Minhyuk's House

Fight for Love


Chapter 14: Minhyuk’s house

“Let’s go” Minhyuk nudged your shoulder. You were putting a pillow back on the sofa since you all were helping Eunkwang clean up the house. Turning to the side you saw Minhyuk standing, looking at you expectantly.

“Oh okay yeah.” You said as you went to get your wrap from the laundry basket. Eunkwang had cleaned it and you were so thankful.

“Bye, see you guys later.” You said and headed outside, Minhyuk waved and followed you. Once you were seated in the car you turned to look around hoping that you had left some clothes behind.

“By any chance did I leave any clothes behind?” You asked turning back to look at Minhyuk.

“Nope” He answered. “Why? What’s wrong with mine?” He smiled playfully.

“Nothing except the fact that most of them won’t fit me”

“That’s not true, my shirts will probably fit you”

“What about my pants?”

“Don’t wear any” You smacked his arm.

“Ow! I am being serious” You smacked his arm again.

“okay, okay” He was laughing as he pushed your hand away. He stopped the car and you turned to look, and you had arrived. You followed him up the pathway up to his house but grabbed his arm when he was about to enter.

“Wait, what about your parents?” You asked, a sad frown replaced the playful smirk on his face and you felt terrible for causing it.

“What about them?”

“Well look at what I’m wearing” Minhyuk’s eyes raked you and you felt exposed.

“Nothing’s wrong- just come on.” He slipped his fingers through yours and your eyes flew open in surprise. It was the third time he had held your hand in the past two days, it made you feel all giddy and warm inside and you knew it wasn’t right to feel like this but you just couldn’t help it.

When you both walked in, his parents were sitting on the sofa they turned to look when the door was opened.

“Oh, Minhyuk where were you last night?” His father asked, Minhyuk’s grip on your hand tightened and you held his hand tight as well for comfort and strength.

“At Eunkwang’s house” He replied.

“Oh hello there Hee-young” Mrs. Lee said and you bowed in respect.

“Annyeonghaseyo Mr. and Mrs. Lee” They smiled at you, Minhyuk was about to take you to his room when his mother spoke up.

“Oh by the way Minhyuk, Mi kyong called earlier.” Minhyuk dropped your hand and you looked at him in surprise. Who was Mi Kyong? He never told me about anyone called Mi Kyong…

“What did she want?” Minhyuk’s tone had changed to something you had never heard before. What importance did Mi Kyong have in Minhyuk’s life?

“I don’t know, she called for you but since you weren’t there she gave her number.” His mother passed over a piece of paper and Minhyuk studied it for some time before grabbing your hand pulling you into his room. You gulped.

Hee-young you cannot be jealous, if there is a… girl in Minhyuk’s life who he cares for as more than a friend then as his best friend you got to give him this happiness. Be happy for him Hee-young, it’s the least you could do… especially after what happened with his parents.

You pressed a smile upon your face, “So your going to call her right?” You asked sounding joyful. He looked up confused.


“Who is she?” You asked wanting to know who she was badly.


“So now we are keeping secrets from each other?” You asked raising an eyebrow. He blinked before replying.

“She was the first girl I ever cared for.” The words hit you like a bullet and your eyes widened in sadness.

“W-what happened?” Your voice slightly cracked, he must have noticed because he pushed the conversation away.

“No, I want to know”

“Okay, I met her when we were really little through my parents. We were the best of friends until 3rd grade. Then she left without telling me and ever since I have tried to forget her.” His voice became quiet after a while. You took a couple of steps toward him and wrapped your arms around his body.

“Go ahead, let it out” You said quietly.

“We promised each other that we would get married and then she left suddenly! Without even telling me! How could she do that?” He asked and you felt his teardrops on your shoulder.

“Look call her, maybe then you will get some answers.” He nodded and pulled away. His eyes were wet and his nose was pink. You hated to see him in pain and tears, it tore you apart.

“okay” You took his phone and dialed the number that was on the piece of paper and handed the phone over.

“Hello?” Minhyuk asked.

“Mi Kyong? Is that really you?” You decided to give them some privacy so you walked over to the door but Minhyuk grabbed your arm and shook his head. You looked into his eyes and saw that he needed a friend at this moment and so you went over and took a seat on his bed.

“What happened?

“What?! Your coming back?” You heard the happiness that was embedded in his words and flinched from the impact of the words.

“Why did you leave in the first place?”

“No, I want answers now”

“Which coffee place?.... oh that one. Okay I’ll meet you there.” He hung up the phone and you saw the conversation registering in his mind.

“Oh Hee-young, I’m sorry I forgot about the amusement park I was just so caught up in this…”

“It’s fine, you go to the coffee place I’ll explain it to the rest.” You patted his arm and headed outside. This time, sadly, he didn’t stop you. You hurried home distracting yourself by the nature around you so that you wouldn’t burst into tears.

“Hee-young, your back home?” Your mother asked as soon as you stepped in. You nodded.

“That’s wonderful because Chung-hee is here.” You face fell but you forced a smile upon your face.

“Let me get cleaned up” You ran up to your room and headed into the shower. Last night when Minhyuk was tickling you and beating up the guy who tried to harm you seemed so far away, almost like it wasn’t real, almost like it was all just a dream. You smiled sadly and let the hot water wash away the memories.

A/N Hi again! Another character is introduced!! :D I don’t think I will fall asleep tonight because I am so hyped over this story and also I have some chemistry homework to finish. :( I am such a procrastinator. I went back to school shopping today, it was tiring because I was confused but you know in the end all was well. My dad bought me ice-cream so I’m super happy :D Hmm I might be hyper off the ice-cream as well…. Well you really can’t blame me, its ice-cream! Okay enough with my rambling! Bye

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edited the forword, added another person. sorry for the very late introduction for her


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aylinn #1
Chapter 18: new reader here! and I cought up with ll the chapters in one go!!! update please
kpop4u #2
kpop4u #3
Chapter 18: YAY!!!!
kpop4u #4
Update :(
kpop4u #5
Chapter 17: Update PLEASE!!!!
thank you, i shall dedicate the next chapter to you! :D
kpop4u #7
I love this :)
kpop4u #8
Pleaseeeeeeeeeee updateeeeeeeeee
kpop4u #9
please updateeeeeeeeeeeeeeee im dying to know moreeeeeeee :)
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