Chapter 4

I Don't Know

A week later~

_______’s P.O.V


Bwara Mr. simple simple,

Keuttaenuen keuttaeneun keuttaero meotjyeo,

Bwara Miss-eu simple simple,

Keuttaeneun keuttaero yeppeo (SJ call)

Why the hell did I put this song as an alarm?

I thought as I hit the snooze button with all my might. Moral of the story: NEVER set your favourite song as an alarm to wake you up. I looked at my alarm clock. 7 a.m. Why did I set it at- Oh God! I have a photo shoot to attend to! Have I told you I’m a photographer? I wonder who I’ll be shooting today. Mr. Song, my boss, said that it’ll be a celebrity modelling for a brand new clothing line called “Remaining”.

Please let it be Lee Minho!

I quickly took a shower and got dressed. Since I might be shooting for hours, I decided to wear something simple but comfortable. I tied my hair into a ponytail since I’m too lazy to do it in another style. Then, I wore a plain, white T-Shirt and my favourite black leather jacket. I decided to wear my skinny jeans and my favourite pair of sneakers since I have a thing against heels. I took my car keys and casually headed out the door. Since I’m too lazy to cook my own breakfast, I decided to go and have my breakfast at Starbucks. So, I drove there. Good thing it’s just a few minutes’ drive. I ate my bagel and drank some coffee. Then, I started driving to the location.

Lord, I know I haven’t been praying recently but please, please, I beg of you. Let it be Lee Minho today.

I arrived at the location a few minutes earlier. I quickly set up the camera and adjusted the lighting and stuff. I took some shots to make sure everything is right. Suddenly, I heard the door opening, some shrieks from fan girls and male voices.

Darn. It’s not Lee Minho. I wonder-

“Annyeonghaseyo. Super Junior imnida. Uri Super Juni-or,” they all chorused.

You have got to be kidding me. As a fan girl, I’m ecstatic but as _______, I’m kind of embarrassed to face them. Remember the Hyunjung fiasco? Yup, that’s the cause.

Dear God, please don’t let anything give me awa-

“_______-ah! There you are. I’ve been looking everywhere for you. Is everything ready?” Taehun-ie, my co-worker, asked me.

. But on the bright side, I don’t think they heard-

“_______-ssi? That name sounds familiar. Could it be?” I quickly nodded to Taehun-ie and turned around to go to the direction of the voice. I am the photographer. I have to be there on set. But first, I have to get through Kim Heechul.

“Oh, _______-ssi. Long time no see,” Heechul-ssi said.

“De, Heechul-ssi. How did you remem-“

“Who could forget the girl who claimed she was crazy and loooooves unicorns because she was dared by her bestfriend and decided to get revenge by forcing her best friend to do it 10 times worse,”

My face flushed deep shades of red when he said that.

God, this is embarrassing.

“Oh.. haha.. I thought you would forget,” I said.

“No way! Who would forget such an embarrassing thing? Why are you here anyways? Were you stalking us? How did you get in? I did hear your umma talking about your crush on one of us the other day. Are you that-“

“_______-ssi. The idols are ready. You can begin the shoot now,” A staff said.

“De, kamsahamnida,” I said to the staff.

“Now, will you excuse me? I have to shoot Super Junior’s photo shoot today, if you don’t mind,” I said emphasizing on the word ‘Super Junior’ with a smirk. I left the dumbfounded Kim Heechul and walked to the set.

Me? A saesang? He wishes… Now, time to start the shoot. Sigh, I have to introduce myself to them. Why? Because Mr. Song made it a tradition. Don’t ask me why because my guess is as good as yours. Let’s just hope they won’t recognize me.

“Okay, the staffs are going to introduce themselves. We’re doing this because it’s a tradition. My name is Song Jaehyuk and I am the director,”

All the staffs introduced themselves as I waited anxiously for my turn. After what felt like decades, it was finally my turn.

“Annyeonghaseyo. Lee _______ imnida. I’ll be your photographer for today and today only,” I said as I bowed to them. I looked up to see some shocked faces. Yup, you guessed it. They recognized me.

