He's Back!

Eyes Like Stars

Yumi stood trembling near the side of the stage. In just a few more minutes, she and her group would be debuting live.

Fortunately, the group had already made some progress, releasing their first single, a simple, clean song called ‘A Song for You.’

Surprisingly, JYP had been right about the girls. They were becoming a new sensation. After releasing ‘A Song for You,’ a fanclub had already been forming, and they were becoming more popular everyday.

Everything was hitting Yumi on the spot, and it was overwhelming.

Running her hand through her semi-curled and perfectly styled hair, Yumi took deep breaths.

‘It’ll be okay,’ she thought, ‘it’ll be okay.’

She felt a hand on her shoulder. Turning towards the hand, Yumi came face-to-face with Sunah, looking gorgeous with her outlined eyes and long lashes.

“Hey, you’ll be great Yumi. You’ve done well in practice.” Sunah encouraged.

“I know, but I’m just so nervous. What if I mess up and then the whole group becomes out of sync?”

“It won’t happen, and even if it does, it’s okay. We’re only just debuting. All groups mess up some time or another!”

“Thanks, Sunah.” Yumi weakly smiled, and turned back towards the audience. Looking around she saw the glow of the fan’s glow lights, and heard the intense screaming for 2PM who where performing their hit single ‘Again and Again.’

As soon as the music stopped, and a blackout took place, Yumi could make out a figure walking towards her and then, a pair of strong arms were around her waist.

“You’ll be wonderful.” A voice murmured in her ear.

“Thanks, Nichkhun.” Yumi smiled and turned to give him a small peck on the cheek.

“Yah…” Nichkhun drew back a bit. “I think it’s time you start calling me something less formal don’t you?”

“But…” Yumi began.

“No ‘buts.’ Let’s see, I shall call you…Jagiya?”

Yumi blushed. “Uhm, then I’ll call you either Yobo or Khunnie-Oppa?”

“How about either just Khunnie or just Oppa?” Nichkhun negotiated.

“Can I use both? Well separately, but both.” Yumi tired to explain.

“Sure, fine with me, Jagiya!” Nichkhun chuckled.

“Anyways…woah, you’re sweating!” Yumi grabbed a tissue and began to wipe Nichkhun’s sweat.

“Jagiya,” Nichkhun closed his eyes and kissed Yumi.

“O-o-oppa,” Yumi hesitantly tried the new title out.

“I have to go now. We’re going on stage now.” Yumi pointed her finger towards her members who where already walking towards the stairs leading to the stage.

“Aw, okay, good luck!” Nichkhun reluctantly let go of Yumi.

Yumi scampered to catch up to her members, and then the nerves came back as she stepped onto the out stage.

The lights came on almost immediately and Yumi struck her pose, just before.

Fans began screaming and their chanting of ‘Sweetheart’ (new name for Yumi and group, that JYP finally came up with) members.

“Sunah, Yumi, Bomi, Eun Jung!!”

The music began, and Yumi put on her ‘innocent, cute’ face. Waiting for the cue to start singing, the group began their little dance.

Taking one last breath, Yumi moved to the front of the group and opened to sing.

“Last night, you and I fought. You left, I was crying. However, when I think about it, we’re both a fault. This is a song for you.”

As the song progressed, all members began to unwind and gradually, Yumi felt more comfortable and began to enjoy herself.

The song came to an end, and Yumi was sad then. The light lingered a little longer, showcasing the new girl group, and Yumi took a look at the audience.

Her smile was wide until she saw someone in the crowd, looking up at her. As the blackout proceeded, Yumi was frozen.

“Otou-san…” She whispered.

Nichkhun’s side of the story:

Nichkhun watched with a proud expression on his face. His was overjoyed that Yumi had finally debuted and she was doing a wonderful job.

He closed his eyes, taking in Yumi’s sweet voice whenever she sung, and admired the way she so innocently danced.

‘She’s made so much progress. I remember, she didn’t know how to dance at all just a few months ago.’ He smiled at the memory.

Waiting for Yumi as she came down, Nichkhun spread his arms to envelope her in a huge bear hug.

His smile was automatically paused when he saw the stricken expression on her face.

“Jagiya, what’s wrong? You were excellent. You’re not happy with the performance?” He frowned as Yumi walked into his arms, and as she collapsed and began to cry.

“I. I. I saw him. He came back Oppa!” Yumi whimpered.

“Who did? Do you have some sort of stalker I don’t know about?” Nichkhun squeezed Yumi tighter.

“No, it’s not a stalker. It’s my father. He’s back! What if he tries to hurt me? I’m scared!”

‘That bastard! He has no right to be near you!’ Nichkhun furiously thought.

“Oppa, you’ll make sure he doesn’t hurt me, right?”

“Of course. I’ll protect you Jagiya!” Nichkhun kissed to top of Yumi’s hair.

“What’s wrong?” A figure appeared as the couple embraced.

“Wooyoung, why are you here?” Nichkhun questioned.

“You didn’t come back after a while. I was sent to scout you out. I knew you’d be with Yumi. Yumi? You’ve been crying?!” Wooyoung showed concern.

“It’s not really your problem. I don’t want you to get involved,” Yumi wiped her tears away.

