A Trip to the Mall

Thank-you, Taemin Oppa
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*I'm wondering if any of you are saying, 'Finally, an update!!' ;) Sorry, I haven't updated in a while, I kinda have writer's block (and have been really lazy...) > < and sorry, I know the chapters are getting pretty boring. I have a few ideas, though ^^ comment and subscribe, thanks!* _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________




You groan, and shift so your backs to the alarm clock. It continues to beep, and it awakes you from your sleep. You turn towards it again, grumbling under your breath, and reach out to turn it off. The constant beeping stops, but you can still hear it ringing in your ears.

You swing your legs off the bed, the hardwood floor cold under your feet. You clumsily stumble to your desk, which is covered in clothes. You find what your looking for; black yoga pants, and your hunter green work T-shirt, saying across it "Seoul's benevolent fund." You have work this morning, again. You pull the clothes on, and fumble to put your hair in a pony tail with the black hair elastic around your wrist. You go downstairs and help yourself to a quick breakfast of cereal, and refill Lily's food bowl. After pulling on a pair of sneakers, you head out the door, locking it behind you, and setting out for the bus stop down the street, on the corner.

You step off the bus, taking in a deep breath and walk down the side walk. You turn left, and enter the empty parking lot. The bus ride was only ten minutes long, and there was only an elder couple and another girl looking a few years older than you, busy rapidly texting on her phone.

You pace to the back of the building, which was more rundown than the front. The faded brick walls were covered in multicolored graffiti, and The asphalt ground was littered with cans and newspaper. You enter a drab steel door; the employees entrance, and go into the room. It is a small tan-coloured room, consisting of a large round table, and chairs surrounding it, for eating lunch. Opposite of it is many wooden lockers. You eye your locker; number 19. It was for any lunch you had, but luckily you were to only stay until 12, like every other Friday.

You open the door on the other side of the room, and enter the large warehouse, filled with tables stacked with clothes. There were only a couple costumer's, for the store had just opened up about ten minutes ago. You stride to the glossy wooden desk, and smile at the girl who was working the cashier, Joori. She was fumbling with her fingers, trying to pick off her pink nail polish. She frustratingly threw her long, straightened, black hair behind her shoulder.

"Hi, Joori unnie" You smile at her, as you walk behind the desk and open a drawer.

"Hi, _____-ah." She switches her attention to you, and smiles sweetly. You remember she had started working soon after you had, and how shy she had been. You and Joori eventually became friends, and she was pretty open now, and lost her shyness. Joori has a slim figure, and a beautiful pale face. She always has on dark mascara and black eyeliner, and it made her look older, though she is only two years older than you.

You glance at the clock, and take a clipboard, with a sheet of paper clung to it. It is the sign in sheet, claiming the times you come to work, and leave. You sign your name and enter the time. With a sigh, you put the clipboard back and wave good-bye to Joori and make your way to a large table, covered in unfolded clothes. You start your job, and rummage through the pile and hold up a small yellow T-shirt, and hooking a hanger through it, off the silver rack placed beside you.

When you put it on the rack, you feel strong hands slip around your waist. You feel your heart skip a beat, and your eyes widen in fright. You can smell the familiar aroma of cologne, but you jerk away and bump into the rack, knocking it over. It clatters to the ground with a loud crash, and you spin around.

"Kai! You scared me to death!" You scream at the grinning male. His grin doesn't go away, and it makes you a bit annoyed. You cross your arms over your chest and glare at him.

"Aish, help me clean this up!" You sigh, after a minute, motioning to the fallen over rack and the clothes that lay on the white tiled floor. He goes to your side, and pulls the rack standing, while your bent over, picking up the clothes. You look to Kai, sensing he was staring at you. He just smirks when you look at him.

He was dressed in tan khaki shorts, and your regular hunter green shirts.

He lends a hand to help you up, and you take it. You place all the hung-up clothes back on the rack.

"Ah~ I'm sorry for doing that." Kai tells you, still smiling.

"That's fine." You reply, and put the last shirt on the rack. You turn and start folding the rest of the clothes on the table, organizing it into piles. You can tell Kai was still behind you.

"Um, can I ask you a question, _____-ah?" You can hear Kai's voice waver a bit in his question. He grips your shoulder and gently turns him to face you.

"Um, yeah, sure. What is it?" You raise a eyebrow. You can tells he's thinking over his question. He avoids looking at your eyes.

"Do you want to go out with me? Tonight? For dinner?" Your a bit shocked. Does he know your with Taemin? As soon as Kai sees your reaction, he quickly adds,

"Just as friends! Not, like, together or anything!" His cheeks turn a light shade of pink. You smile, thinking you've never seen Kai embarrassed. You think over the question for a second. Kai was watching his feet, waiting for your response.

"Sure, Kai oppa." You smile. He looks up at you with a grin.

"Really?" He intrigues, trying to figure out if you've really accepting his offer.

" Sure, why not?" I hope this isn't a bad idea... You think silently.

"I'll pick you up at seven, okay? You still on the same street?" Kai tells you. You nod your head a 'yes'. He know where you live because once, you remember, he had followed you home after work. The next day he hid in your bush beside the door and scared you to death when you walked out. He could act like such a kid at times!

He smiles once more and trots away. You don't think this is a bad idea, your just going as friends. But a little voice in your head kept on repeating, 'this is a bad idea'. You ignore it, and turn around to finish your work.

                                                                                ************************************** **************************

You let out an impatient sigh as you fumble with each key on your small ring of keys, and shove it into the door. You turn the knob, but the door still wouldn't budge.

"Arg!" You cry, throwing your keys down. You had been trying to unlock your black-painted door for ten minutes. You in a breath and let it out slowly, facing the door. A warm breeze blows by, ruffling your hair a bit. You push a few loose strand behind your ear, and pick up your keys.

"I swore it was this one!" You mumble, eyeing a caramel-coloured key. You push it into the brass door lock and finally it clicks, and you push it open. Shutting the door behind you, you kick off your sneakers.

"Lily?" You call for your cat

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I'm so sorry for not updating for... How long now? Anywae's I'll try updating sometine this week! Author hwaiting!


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Chapter 24: pls update!!!!!!!!!
noomin #2
i love it love it love it really this is awesome plzzzzzzz update soon author-nim
Chapter 23: I hope that your complications with the story will be over soon, and don't be stressed about updating it! Thank you for the update!
Yah!! please update ... I'm dying hear :)
Update it! ;)
Just came across ur story :) I'm only on chapter three! XD it's great so far ^_^
Rosetran #7
Chapter 22: Thanks for the special update
it was awsome
Chapter 21: Oh no! Taemin overheard what they were doing... :o
I wonder what will happen next.

Also, thank you for updating! :)
DinoFroggy #9
For some reason, I think Key ~ (to the coloured text) c:
Uh-oh. Taemin's here~~
Please update soon :3