Fun and Games

Fight for Love


Chapter 12 Fun and games

“Say something.” Minhyuk said. You bit your lip, how were you supposed to respond?

“I know… that I mean something to you and you are very important to me too and I just want you to realize that. I feel like I can't protect you even though I want. Everything you feel towards me I feel towards you, I just hope you can realize that."

Does that mean you love me too Hee-young?

“So promise me, whatever happens to you I will be the first to know okay?” You asked.

“I promise.” You smiled.

“Ready to go explain everything to everybody?” Minhyuk asked opening the door.

“Nope, not at all.” Still you followed him out and into the living room. They were sitting around the couch and talking but when you both stepped in, they stopped their conversation. You cleared your throat and began to speak.

“Erm- Sorry for my outburst earlier. Everything is okay between us!” You smiled a toothy grin. Hyunsik’s eyes lit up.

“Ooh really does that mean Minhyuk told-“ Hyunsik stopped his eyes darting behind you where Minhyuk was standing.

“Told me what?” You asked curiously.

“Told you about… tomorrow?” Hyunsik asked. Tomorrow, I wonder what’s happening tomorrow.

 “No he didn’t. What’s happening tomorrow?” You asked turning around to face Minhyuk.

“Uhh, we are going down… to the amusement park.” He smiled one of his fake smiles again and you were even more curious to what Hyunsik wanted to say originally. It’s okay, you would be able to get it out of him.

“You have to come Hee-young.” Hyunsik whined.

“I’ll ask my parents, I would originally say yes but now with the… wedding I have to ask.” You looked to the floor afraid you would burst out in tears again. You didn’t even know why you were crying so much at the thought or sound of marriage. You should be handling this more maturely but no you were crying into Minhyuk’s shirt every five minutes. You were disgusted with yourself, even though he was your best friend and knew everything you didn’t want him to see you as a cry baby.

“Oh.” Hyunsik’s face fell but he lightened up again.

“Hopefully they will say yes or else we will kidnap you!” Hyunsik’s eyes narrowed playfully and he ran towards you tickling you by surprise. You were stunned for a second before the painfully suffocating pokes kept making you laugh. You started to run away but Hyunsik pulled you back.

“Stop, hahahaha stop! Please hahaha” You said through your laughter.

“No… not unless you call me oppa.” You saw Hyunsik smiling evily through the tears that had brimmed up from your laughing.

“Yah hahahaha Hyunsik!” You managed to yell but he kept tickling you.

“Okay, okay stop please… Hyunsik…. Opaa!” You said the last part quietly, still he kept tickling you.

“Mwuh? I can’t hear you.” You were unable to stop laughing and trying to pick yourself up from the floor you gave running away another chance but no Hyunsik caught you again. You cursed under your breath and sighed in defeat.

“Araso, araso. Stop tickling me Hyunsik Oppa” You said more loudly and the painful pokes stopped. You looked up to see Minhyuk grinning at you.

“Babo! I was on the floor in pain and you were standing here smiling?!” You asked pouting playfully.

“Mianhe” Minhyuk laughed as he approached you. You smiled at least until you saw his fingers reaching for you. Your eyes widened and you tried to move away as quickly as your feet would let you but Minhyuk was quicker.

Crap! I really have to join the track team!

“Yah! Now you don’t start.” You said but it was too late. The painful pokes that made you go into uncontrollable fits of laughter had started again except they were caused by a different person. You fell to the floor once again putting yourself in a fetal position to stop the tickles.

“Yah! Hahaha Stop! Please? Hahaha I am being nice.” You said through laughter.

“Hmmm, okay only if you say Oppa I love you and act aegyo.” Minhyuk demanded and you scowled.

“No I’m not saying that!” You argued.

“Then I’m going to continue tickling you!” Minhyuk said tickling you more. You laughed harder and tried to make the pain stop by attempting to push him away, it was to no avail.

“Okay, okay I love you oppa. Buing, buing” You put on your best aegyo.

“No, it’s oppa I love you.” Minhyuk corrected you and you scowled again.

“Okay, okay stop I’ll say it.”

“say it then I’ll stop”

“oppa I love you.” You made another cute face and he stopped a big smile plastered on his face.

“Yah I’m coming for you now.” You said running over to Minhyuk and tickling him.

“Tickle war!” Sungjae yelled and ran over to Hyunsik and began to tickle him. Hyunsik was very ticklish so he fell to on the sofa and defended himself with pillows.

“Young against old!” Ilhoon grabbed a pillow and hit Eunkwang.

“Hahaha hyung” Changseob was laughing until he was attacked by Peniel.

“Yah somebody get the maknae off me!” Hyunsik yelled running away from a laughing Sungjae who was getting ready to tickle him again.

“Hee-young, remember when I told you your my favorite?” Minhyuk asked backing away as you smiled evilly.

“No I don’t… oppa.” At the word ‘oppa’ you ran forward and tickled him. Suddenly a pair of arms circled your waist and hoisted you in the air. Your eyes widened in surprise.

“Yah! Put me down..” You looked down and saw a grinning Minhyuk was running towards the sofa.

“Wait for me, I also want to help!” Hyunsik yelled running out of another room with Sungjae following him.

“Aish! Minhyuk put me down!” You commanded. Minhyuk dropped me on the couch and picked up a pillow.

“You wouldn’t…” You voice trailed off as he started a pillow fight with you. Hyunsik picked up another pillow and helped Minhyuk.

“Sungjae help!” You cried out.

“I’m coming noona” Sungjae started hitting Minhyuk and you took that time to find a pillow and start a fight with Hyunsik. Jumping off the couch you hid behind Eunkwang. The evening continued that way until all of you were tired, and then you guys just relaxed. You were the first one to fall asleep.

A/N Mianhe this chapter is short. I felt this was a good place to end it. :D


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edited the forword, added another person. sorry for the very late introduction for her


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aylinn #1
Chapter 18: new reader here! and I cought up with ll the chapters in one go!!! update please
kpop4u #2
kpop4u #3
Chapter 18: YAY!!!!
kpop4u #4
Update :(
kpop4u #5
Chapter 17: Update PLEASE!!!!
thank you, i shall dedicate the next chapter to you! :D
kpop4u #7
I love this :)
kpop4u #8
Pleaseeeeeeeeeee updateeeeeeeeee
kpop4u #9
please updateeeeeeeeeeeeeeee im dying to know moreeeeeeee :)
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