“Wooyoung’s our friend, Yumi. All of 2OneDay is. Maybe it’s better if we tell him anyways,” Nichkhun said surprising himself. ‘I did say Wooyoung would be a good friend for Yumi. It’s what friends do. Besides, Wooyoung’s a trusted good friend. It’s okay for him to know.’

“Well, okay. If you think it would help,” Yumi gave in.

“Tell me what’s going on?” Wooyoung quietly pleaded.

“Yumi’s been horribly treated by her father. It happened when she was little. She was accused of the one who killed her mother. He disowned her at a young age and he came back not that long ago. He found us, and fortunately, he didn’t do anything then, but Yumi said she saw him again tonight. We’re worried he might try and hurt or kidnap her or something.” Nichkhun explained, trying to summarize the story in short version.

“Oh god,” Wooyoung whispered. “That is serious. Don’t worry Yumi, we’ll warn 2OneDay and we’ll be on the lookout.”

Nichkhun nodded in approval. “I’d feel better if there was more than one person looking out for you. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I lost you.”

Nichkhun observed as Yumi didn’t speak, but bleakly nodded her head.

“Come, let’s get you something to eat or drink.” Nichkhun put his arm around Yumi and steered her towards the 2PM dressing room.

Pushing the door open, Nichkhun totally forgot that people were changing; he was too concerned about Yumi.

“YAH!!!! NICHKUN!!!!” Junho turned a bright shade of red and hid behind the table.

“Told you, you should have changed faster,” Junsu shook his head.

“Yeah, listen to Junsu-Hyung!” Chansung hovered over a mass of chocolate he received from his fans.

“Yumi, sorry you had to see that.” Taeceyon strode forward.

“Where’s Leadja?” Nichkhun looked around the room.

“Probably with his girlfriend…” Wooyoung observed.

“Mmk, well I have to tell you guys something important. Can you guys get 2AM in here too? And Junho, please finish changing.

“HEY! You don’t really think I’m going to just stand here like this? Of course I’m going to change!” Junho stuttered and ran for the screen.

Soon, all of 2OneDay, minus “lovestruck” jaebum, were crowded in the 2PM dressing room.

“Yah, Khunnie-Hyung, this better be good,” Jo Kwon made a snarky face.

“Now’s not the time for jokes,” Nichkhun sighed as he cuddled Yumi.

“Oh, okay…sorry,” Jo Kwon bit his lip.

“What I’m about to tell you is completely serious. I really need all of your attention for about…maybe 5 to 10 minutes at the most.” Nichkhun began, and he told his group the full story.

Wooyoung’s side of the story:

Listening to the story in more detail, Wooyoung’s heart ached. How could he have been so unaware? He knew it wasn’t his fault, yet why did it feel like it was?

‘I haven’t been there for her at all.” He glumly thought.

When Nichkhun was finished telling Yumi’s unfortunate past, all of the room was silent.

“Yumi, I’m…I’m so sorry,” Seulong offered.

“Yeah, we had no idea,” Jinwoon’s eyes became saddened.

“All this time, I’ve been goofing off, and I didn’t think about other people.” Jo Kwon’s voice had a hint of repentance in it.

“This is unbelievable,” Junho sighed.

“Tell me about it, Yumi, we’re here for you.”

Wooyoung watched and Yumi gave a smile.

“You’re all so sweet. You’re like my family. I also have my members from ‘Sweetheart.’ I have a lot to be thankful for so don’t concern yourself over me too much. Jo Kwon, I enjoy you’re goofiness and cheapness. It brightens my day.”

“Anyways, I have request out of everyone.” Nichkhun announced. “I want you guys just to keep you eyes peeled and look out for Yumi, okay?”

“You got it brother,” Taeceyon slapped Nichkhun’s back, and then winked.

“Sounds good,” Chansung nodded, and for once, wasn’t being a glutton.

“Yup,” Junsu smiled.

Stretching out, Wooyoung finally found time to use the restroom before he and 2PM were taking off for the night.

Ruffling his hair, he bumped into a short girl.

“Ah, I’m so sorry!” She seemed startled, and then her eyes brightened. “Wooyoung, it’s you!”

“Uhm, yeah, it is. Who are you?” Wooyoung became a little dazed.

“Oh silly,” the girl giggled. “It’s me, Eun Jung from ‘Sweetheart.’ You haven’t met me yet?”

“Oh right, you’re in the same group as Yumi,” Wooyoung faintly recalled. He really hadn’t gotten to know any other of the ‘Sweetheart’ members that well.

“Anyways, uhm…Wooyoung…” Eun Jung looked up at him.

“Mmm?” Wooyoung returned.

“Uhm, I just wanted to let you know…uhm…that I…I’ve…I’ve always li-”

“Eun Jung!” A strong voice interrupted the conversation.

“Oh darn!” Eun Jung pouted. “Sorry, I need to go. Never mind. I’ll see you sometime around.”

“Uh, okay.” Wooyoung was now confused. He watched as Eun Jung ran down the hallway, her black curls bouncing.

‘Cute.’ He thought. ‘Wait, what?!?!?!?!?!?’

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Wow this is really cute