“Okay… Now that that’s done, we’ll begin the shoot. Listen up, everybody! You… red-haired kid. Stand beside the blonde. No, not that blonde. Sheesh. Yes, that one. You… Guy with blonde hair and some pink in it. Stand beside red-hair. Perfect. You-“

“Let me, director-nim. Just tell me who goes beside who and I’ll tell them. Better yet, why don’t you arrange them according to OTPs? I’m sure the fans will love it,” I suggested. Super Junior looks… surprised (?) to learn that I knew all of this. Of course I’d know this. I’m an ELF.

“Ah, de. But because of that, some of them need to change clothes. So, why don’t you tell me who’s with who and I’ll tell the stylists to give which clothes to who,” Director-nim said.

“Why don’t we divide them into 3 groups of five first?” I suggested.

“Yeah, that would be great,”

And this went on for about… 10 more minutes.

Luck sure was on my side today.

Note the sarcasm. I wanted to get this done fast because the longer I’m here, the more I might embarrass myself in front of them. Finally, after they’ve changed clothes and stuff, it’s time to start.

“Okay, people. Listen. Ryeowook-ssi and Yesung-ssi stand there. Yes, perfect. Kyuhyun-ssi, stand at Ryeowook-ssi’s right. Sungmin-ssi, you’re supposed to be beside Kyuhyun-ssi. Okay. Shindong-ssi, stand beside Sungmin-ssi. Shindong-ssi, I need you to distance yourself from them. 5 more steps. Okay, ready!”

I took a deep breath and started the shoot. It took a long time to wrap up Group 1’s photo shoot. For Group 1’s concept, I decided to put 2 OTPs together side by side with a sad loner. There’s a gap between the OTPs and the loner. I put Shindong on the far side to represent a loner. So, yeah… 1 down, 2 to go.

“Okay, next group. Leeteuk-ssi and Kangin-ssi stand there. Yes, side by side. Stop denying there’s nothing between you! Fans love to put you together so quit complaining. Kibum-ssi, stand beside Leeteuk-ssi. Hankyung-ssi, Heechul-ssi, stand beside Kibum-ssi. Group 2, ready!”

Group 2 took longer than Group 1 because of Heechul-ssi’s habit of hogging the spotlight. Sigh, that’s Heechul for you. And that’s one of the reasons he is in my Top 5 list. For this group’s concept, I decided to separate the OTPs instead of putting them side by side like I did with Group 1. I put the loner a.k.a Kibum, in the middle, so that he would look less pathetic than Shindong. Slowly, the loner in each group is going to be happier. Group 1 shows a pathetic one, Group 2 shows a sad one and Group 3… Well, it’s a surprise. 2 down, 1 to go.

“Last group, stop playing around and come here now! Good. Eunhyuk-ssi, stand there. Donghae-ssi, go to the far side. I’m not going to put you guys together. Henry-ssi, stand beside Eunhyuk-ssi. Zhou Mi-ssi, stand at the end of the line at Donghae-ssi’s side. On second thought, Eunhyuk-ssi and Henry-ssi, switch places. Siwon-ssi, stand in between Eunhyuk-ssi and Donghae-ssi. Okay!”

For Group 3’s concept, I decided to the OTPs! I know, there’s EunSiHae but I’m loyal to EunHae. To me, Siwon is just ing them. *Don’t hate me!* I don’t know whether Henry and Zhou Mi are a ‘couple’ or not… Now, the one who represents a loner is happy! Okay, I’ve totally lost it. I don’t know why I’m so happy about that. After a few hours, the photo shoot is finished. Because of my awesome skills, the photo shoot ended early.

“Okay! That’s a wrap, people! High-five, Taehun! Wow, FANTASTIC BABY! DANCE! I wanna dance, dance, dance, dance, dance, dance. Fantastic Baby!” I sang and dance with Taehun. The others were already used to it. Usually, the people who I shot would change their clothes in a hurry and left for their schedules. Since Super Junior is a successful Idol group, I’m sure they-

“Oh, Super Junior… You’re still here?” Director-nim said.

Oh, they’re still he- Wait. What? They’re still here?!

I turned my body to face them.

So, they saw all of the dancing and singing?! I just embarrassed myself in front of them again. Seriously?

