
Fight for Love


Chapter 5 Lies

You blinked and turned around in surprise.

“What did you just say?” Minhyuk ran a hand through his hair.

“Forget it, it was nothing.” You wanted to question him further but seeing at how awkward it had become already you forced your mouth shut. You went and sat on the kitchen table and began to eat your sandwich, stuffing your mouth so that you wouldn’t have to have a conversation with Minhyuk.

Why had it become so awkward so suddenly? We are friends, we can’t let silly things get to us, actually scratch that I can’t let silly things get in between us.

“Minhyuk?” You cautiously asked. He looked up from his cereal.

“Yes” You cleared your throat.

“Is something wrong between us?” He looked confused for a moment but the confusion soon vanished.

“No, why would you ask that?”

“I don’t know, but lately our friendship seems so… distant.” You looked down at your sandwich, pretending to be fascinated by the bread. Minhyuk laughed, probably to release the tension.

“Maybe it’s because of what happened yesterday.” Your eyes darted up to notice that Minhyuk was also avoiding eye contact.

“No I mean even before this wedding thing came up.” Silence settled in after your words, you were waiting for him to give an answer.

“I don’t know.” Minhyuk finally said, you were confused Minhyuk was never the one to stick to short answers. When an explanation was needed, he was the one to give it.

“You don’t know?”

“You know what, it’s the past just forget about it.” You blinked repeatedly. What was going on? Why was Minhyuk being so distant all of a sudden? You didn’t ask any more questions; instead you finished your sandwich and went upstairs to gather your things.

“You’re leaving already?” MInhyuk asked from the doorway.

 “I am going back home.” You had made up your mind, you would go and see who you’re supposedly getting married to and if you liked him well then there was no problem. You didn’t want to think about what would happen if you didn’t like him.

“But I thought you didn’t want to get married.” You exhaled sharply before answering.

“As of right now I don’t but who knows maybe I will actually like the guy.” You forced a smile upon your lips. From the corner of your eye, you noticed Minhyuk’s face had dropped slightly. You shrugged it off, you were probably just imagining things. You picked up your bag and walked past Minhyuk to get to the staircase. His arm grabbed your wrist as you were walking by.

“Okay I am not going to act stubborn and be stupid and let one stupid conversation get in the way of our friendship.” Minhyuk turned me around to face him but I didn’t reply, in a way urging him to continue what he was saying.

“I asked you to marry me because… we have been friends forever and it’s much better getting married your best friends with than someone you don’t even know. But I like your idea as well, you should give your fiancée a try.” If he hadn’t continued talking about your idea, your probably would have said yes to his proposal but the words that came out of his mouth after stopped you.

You shouldn’t pressure Minhyuk into marrying you, what if he liked somebody else already? Then you would just be a terrible best friend, look at it from his perspective Hee-young wouldn’t you do the same if you were in his shoes?

You forced yourself to smile once again and nodded, afraid that if you spoke you might end up crying again. You headed downstairs and Minhyuk followed you, you stopped him once you were outside his house.

“I’ll go back alone okay? It will help me think and just sort out everything but thanks for being there when I needed you most.” You smiled a genuine smile this time and as you walked by him, was it sadness that you saw on his face or something else? You shrugged it off trying to convince yourself it was something else.

What would he be sad about anyway? You continued walking and when you were a safe distance away, a tear slipped from your eyes and dropped on the road. What you didn’t realize was that Minhyuk’s eyes were wet with tears as well.

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edited the forword, added another person. sorry for the very late introduction for her


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aylinn #1
Chapter 18: new reader here! and I cought up with ll the chapters in one go!!! update please
kpop4u #2
kpop4u #3
Chapter 18: YAY!!!!
kpop4u #4
Update :(
kpop4u #5
Chapter 17: Update PLEASE!!!!
thank you, i shall dedicate the next chapter to you! :D
kpop4u #7
I love this :)
kpop4u #8
Pleaseeeeeeeeeee updateeeeeeeeee
kpop4u #9
please updateeeeeeeeeeeeeeee im dying to know moreeeeeeee :)
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