Home is where the heart is

Fight for Love


Chapter 9 Home is where the heart is

“And I suggest you get off her !” A fist collided with the guys jaw and he fell to the floor holding his jaw. You stepped away from guy with the raspy voice. Minhyuk grabbed him by the collar and picked him up and he stumbled against the wall. Minhyuk punched him again and again.

“You bastard!” Punch

“How dare you even touch her” Punch

“Don’t you dare try to anybody else!” Punch.

“What’s going on here?” You gasped, the voice was familiar.

“Hee-young?” He looked amused.

“Do you know him?” MInhyuk asked. You blinked a couple of times before the question registered in your mind. You nodded and Minhyuk looked confused but he soon understood.

“He’s the fiancée?” Minhyuk pointed his fist which was covered with blood toward Chung-hee.

“Unfortunately.” You replied. Chung-hee looked down and saw what had happened to his friend and worry crossed his face.

“What happened?” His jaw was tight. He looked at Minhyuk “Who are you?”

“I called him.” You said pulling Minhyuk back.

“Your friend was harassing her.” Minhyuk said disgusted as he slipped his fingers through mine pulling me behind his back. Chung-hee ran a hand through his hair before he took out his phone and called somebody.

“Let’s go Hee-young.” MInhyuk said as he took you out of the club. Only in the light from the road did  you notice how bruised Minhyuk’s hand was. You took off your wrap and took his bruised hand and covered it with your wrap tightly.

“You going to be cold” Minhyuk said as he was about to take off his jacket. You stopped him

“No, don’t take it off. I’m fine, I’m worried about your hand though.” You were still holding his bruised hand you looked down upon it as a tear escaped your eye and fell upon his hand.

“You got hurt because of me.” He pulled his hand away and lifted your chin up.

“It’s just a bruise, it will heal. How are you? I’m sorry I was a bit late, it took me a while to find this club.”

“At least you came and that’s what matters.” You said as you slipped your fingers through is not bruised hand, wanting a feeling of warmth and comfort especially after what just happened. Minhyuk guided you to his car and helped you in.

“I can drive if you want-“ You offered

“No it’s fine.”

“Don’t take me home.” You said quietly as Minhyuk’s phone rang. He picked it up.

“Hello” there was a pause

“Oh yeah she’s fine, so am I… sorry I was in a hurry.” Another pause

“Okay we’ll come there.” He clicked his phone off.

“I’m taking you to Eunkwang’s house.” You nodded.

“Are you sure you want to go there? I can take you back home, you can just fall asleep.”

“NO!” You yelled “I cannot go back there, as soon as I arrive it will be a questioning process and ugh” You shuddered “That’s going to be painful.” Minhyuk laughed slightly.

“Okay, okay let’s go to Eunkwang’s house then.” Minhyuk was about to remove his hand from your grip but you kept a tight hold not letting go until you realized that he needed to drive. Hesitantly you slipped your fingers out of his and looked out the window.

The whole car ride was silent, you were busy looking at the streets and shops as they passed by and Minhyuk was driving. Nobody uttered a single word and in a way the silence scared you in a way you had never dreamt of.

The car stopped and jolted awake, you were almost about to fall asleep. You opened the door and got out, MInhyuk was by your side within seconds. He took your hand in his and you looked up at him slightly surprised but greatly happy. He locked his car and you both headed towards the front door. The front door opened before either of you could knock, Eunkwang was standing there and he ushered you both in. Minhyuk and you went and sat on the sofa where everybody else was seated as well except for Eunkwang who was standing.

“What happened?” Sungjae finally asked breaking the silence. You tried to form a suitable answer for his question but for some reason ‘I was almost ’ couldn’t be put in a proper way.

“A lot of things” Minhyuk replied.

“Okay now tell us what they were” Hyunsik said impatiently. Minhyuk looked at you questioningly.

“Is it alright for them to know?” He quietly asked, you nodded.

“Well you see to put it in simplest terms possible, Hee-young was… violated.” There was a long pause after his reply.

“Violated” Ilhoon asked with a bit of doubt.

“Well okay, let me spell it out for you. Her fiancée took her to a club where some guy tried to her.” Minhyuk said and the silence that settled in after was quite deafening.

“I’m going to get some water.” You said finally about to take your hand away from Minhyuk’s but he stood up with you.

“I’ll come with” You both went to the kitchen and you took out two glasses and poured water in them and handed one to Minhyuk.   

“Well that was…” You stopped abruptly as Sungjae had come into the kitchen and was inspecting your body. You stepped back

“Yah! What are you doing to here?” Minhyuk yelled.

“Well hyung, after what you told us I was just making sure that Hee-young was okay.” He gave his explanation and spun me around and continued to inspect me.

“You have a bruise on your thigh and a couple on your back.” Sungaje said at last and Minhyuk turned you to face him.

How did I get so many bruises? Did hitting the wall have such a big impact? Must be or what else could be the reason?

Minhyuk touched your back and you winced slightly and Minhyuk drew his back observing how bad the bruises were. He grabbed your hand and pulled you into the living room.

“Eunkwang I’m going to use your medical kit okay?” Minhyuk said and sat you down on the sofa and went to get the medical supplies. He returned quickly and made you turn around so that he could fix up your cuts. You craned your neck to see what was happening and noticed Minhyuk was observing your back.

“Is something wrong?” You asked.

“Uhh Hee-young, you need to… uhh take off your dress.”


:O What’s going to happen? I don’t know either since I haven’t written it yet. I have a question though would you readers want some Minhyuk and Hee-young action or not? Because to me it seems like I am moving this story too fast… anyway please subscribe and comment. :D 

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edited the forword, added another person. sorry for the very late introduction for her


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aylinn #1
Chapter 18: new reader here! and I cought up with ll the chapters in one go!!! update please
kpop4u #2
kpop4u #3
Chapter 18: YAY!!!!
kpop4u #4
Update :(
kpop4u #5
Chapter 17: Update PLEASE!!!!
thank you, i shall dedicate the next chapter to you! :D
kpop4u #7
I love this :)
kpop4u #8
Pleaseeeeeeeeeee updateeeeeeeeee
kpop4u #9
please updateeeeeeeeeeeeeeee im dying to know moreeeeeeee :)
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