“Umm, yeah. Since your photographer was willing to shoot us and that we know each other, we decided to treat her lunch. Plus, she did end the shoot earlier than expected,” Leeteuk-ssi said to Director-nim.

“Errr… Sure, I guess. If she agrees,” Director-nim said.


“Yes, she’ll go with you,” Taehun interrupted.

“Yeah. Wait, what?! No-“ I was about to decline but I was interrupted by a certain Heechul carrying me on his back.

“Yah! Heechul-ssi! Put me down! I can walk by myself!” I shouted in his ear.

“Yah! Don’t you ‘yah’ me… and you don’t have to shout in my ear! Let’s drop the formalities. Call me oppa and I might put you down,” Heechul-ssi said.

Seriously, what’s with the ‘call me oppa’ demands?

“Fine. Heechul oppa, please put me down,” I said. I somehow feel he’s not going to put-

“No. Anyways, you’ll have to call me oppa and oppa only until I say stop. Wait, we’re almost in the van. Okay, I’ll put you down since you’re heavy. Owww- I was just kidding. I’ll put you down because we’re almost there. However, I’m going to hold on to your hand in case you try to escape,” Heechul ahjussi said as he put me down.

Heechul ahjussi told me to call him oppa. He’ll never know I call him ahjussi in my mind.

I mentally rolled my eyes. Once we’re inside the van, there was awkward silence. Heechul ahjussi was still holding on to my hand. So, I decided to tell him off since I’m evil that way.

“Ummm, Heechul oppa, you can let go now. There’s no way I can escape since the door’s closed,” I said.

“De? Oh, umm, yeah, okay. Sorry,” Heechul ahjussi said, flustered.

I heard some chuckles from the Super Junior members but that was that.

~A W K W A R D     S I L E N C E~

“Okay. So, where are we going?” I asked, attempting to break the ice.

“Oh, umm… KFC?”

“No, not there,”

“Yes, let’s go there,”

“Why don’t we ask her?” Yesung-ssi said loudly. So loud until everyone was silent. Then, they focused all of their attention on me.

“Umm… I don’t mind. Any where’s fine. I’m not that hungry, anyway,” I said, trying to hide the fact that I was STARVING. Just then, my stomach decided to betray me by grumbling loudly.


I could see that they were trying to hold in their laughter. So, being the generous person I am, I said..

“Go ahead and laugh at me. I don’t care. It still doesn’t change the fact that I’m NOT hungry. I mean, it could be anyone,” And with my permission, they laughed to their heart’s content.

“Yeah, sure… We believe you. You’re not hungry,” Heechul ahjussi stated sarcastically.

“Duh, Captain Obvious. It’s so obvious,” I counter-attacked him, sarcastically.

“Do you not get sarcasm?” Heechul ahjussi counter-attacked me.

“Ask yourself that question first. Do you not get sarcasm? I clearly said it with pure sarcasm. Or can’t you tell?” I attacked him.

By this time, the members stopped what they were doing and focused on our conversation.

“It was sarcasm? Really? I had no idea,”

“You don’t? Hey, people! We have an idiot over here! He doesn’t know how to tell the difference between a sentence filled with sarcasm or not,”

“I was trying to be sarcastic,”

“Well, you clearly failed miserably. And it rhymes! I win this time, Heechul ahju- OPPA!” I said.

“I- You- Urgh… Fine!” Heechul ahjussi admitted, defeated. (LOL it rhymed again xD)

“Wow, hyung. You got defeated by a girl. Oh, the shame. You got BURNED. Harsh,”

“Yah! Shut up, Cho Kyuhyun!”

“Arasseo, arasseo,”

“So, where are we going to eat?” Shindong-ssi asked.

“Let’s just eat at the dorm. I can cook fast and delicious food,” Ryeowook-ssi suggested.

“Yeah, that’s true,”

“He’s got a point,”

“I agree,”

“Come on, let’s get going,”

They all said at once.

“Okay, people. Be quiet. So, who’s gonna drive?” Leeteuk-ssi asked.

~ S  I     L      E      N     C      E~

“If no one volunteers, I’ll dr-“

“NO!” We all shouted at the same time.

“I’ll drive,” Donghae-ssi said, quickly.


At The Dorm


“Hey, let’s play Truth or Dare while waiting for Ryeowook to finish cooking,” Kyuhyun-ssi suggested.

