The Runaway

Fight for Love


Chapter 3: The Runaway

You opened your door as quietly as you could and looked outside seeing whether your parents were waiting for you or not. They weren’t and you weren’t surprised, when you were angry they let you deal with it yourself at this moment it was to your advantage. You locked your bedroom door once again and peered down from your bedroom window, it was just the 1st floor and hopefully the drop wouldn’t hurt too much. You could have chosen to g through the front door but then there would be a chance that you would run into your parents and then your plan would backfire on you. You dropped your sleeping bag down, you had packed a few pairs of clothes, a toothbrush, your passport, money,  sleeping and flying necessities. You closed your eyes and looked around your room and sighed, it was a place you could escape to when life was getting just… too troublesome but now the only place you could hide was with Minhyuk. You looked to the wall outside to the right of your room, there was a pipe which you could use but it ended a few feet from the ground so you prayed your landing would be safe. You put your feet on the window and held onto the interior of your room. You stretched your arm towards the pipe and moved your body until your fingers clamped upon it. Slowly, you made your feet go on the latches that were surrounding the pipe and as quietly as you could you lowered yourself down. Once there were no more latches you closed your eyes and jumped, you landed somewhat on your back and your ankles hurt a bit. Other than a few bruises you were fine, you picked up your bag and ran through the gate and down the street. Only when you were out of eyesight from your house did you stop running and take a deep breath. You stared in the distance of your house hardly believing what you had done.  Did I really just run away? No, this is all just a dream I am going to wake up and everything is going to be normal and there wouldn’t be any mention of your so called wedding. You closed your eyes and pinched yourself but when you opened your eyes you were still standing on a neighboring street. You sighed, what can you do now Hee-young? You already ran away, all there’s left to do is ask Minhyuk for his help. You opened your cellphone and pressed 1.

“Anneyeong Hee-young.”  You paused, Should I do this? I shouldn’t bother Minhyuk, especially after what happened with his parents. I can’t, I just can’t! You were about to press the end button when his voice stopped you-

“Hee-young you better not hang up on me!” You groaned inwardly and decided that you would tell him, he was after all your best friend and he deserved to know why your running away.

“Minhyuk I am running away.” You slightly sobbed and panicked, you were not going to cry in front of him. You held back your tears.

“What? Hee-young, did you just say you are going to run away?” He asked.

“Yes, I am sorry. I know I shouldn’t leave you but my parents want to marry me off-“

“Wait, wait hang on Hee-young why don’t you come to my house and explain?”

“No I can’t, I just wanted to say I am sorry.”

“Wait Hee-young, don’t hang up at least tell me where you are.” You were about to say no when an ice-cream truck started to play its song.

“Hee-young, don’t hang up!” Minhyuk warned and you heard footsteps on the other end. Great! Stupid ice-cream truck had to play its song at that exact moment. You shook you head and wiped the silent tears that had flowed down your cheeks away.

“I am sorry Minhyuk…oppa” You smiled at that memory and pressed end. You closed your eyes and tried to stop crying but you couldn’t. At last you gave up and sat on the pavement, your head in your hands bawling your eyes out. You heard footsteps but you didn’t care who saw you like this, you would never be seeing them again. A pair of arms circled you and you looked up to see Minhyuk, you gasped slightly. It’s your own fault Hee-young for staying here too long, you should have just left after the call ended but no you had to sit there and cry! You tried to get away from Minhyuk’s grasp but your energy had worn off from crying and running.

“Put me down.” You commanded.

“No.” He was carrying you in his arms in the direction of his house. Crap, crap, crap! This is not going according to plan! You started hitting his chest but he seemed to just shrug the punches off.

“Put me down MInhyuk.” You started crying again and that made Minhyuk tighten his grip on you.

“Look, we can keep in touch just let me go.” He ignored you and you tried punching him harder, it still had no effect on him. You kept punching him trying to make him give up on you and let you down but that moment never happened, instead he carried you into his house and only in his room he put you down.

“Yah! Why didn’t you put me down when I asked you to? I am going.” You decided and were about to walk out of the door when MInhyuk’s arm grabbed you.

“Pabo! Let go.” You said slightly angry more at yourself than him. He pulled you into his arms and pressed your head into his shirt.

“It’s okay Hee-young, you can cry in front of me.” His tone had slightly softened and you stood there for a bit until your broke down and the tears started pouring down your face like Niagara Falls.

“I don’t want to get married Minhyuk! I am far too young and I don’t even know this guy-“  You sniffled.

“I know, let it all out. I am here for you Hee-young.” You looked up and smiled.

I don’t want you to get married either Hee-young…

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edited the forword, added another person. sorry for the very late introduction for her


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aylinn #1
Chapter 18: new reader here! and I cought up with ll the chapters in one go!!! update please
kpop4u #2
kpop4u #3
Chapter 18: YAY!!!!
kpop4u #4
Update :(
kpop4u #5
Chapter 17: Update PLEASE!!!!
thank you, i shall dedicate the next chapter to you! :D
kpop4u #7
I love this :)
kpop4u #8
Pleaseeeeeeeeeee updateeeeeeeeee
kpop4u #9
please updateeeeeeeeeeeeeeee im dying to know moreeeeeeee :)
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