Chapter 3

I Don't Know

Chapter 3


“Annyeonghaseyo. Lee _______ imnida,” I said as I bowed 90 degrees to them.

How many of them are there? 1…2….3…15.

“Yes? Why are you here?” A rather impatient but familiar voice asked.


Wait, that voice is too familiar… Sounds like… Wait no, impossible. But there’s 15 of them… That means… HOLY NOODLES! It’s THE Kim Heechul’s voice. That means, I have to do this in front of SUPER FREAKING JUNIOR?! No wonder Hyunjung… HYUNJUNG! I bet he knows…

I turned around to see Hyunjung’s reaction. Yup, he knows alright. He’s laughing his head off….for now.

“Park Hyunjung. I am soooo going to kill you,” I mumbled.

“Yes?” Heechul-ssi asked again.

Urgh, here goes nothing…

“I’m sorry for disturbing you but I was forced by that basta- ‘wonderful’ man over there to do this. Hi, I’m a crazy person who looooooves unicorns to death! They exist!” I exclaimed.

“RAINBOW MONKEYS, RAINBOW MONKEYS!” I sang while spinning once.

Screw you, Hyunjung.

I quickly bowed and left the rolling-on-grass-while-laughing-out-loud idols.

“YAH! PARK HYUNJUNG! YOU ARE SOOO DEAD!” I shouted at him. Then, I gave him one of my most sincere glares I’ve ever given anyone in my whole entire life.

I’ll get revenge. 10 times worse. Just you wait, Park Hyunjung.

Then, I started laughing evilly to myself. That scared the crap out of Hyunjung.

Just you wait.


Heechul’s P.O.V


I was peacefully enjoying the scenery when I saw a couple coming to this hill.

Maybe they’re here for a picnic.

They were talking quite loudly. Since, I’m done enjoying the scenery, I decided to eavesdrop on their conversation. Let’s see… lonely…. someone left me… mianhae… past is past… anticipate the future…

Wow, nicely said.

I looked around to see if the members noticed I’m eavesdropping. Good news is, none of them noticed. I don’t know whether this is good or bad… but ALL of them are eavesdropping on their conversation. From the old leader to the Mochi maknae. I guess it easily attracts people’s attention. Then, the girl went to set up the food and stuff. She’s actually quite pretty. Hey, that’s GREAT considering it is in THE Kim Heechul’s thoughts. That guy is quite lucky. I noticed that he noticed our presence but the girl still hasn’t.

Come on, she hasn’t noticed our RADIATING presence. Is she that oblivious or something?

After they finished eating, the guy stared off into space while the girl secretly took out her camera and snapped a shot of the guy without him knowing. Wow, they should be called “The Oblivious Duo”. So, let’s see her reac-


Haha. She’s cute. Her laughter is like music to my ears… and it’s contagious.

I started laughing along with her. I thought the members would think I’m crazy because I’m laughing to myself but apparently, they were laughing too. Five minutes later, her laughing fit was over only to be replaced with a look of “SUDDEN REALISATION” plastered on her face.

“Hyung, why do you think she has that look on her face?” Donghae asked me.

“Molla. Why are you asking me? Wait, why are you even looking at her?” I asked him back. Hmm.. could it be?

“B-b-bwoh? I-I-I w-w-wasn’t l-l-l-looking a-at her!” Donghae protested.

“Really? Then how did you know she had that look on her face? And why are you even stuttering? Do you like her?” I counter-attacked him. Yup, it’s really happening.

“A-a-ani! Oh! I’ve got to go, hyung. Hyukjae’s calling me,” Donghae said.

Sure, I believe you.

Me, being the awesome minded one, knows what’s going on. Let’s see what’s going on now. The guy, Hyunjung, I think started tickling her to death while she was begging for mercy. The guy stopped tickling her because of what she said.

, I can’t hear them anymore.

I strained my ears to listen to their conversation.

“Go - group – men – dance,”


“No – halmeoni – scan – appear – Internet,”

Feisty. I like that.

“Took – photo – disposed. Photo – you – laughing – online. Phone – hard – delete. Always – me. Call – grandmother?!”

That had me laughing. Problem is, I was the only one that laughed. All of the members were looking at me.

“Hyung, are you alright? Want to go to the hospital for a check-up?” Kyuhyun-ie said.

Curse that maknae.

“Yah! I’m not crazy!” I said as I smacked his head.

“Oww, what was that for?” Kyuhyun-ie asked.

“Must you really ask?” I asked him in an annoyed tone.

“Fine,” Kyuhyun said, defeated.

I missed what’s going on. Wait, she’s heading this way. Quick, Heechul. Act normal!


