A Date with Both Boys

Thank-you, Taemin Oppa
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Okay, so I just wanted to thank all my subscribers!! ^^ So thank-you,

























And last but not least (sorry if i missed any of you, too!!),


 OH, and before YOU skip ahead to the update I really need some help. A new fanfic idea came to mind and I can't decide who should star in it. :\ I would love to use a SHINee member but I don't feel like any of them fit the role. :( Any idea's? Here's the little description ^^ :

'HaeRin is a sixteen-year-old girl, stubborn, independent, and drop- dead gorgeous; but she uses her beauty to her own selfish advantage. She steals boys hearts and uses them for their money, bodies, homes and whatever else they can provide for her. HaeRin amusingly shatters every boys heart, each in a unique way, and moves to the next boy. That's until she meets _____. She cannot help but fall in love, but HaeRin is committed to her selfish ways, and leaves. What will blind love do to a wrongful promise and a heart whose chosen the wrong girl?'

What do you think? Sorry for the long AN... Anyways; update :



You and Taemin sat opposite of each other, at a small table in the mall food court, sipping drinks out of straws that Taemin had bought. His warm hand rested on yours on the table, and he lifts his attention off his drink and watches you drink yours, with his smile never faltering.

"I've got an idea." Taemin says out loud. You look up and smile at him.

"And what would that be?"

"I want to get to know you," He playfully pokes a finger into your arm,


"And how do you want to achieve that?" You grin.

"Okay, I'll ask you a question and you'll answer it, then you ask me a question." Taemin states.

"Alright... You go first." You reply. Taemin nods, and places a hand on his chin, thinking of a question. His eyes come back to you and his face lights up, obviously finding a question.

"When's your birthday?" He asks. You answer his question, and ask him the same thing back.

"July 18th." Taemin responds. Your eyebrows knit together, trying to remember the date it is today. It is July 17th.

"Taemin, that's tomorrow!" You exclaim. He looks up in thought, and finally smiles.

"Yeah, it is." Taemin claims, not showing any excitement or worry like you are.

What am I going to do? I have no time to prepare! you think, worried.

"Taemin, you should have told me earlier! I could have planned something." You frown slightly.

"You don't need to get me or plan anything. The only gift I need is your company." You blush slightly and smile.

"But I still want to get you something! It's your birthday-" You protest, but Taemin cuts off your further protesting.

"How about I take you out for dinner, on a real date? That would be a wonderful present." You nod your head a 'yes', but the perfect idea comes to your mind. You know what your going to do for Taemin's birthday. You start mentally planning what your going to do, when you hear your name being called.

"____-ah!" You see Kai walking towards your table, with a small green shopping bag in his hand. Taemin tilts his head to the side.

"Who's that ____?" Taemin whispers to you, not loud enough for Kai to hear. You ignore Taemin's question until Kai is right beside you.

"Hi Kai oppa." You let a small smile form on your face.

"Hey, ____-ah. Who's this?" Kai asks, cocking his head to the side as he examines Taemin.

"Kai oppa, this is Taemin oppa, my um... Boyfriend. Right, Taemin?" You squeeze Taemin's hand to gather his attention again. He gazes at Kai with a small frown on his face. Taemin turns to you, smiles again, and squeezes your hand back.

"Right." He says, a little too enthusiastically.

"Oh, well I'm Kai, nice to meet you Taemin-ssi." Kai says and holds out his hand for Taemin to shake. Taemin lifts his hand and shake's Kai's, then places it back on yours.

 Boyfriend, right. Kai scoffs silently.

You can tell Taemin and Kai didn't really like each other, but you let it pass by.

"So what are you doing, Kai oppa?" You ask, trying to fill the silence.

"I was shopping for tonight." He responds, holding up his bag, and wiggling his eyebrows at you suggestively.

It seems like Kai is trying to make Taemin jealous, you think.

"Tonight?" Taemin raises an eyebrow, another frown settling on his cute face.

"Um, yeah.." You feel a bit wrong for letting Kai take you out for dinner. But he says it was as friends, right? "I'm taking ____-ah out for dinner tonight." Kai tells Taemin proudly. Taemin's face fell, and you hate to be the cause of it!

"It's just as friends, Taemin!" You quickly add, almost a bit panicky.

"Oh... Okay." Taemin murmurs quietly.

