiYong was here. I guess Min Key is suppose to sound like Micky. I turned to Minhyuk, who was still spinning. He stopped, and stumbled, still pointing to the exact person. He landed on the floor, I helped him up. Until he got back to normal, he started to spin again, for s hort while, he stopped and pointed at a girl other than me. The girl screamed, a ran onto the stairs.

" MINHYUK OPPA!!! MY HUBBIE!! " she shouted.

Minhyuk looked over to me and lip motioned, " HELP ME...... "

I didn't do anything. His mom showed him the way, to the backyard stage. It was HUGE! Bigger than TOP oppa.....

After the party, Minhyuk got lipstick all over his face. I knew it wasn't mine, it was the other girls that were crazy bout him.

" Oppa...... Are you okay? " I asked.

" Yeah, I'm totally okay! " he said in sarcasm.

" Sheesh, you could've just said no. "

" Just go to the living room.... "


Daesung's POV:

The house was quiet, as usaul when ________ left. TOP, Taeyang, and me were watching TV, while Seungri and JiYong played video games upstairs in Taeyang's and my room. No one cooked for all of us. TOP, Taeyang, and me were watching Running Man. Seungri and JiYong were playing Street Fighter. It was their first time playing this game, since we got it for Taeyang hyung...... And he didn't like it very much.....

" K.O "

" 8:0 "

" DANG IT SEUNGRI! " JiYong shouted.

" What hyung? Did I do something wrong? " he asked.


" But.... I like singing...... "

" GIVE UP IN SINGING AND JUST BECOME A PRO GAMER! " JiYong grabbed his collar.


TOP ran up the stairs, I followed from behind. Taeyang would tell us, what happened while we're gone.

TOP stopped by the door, I ran into him, I fell down. He turned back, and helped me up. I thanked him, and we saw what JiYong was doing.

" HYUNG! " I shouted.

" JIYONG! BAD JIYONG! " TOP shouted.

" BAD HYUNG! CONTROL YOUR ANGER! Sheesh.... I can see why Taeyang doesn't like this game. "

" Same here. "

" Come on Tom & Jerry, break it up. "

JiYong putted Seungri down. TOP grabbed JiYong's arm, and dragged him to the kitchen.

" Your punishment is making food for us! " TOP demanded.

" Fine. "

" We're lucky to have a person who can cook! And a person who can make ramyun! "

" Hey hyung! " shouted Taeyang and me. " You're going to miss some good parts coming up! "

" BE RIGHT THERE! " he looked at JiYong. " Just pretend we're ________, and you're cooking for her. "

" I don't think I can image you guys as ________. "

" ......... Hmm........ DAESUNG TAEYANG AND SEUNGRI! GET US SOME OF ________'s CLOTHES! "

" I don't think that's a good idea hyung. "

" Oh shut and go with it. "


" Miss ________!! "

" NO MOM!! NO!! "

I heard voices from the stairs. I knew it was Minhyuk's parents and him.

" Miss ________!! " they shouted again.

" Whaa...................t. "

" You can stay for a 3 weeks. "

" 3 WEEKS?!... Oh I don't think I ca- "

" You're going to. Or Minhyuk will be disappointed. "

" Look here Minhyuk's M- "

" Just go with it okay? You're a special guest here! "

" Fine. "


Taeyang's POV:

" Where's _________? She's been gone for about 12 days. " I asked.

" I don't know hyung..... Say..... Can we buy Legos....... " Seungri asked.

" Why? "

" Because the seem funnier than the video games we have. "

" But we only have Tekken and Just Dance 3........ Plus Street Fighter. "

" Street Fighter makes us turn crazy. Just Dance is kinda lik exercising. Tekken is kind of like Street Fighter, but better. "

" So.... What bout legos? "


" We can just get LBP 2. "


" Fine. Until it's your birthday. "


" Too bad. "

" HPHM! "


It's Saturday morning, I woke up late. I keep thinking I'm in my room with TOP oppa, but I'm not. I'm in Minhyuk's Guest Room. He feels sorry for me, for being nice staying here, even if I didn't want to.


JiYong's POV:

Saturday morning, birds are tweeting songs. The weather seems gloomy. The weather matches my mood. The house is empty without _________...... No ________, no action, no action, no fun, no fun equals boredom... Seungri was still sleeping. I peeked in _________ and hyung's room. TOP was walking around all night, saying, " Ice-cream ice cream. I want ice-cream ice cream. ________ come back so I can buy ice-cream! " he jumped up, and down, having a smirk on his face. I backed out, and went to stairs, sitting there think about her ( you ).

I pouted, and got lonely, I started to scream as quiet as I can. But it came out loud. Good thing, the guys are deep sleepers.