“Annyeonghaseyo. Lee _______ imnida,”

Oh, so her name is _____...

“Yes? Why are you here?” I asked her impatiently. Half of me did that to cover up the fact that we were eavesdropping and the other half of me really wanted to know what’s going on.

“I-“ She stopped.

Wait, is she an ELF? What is she’s a saesang? I think she’s recognizing us. SHE KNOWS!

She turned around to see her boyfriend.

“Park Hyunjung. I am sooo going to kill you,” She mumbled. Or at least she thought she did. We all heard her.

“Yes?” I asked again.

“I’m sorry for disturbing you but I was forced by that basta- ‘wonderful’ man over there to do this. Hi, I’m a crazy person who looooooves unicorns to death! They exist!” She exclaimed.

What the?


Hahaha. That’s so adorable. It wasn’t that funny when she said that unicorn thingy but the way she said it. She did hand gestures! She freaking did! Well, she was flailing her hands wildly. Reminds me of a certain someone…. *coughSiwoncough*. I don’t know why I laughed. Well, maybe because the others were laughi- Wow, what’s this smell? I turned to see the ‘culprit’. He thought no one saw or heard or smelt it.

“Yah! Did you fart?” I half-shouted at him

“A-a-aniyo! Hyung, how could you say that?” Hyukjae said.

“Then, who farte- WOW FOUL SMELL! It  was you! Oh my God. Seriously, Hannie?”

“Umm… Sorry, I guess?” Hannie apologized. He’s facial expression is priceless!

“Hahahaha, Hannie. You should see the look on your face!” I laughed my out.

“Who just farted? Biong~ There’s already smell. Biong~ It was you right? Biong~ Biong biong biong biong biong biong biong~ Biong biong biong biong biong biong biong biong~” Jungsu sang.

“Jungsu, we know that you composed the song but that doesn’t mean you should sing it every single time someone farts. It was funny the first time,” I stated matter-of-factly.

“Hyung, don’t hurt the old leader’s feelings. He might get a heart attack! He has a poor heart. I’m worried he might die on the spot! Or maybe die of high blood pressure. You know, sickness that old people gets,” Kyuhyunie stated.

“Well, that is kind of true,” I said.

“Yah! I’m not THAT old. I’m just 9 days older than you, Heechul-ah. Cho Kyuhyun, you’re talking as if I’m 80,” Jungsu said.

“You’re not 80? Oh my God. I just knew that,” Kyuhyun-ie said, feigning shock.

“Why you little-,” Jungsu said and smacked the maknae’s head.

Serves him right.


______’s P.O.V


I had the most brilliant plain I ever had in my whole entire life. I made a flowery (?) crown for my revenge. I checked my bag to see is I had the ‘utensils’ needed. Thank God I do. I decided to use my most hated but effective weapon if needed for this revenge to work but before that, I need to text a certain someone.

To: Umma

From: The Awesome One

Umma, Hyungjung’s back from the States! You know, my bestfriend? Since he did something, I decided to get my revenge. You have always taught me to get revenge everytime someone pranks me, right? I need you to do this for me. I’m going to video call you later. You can say whatever you want to say to Hyunjung AFTER his ‘performance’. Bye, umma! Love ya! (LOL SS501’s song)

Okay. Now to wait for umma’s text me-

To: The Awesome One

From: Umma

Okay! I can’t wait. ^^


Since Hyunjung’s sleeping right now, I decided that it’s time to commence Operation: Avenge Humiliation. But before that, I deleted all of my humiliating photos he took of me. Then, I took out some make-up from my bad and started applying it to him. I ‘accidentally’ put too much make-up on. Then, I put the flowery crown I made on top of his head. I took a picture of him using my iPhone. The ‘click’ woke him up.

Great timing.

“Good morning, Hyunjung-ie-“ I said in an evil tone. “-You better follow what I say or else this humiliating photo of yours will go online. Don’t bother blackmailing me because I DESTROYED ALL OF IT! Now, listen here,” I whispered to him what he has to do.

Revenge is sweet!

Hyunjung’s eyes widened when he heard what he had to do.

“Oh yeah, and don’t forget to say it in a girly voice and with enthusiasm! Go to Super Junior first. I’ll catch up with you later,” I said to him

“Urgh, that’s way worse than what I asked you to do, _______-ah,” Hyunjung ahjussi said.

“ for you! Now, stop being a little girl and go there,” I said. When Hyunjung left, I quickly video called my umma.

“Annyeong, umma! Shhh. It’s about to start,”

I quickly went to Hyunjung while blocking my phone from his view. I quickly put it at the right angle so that umma can see him but he can’t see umma. Heechul-ssi noticed but didn’t give it away.