“Ryeowook HYUNG, Kyuhyun-ah. Sheesh,” Ryeowook-ssi said.

“Yeah, okay, HYUNG,” Kyuhyun said, imitating Ryeowook’s ‘HYUNG’.

“Okay, sounds like fun,” Heechul ahjussi said.

“I’m joining!”

“Me too!”

“Me three!”

“Yah! Don’t forget me!”

Soon, all of the member of Super Junior, minus Ryeowook-ssi, are playing. Of course I’m playing too because someone *coughHeechulcough* forced me to play using his tickling skills. I knew I should have remembered that thing they did in EHB to prevent laughter/getting ticklish while you get tickled.

Please, don’t let it be my tu- Oh, great! It’s my turn…

“______-ssi. Truth or Dare?” Kyuhyun-ssi asked.

“I choose-“ Pausing dramatically... “-Dare,” I said filled with triumph.

“Oh. So you think you’re brave enough to do my dare? I dare you to-“

“Answer this question. Who is the guy your umma was talking about? You know, you’re one-sided love with a member of Super Junior,” Heechul ahjussi interrupted.

“Hyuuuuuung. That’s too easy,” Kyuhyun-ssi protested.

“Too bad. It’s been said. Well, it’s not one-sided love and it’s not a crush either. I’m just biased. That guy is-“

“Food’s ready!” Ryeowook-ssi said.

Thank you!

“Well, food’s ready. Why don’t we-“

“We’re not going to let this slide. Answer us first,” Kyuhyun-ssi said.

Darn, that evil maknae.

Leeteuk’s P.O.V


“We’re not going to let this slide. Answer us first,” Kyuhyunie said.

I wonder who her bias is.

“My bias is-“

Dora dora dora,

Dora dora dora,

Dora dora dora-

Who has U-Kiss’ song as a ring tone? We all turned to face _______.

“Looks like I can’t answer your question right now. Mianhae, I have to take this,” _______-ssi said.

Sh-Shut up and let me g-

“Yoboseyo? Oh, it’s you, Hyunjung ahju- Mwoh?! What happened to who?”

There must be something wrong. I can see tears forming in her eyes.

Then, she went into the bathroom. What surprised us was what she said when she got out.

“Mianhae, guys. I have to go. Thanks for inviting me over. Or in this case, kidnapping. Sorry for not eating your cooking, Ryeowook-ssi. I’ll treat you or something. Bye,” she said as she bowed 90 degrees to us. Then, she left the dorm and at the same time, leaving us confused.

“I wonder what’s wrong,” I thought out loud.

“Hyungs, I have never thought I would be saying this but it’s time we do some investigating,” Kyuhyunie suggested.

“You mean, it’s time we stalk her?” Heechulie said bluntly.

“Investigating would be a better term, hyung,” Kyuhyunie said.

“Yeah, yeah. Think whatever you want to think. It’s still called stalking. It does sound like fun… I’m in! Hannie, you too!” Heechulie exclaimed. Sometimes I can’t believe he’s just 9 days younger than me. He acts as if he’s 19 years younger than me.

“Seriously, hyung. Stalking? Let’s just pray for her safe-“

“Nah, that’s too boring, Siwon-ah! Life is about having fun! Come on, ppali!” Heechulie said as he dragged the nearest person to him. Unfortunately, it was me.

“Jungsu-ah, kaja! It’s going to be fun!”

“I have no other choice, huh?” I sighed.

If only the maknae didn’t bring ‘investigating’ up.

“Arasseo. While I’m gone, Jongwoon will take charge,” I ordered.

“Hyuuuuung, I want to stalk her too!” Jongwoon protested. (LOL That sounds wrong)

“Me too!”

“Me three!”

“I’m coming!”

“Yah! Stop forgetting about me!”

“Okay, okay. Calm down. You can join us. Problem is, while we were having this discussion, we lost track of her. Any ideas where she might have gone?” I asked the kids.

“Well, since something happened to someone, she might be at her house or at a nearby hospital,” Hyukjae said, stating the obvious.

“Duh, Captain Obvious. Can’t you be more obvious?” Kyuhyunie said.