A day without her, it's not the same. I mis her smile, her gentle eyes, her everything almost makes me stop breathing. That's not good, but....... I just want to see her smile everyday..... I slammed the staircase.


8 have gone by, I feel like leaving. I've been out of the house for about 20 days. One more day to go, one more day. I WILL DO THIS!

" I CAN DO THIS! " I shouted, while going down the stairs.

Then I tripped, and my head started hurt. I gotta work on being more careful.

" Oppa! " I shouted.

Minhyuk stared at me, he was making Hoeddeok:

It looked delicious. I sat at the table, staring at the heodeok, I started drooling, then I came closer o Minhyuk, I put my chin onto his shoulders, he grinned and kept cooking. He put me under his arms, his made my arms go back and fourth. I stopped and controled my arms. " D-Don't...... " ( Kinda sounds wrong =u=.... SORRY I JUST WANTED TO POINT THAT OUT XDD! I've been reading GTOP stories, give me a break.... )

" What? I was just showing you how to make the heodeok, by stirring it. Not many people know how to do this part. "

I blushed, and ran to the main door, where my heels were. I put them on, and shouted, " GOODBYE! " I speed-walked going back to my house.



" Ice-cream ice cream. I want ice-cream ice cream. ________ come back so I can buy ice-cream..... Ice-cream ice cream. I want ice-cream ice cream. ________ come back so I can buy ice-cream............. " I repeatly after each sentence.

It was 3:11 AM, ________ hasn't come back yet.


I heard a noise from the stairs, I looked around, and went straight forward.

It was JiYong, I creeped on him, until he started crying.

" Jiyong~~~~~ " I whispered.

He jumped and turned around, he didn't see me. He turned front. I tip-toed to him, and stretched my arm out, he saw it, he screamed, and almost fell down the stairs.

" Hyung! " he punched my shoulder. " Not cool bro. "

" Was so. " I told him. " Do you know what caused the boom? "

" Ugh..... I punched the stairs..... "

" Ji.... Ji..... Aish........... CONTROL! CONTROL! "

" I'm trying. My anger just comes out, when ever I'm angry, I can't stop thinking of ________.... "

" I've have an idea! "

" What is it? "

He stretched over, and whispered into my ear...


10:45 AM

I reached home, my dress is dirty, I can always wash it. I opened the door, red and pink roses were falling down, there was JiYong and TOP wearing white suits, the whole place was bright than usaul. They led me to the backyard, there was a little stage. Red ribbons around the door, and curtains. There was a little banner saying, ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ~Welcome Back  ________~ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

" ________, welcome back after about 3 weeks. " happily said JiYong.

" We're going to give you a warm welcome back. "

Music came out of the the curtains.

Oh..... My...... Gosh..........


Author's Moment:

( Beautiful ) Hangover again :DD

What do you think the guys did while in the morning? Poor you, you got embarrassed. It's okay ^^............. -cough cough- NOT -cough cough-

I love B.A.P :DD

Zelo is so cute >u<


F.CUZ is awesome :D

With those dance moves and stuff...


Kwanghee confesses to feeling upset about the amount of lines he has in ZE:A’s songs:

ZE:A's Kwanghee recently guest starred on KBS 2TV‘s Happy Together 3 and confessed that he used to feel upset about having very little lines in their songs.

He revealed, “As a singer, there were times where I was upset standing on stage because I had such little parts. On days we have music programs, all of the members wake up and rehearse to get our throats ready right from the early morning, but on the actual broadcast, you can barely see me.”

He continued, “Every time that happens, I can’t help but think to myself, ‘What am I doing?’ and feel disappointed.”

Fellow guest Chu Sung Hoon added as a joke, “Kwanghee’s a singer but he actually sings worse than me!”

To retaliate, Kwanghee sang a medley of all of his parts in the different songs strung together, but had the set laughing at the extra short length of it.

KPOP Gifs:





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You know, how I promised about the TOP & Seungri Birthday thing? AFF won't let it load or show up... ME SO SORRY!! -KPOPGeekz


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Omo, I only wanted to check out the story KPVIP26 mentioned and read my name, that's wow nice, thank you ^^ ♥♥♥♥
Chapter 6: lmao, the gifs have me in stitches!!
Aigoo!! here i am looking for new fics to read, spot this one and then i see my name!!! aaaaaahh (fangirls) will definitely read this. OMO!! saranghae writernim!! (makes cute aegyo at you)
Chapter 55: Minho I meant
Chapter 55: Top, minjae and Minh and jonghyun
Chapter 55: Plz update this story is getting so good.
I can't wait to see what happens next.
*saw (teehee i feel so special)
i was so confused when i say my name :3
vip_fan #9
Chapter 55: pls update soon ^.^
Chapter 55: 1) TOP 2)Minjae 3)D (??? srry if got these wrong xD)