“Sorry for disturbing you guys again but this is necessary,” I apologized to them while bowing 90 degrees.

“No problem. If it’s for revenge, we understand,” Kyuhyun-ssi said.

Of course it is, considering it came out of the evil maknae himself.

“1,2,3 ACTION!” I said, my voice filled with triumph.

“Urgh, you are so-“

“Get started or else,” I said with a smirk. The members of Super Junior started laughing out loud. You see, oblivious Hyunjung ahjussi still hasn’t noticed his face is caked with make-up. Hyunjung ahjussi took a deep breath and-

“I’m a fairy princess! I’m sooo stupid. I’m sorry, _____. I looooove mermaids. Have you seen my imaginary pet unicorn named George? I love toilet bowls. Bye!” Hyunjung ahjussi said with a girl voice. Then, he twirled three times.

I turned to see a Kyuhyun eying me.

I guess he’s surprised and shocked at my evilness. But it hasn’t ended yet.

“Now, umma,” I whispered.

“Omo! Hyunjung-ah! It’s me. Mrs. Lee. Remember me? ______’s umma,”

Hyunjung immediately turned this way. His eyes wide with shock. He seemed embarrassed. All of the member of Super Junior were shock too! All except, of course, THE Kim Heechul.


“I saw the whole thing! I can’t believe my daughter’s boyfriend-“

“Umma! He’s just my BESTFRIEND. Nothing more,” I said as I emphasized on the word ‘bestfriend’. I heard some sighs of relief from some of the Super Junior members.

I may be oblivious to my surroundings but I have great hearing within a 5 metre radius. But it’s impossible. Why would they do that?

“Oh yeah! I forgot you had a crush on a member of a boyband. Super… something? Oh yeah! Super Junior’s-“

“Thanks, umma for participating. I think you have something to attend to. Bye! Sorry for bothering you!” I said before she could tell the whole world about- Omo!

What am I doing?!

“Hyunjung, good job! I won’t delete this photo because it wasn’t part of the deal. I’m going to keep it for future needs. This is for leaving me! By the way, you should look at your face. I’ve got to run before you kill me. Bye Hyunjung! Bye Super Junior. Yes, I recognized you,” I said as I bowed to them. Then, I quickly took all of my things and ran to my bike. I mounted it and waited for Hyunjung to see his face. He took out a mirror out of his pocket (Yes, sadly, he’s that vain and conceited) and had the funniest expression ever!

“Looking good!” I shouted to him as I laughed my head off. I glanced over at Hyunjung. Boy, he looks like he’s ready to take on zombies during the zombie apocalypse. He started marching towards me. I swear I saw laser beams coming out of his eyes. So, I decided to do what every sensible human being would do at this situation. I cycled for dear life.


Hyunjung’s P.O.V


That was embarrassing. I can’t believe my future mother-in-law saw me do that. Yes, future mother-in-law. I’m going to marry ______ someday.

I was still thinking of marrying _____ when I realised I was still here and the members of Super… I can’t remember, were laughing at me.

Urgh, I’m sooo out of here.


Third Person’s P.O.V


Her laugh is like a beautiful melody. Her smile sends my heartbeat racing like crazy. The way she’s embarrassed lets loose the butterflies in my stomach. I can tell she’s different from other girls. She’s crazy. She’s fun. She’s evil. She’s beautiful. Drop-dead gorgeous. Cheesy, I know. But this is what I’m feeling right now. What is it, though? I have to ask Heechul hyung about this.


------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ So, I hope you'll enjoy it! I got inspired by a nightmare -_- Comments are appreciated! :D

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Chapter 10 is rated for swearing XD I'll make it cleaner XD


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ReinaPark #1
Chapter 26: update soon.. can't wait for the next chap
lhj1123 #2
Chapter 7: For me, i want oc to pair with yeye ^^
lhj1123 #3
Chapter 4: Long chapter, better~~^^
lhj1123 #4
Chapter 1: Isnt hyunjung is a girls' name? Bcuz my name is lim hyunjung..but it's okay :) same name as me, i'll definitely read it!^^
I love this story, please update soon!
jenidragon #6
Chapter 23: Please keep it as Sungmin! There's absolutely no good Sungmin x You fanfic out there! or maybe i got too impatient after the 9th page of fanfics...anyways, I love this so much! Update soon!!! :D I laughed sooooo hard my parents asked if i was okay! XD the character's personality is actually quite similar to mine hehe.
sincerly_me #7
Chapter 22: i love it it's so cute:) update soon
Chapter 22: dang unwanted ship :(
Chapter 22: oooooo no don't break them up please!
Chapter 21: they're so SWEET!!!UPDATE SOON!