This maknae is so…

“Well, I did eavesdrop on her conversation. That Hyunjung ahju-guy said her umma’s in a coma. So, she asked which hospital he umma is in. He said her umma’s in XXX Hospital,” Henry said.

Well, that’s a first from Henry. Maybe… Just maybe…

“What are you waiting for? An invitation? Get your disguises now! Ppali,” Heechulie demanded.


At The Hospital


“Maknae,” Heechulie called.

“De, hyung?”

“De, hyung?”

“De, hyung?”

“What do you want, hyung?”

Henry, Wookie, Bummie and Kyuhyunie said at the same time.

“Yah! I meant the current maknae. Not you ex-maknaes… Or also known as the maknae wannabes. And where’s your manners, Cho Kyuhyun?” Heechulie said.

“Yes, hyung?”

“Did you hear which room her umma’s in?”

“Ani. We can always ask the reception desk (?) lady,”

“Are you crazy?! We might get recognized,”

“Relax, hyung. I’m a professional when it comes to these stuff,”

And with that, Henry went to the reception desk lady.

“Seriously, I don’t know how he’s going to find out. He doesn’t even know her umma’s name,” I said voicing out my thoughts.

“Me too, hyung. Me too,” Kyuhyunie agreed.

“Excuse me, ahjumma but do you know what room Mrs. Lee is in? She just got admitted today not so long ago. I heard that she was in a coma,” Henry said.

Wow, he’s so descriptive. He’s talking as if there’s only 1 Mrs. Lee in this whole entire world. It’s impossi-

“Oh, yes. Fortunately for you, there’s only one Mrs. Lee with that condition. She’s in Room 315,”

All of the members are dumbfounded.


“Come on, Hyungs. Room 315. Kaja,” Henry said.

This kid… Should get an award.

As we approach the room, we saw _______ outside all alone. We were about to call her when suddenly, a hooded figure attacked her from behind. The hooded figure’s accomplices were heading towards her. The hooded figured cupped using his hands. We decided to lay low and strategize first.

“Okay, what should we do?” I asked.

“We wait and see. If it gets ugly, Sungminnie will go out there and take care of it,” Heechulie said.

“But why must we wait, hyung?” Hyukjae asked.

This Hyukjae is so…

“Because, if we act on impulse, it’ll create a scene. Since we’re Super Junior, it’ll be all over the news and we’ll receive some more antis,” Heechulie stated, acting as if even a three-year-old would know that.

“You’ve got a point there. Let’s just wait,” I said.

“Teukie hyung, why are they hugging?” Wookie asked.

What’s wrong with them huggi- What?!



Authors note!

LOL Hi.. So, I decided to put a reaaallllly long chapter for this since I have no idea what to do for the next chapter. I do have some ideas but it's going to take a few.... hours....*ehem schooling hours ehem* Since I'm dead hungry all the time, it's going to be kinda hard. I'll try my best and I'll update often! Hope you enjoy reading it! #I got inspired by a nightmare... I dreamt that Samara stole food for me and we ate together on a hill.. Then, there was a group of people.. and then I woke up. I decided to change this and that but the hill remained. So... :/

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Chapter 10 is rated for swearing XD I'll make it cleaner XD


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ReinaPark #1
Chapter 26: update soon.. can't wait for the next chap
lhj1123 #2
Chapter 7: For me, i want oc to pair with yeye ^^
lhj1123 #3
Chapter 4: Long chapter, better~~^^
lhj1123 #4
Chapter 1: Isnt hyunjung is a girls' name? Bcuz my name is lim hyunjung..but it's okay :) same name as me, i'll definitely read it!^^
I love this story, please update soon!
jenidragon #6
Chapter 23: Please keep it as Sungmin! There's absolutely no good Sungmin x You fanfic out there! or maybe i got too impatient after the 9th page of fanfics...anyways, I love this so much! Update soon!!! :D I laughed sooooo hard my parents asked if i was okay! XD the character's personality is actually quite similar to mine hehe.
sincerly_me #7
Chapter 22: i love it it's so cute:) update soon
Chapter 22: dang unwanted ship :(
Chapter 22: oooooo no don't break them up please!
Chapter 21: they're so SWEET!!!UPDATE SOON!