"Yeah, I'll see you tonight _____-ah! Remember at seven!" Kai tells you as he walks away, down the mall. You nod your head, and turn to Taemin. He had a frown on, and fumbles with his hands, looking down at his lap.

"Hey, what's wrong?" You ask slowly, shaking his hand a bit.

"Is it just as friends?" Taemin asks quietly, avoiding your eyes.

"Yes, of course!" You exclaim, trying to convince him. He still doesn't seem convinced. He glances past your shoulder, still not looking directly at you.

"Are you sure?" He mumbles, just barely making it to your ears.

"Yes Taemin! I promise. I love you, and only you." Your face turns red at your words, and your quickly embarrassed, but it seems you finally convinced Taemin.

"That's good. Because I love you too, ____-ah." He looks straight into your eyes now, his features lit up again, and his smile back. He takes your empty pop cup and his own and throws it out in a garbage container nearby. He comes to your side and help's you up. You quickly pick up your shopping bag, and he take's your hand in his again, and entwines your fingers. You and Taemin walk around the mall some more, looking at a few stores here and there, and finally leave the mall. You walk through the parking lot, and Taemin's silver car comes back into sight.

"Tell Kai your taken, alright?" Taemin says suddenly and smirks, as he gazes into your green eyes.

"I think he knows." You reply, a smile plastered on your face.

"That's also good." Taemin says before you stop walking and he closes the space between you and him. You close your eyes as his soft lips meets yours and you feel something like a spark going off in the pit of your stomach. You move your lips in sync with his as you tilt your head to the side to deepen the kiss. You feel his warm tongue brush yours, and you finally pull away, and in a breath of air. You smile and look deep into his chocolate brown eyes, and Taemin lost in your bright green eyes, which are flecked with hazelnut brown.

"Have I already told you I love you?" Taemin asks, wrapping his arms around your waist to pull you closer. You drop your bag and place your arms around his broad shoulders and push your lips against his again, loving the sensation it gives you. You love his warmth, the softness of his lips, the way he wrapped protecting arms around your waist, the spark in your stomach that exploded each time his tongue met yours. You pull away again, with your nose against his. You look deep into his eyes, and give him a small passionate kiss.

"Yeah, you did." You whisper to him.

"Because I really do. A lot."

"Me too, Taemin. I love you." He kisses you gently again and pulls back once more.

"Say it again." He murmurs, his voice luxurious in your ear.

"I love you." You repeat, never taking your eyes out of his gaze. You truly love Taemin, and your one hundred percent sure, just like he is. And you close your eyes again and connect your lips again. You push hard against his lips, and tilt your head. Your lips move in sync once again, and you never want to leave his. Your lungs beg for air, but you don't care. You feel like you could kiss Taemin forever. He eventually pulls off, and takes in a breath of air. You keep your eyes closed, and rest your head on chest, listening to the steady thump of your lover's heart. You can feel Taemin's finger slide slowly down your nose, and your heart flutters.

People are starring at you, but you obviously don't care. It seems like the most natural thing in the world to kiss your lover, an idol, Taemin, in this mall parking lot.

And this is what it feels like to be in love, to be loved. You think, smiling, as you listen to his heart beat.

And this is what it feel like to be in love, to be loved. Taemin thinks to himself, with the most dazzling smile on. Your arms are still wrapped around Taemin's neck, and you can feel a protecting arm around your waist as his one finger down your nose, and forehead. Taemin smiles as he watches your face, and feels every breath you take in against his chest. He traces his finger around your face, memorizing how your soft skin feels under his fingers.

"We should get in the car, ___-ah." Taemin whispers in your ear, careful not to scare you but his sudden voice. You no

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I'm so sorry for not updating for... How long now? Anywae's I'll try updating sometine this week! Author hwaiting!


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Chapter 24: pls update!!!!!!!!!
noomin #2
i love it love it love it really this is awesome plzzzzzzz update soon author-nim
Chapter 23: I hope that your complications with the story will be over soon, and don't be stressed about updating it! Thank you for the update!
Yah!! please update ... I'm dying hear :)
Update it! ;)
Just came across ur story :) I'm only on chapter three! XD it's great so far ^_^
Rosetran #7
Chapter 22: Thanks for the special update
it was awsome
Chapter 21: Oh no! Taemin overheard what they were doing... :o
I wonder what will happen next.

Also, thank you for updating! :)
DinoFroggy #9
For some reason, I think Key ~ (to the coloured text) c:
Uh-oh. Taemin's here~~
Please update soon :3