Chapter 19

I Don't Know

Heechul has been pacing up and down the room. It’s been exactly 17 minutes and 25.8 seconds, Heechul counted, since ______ called and 17 minutes and 24.8 seconds since he yelled at the members asked the members politely to gather in the living room. He was getting more and more anxious by the minute.


‘Where could she be?’ Heechul thought to himself.


Never, and I, mean never, in his life, had Heechul thought that he would be waiting for a girl anxiously. He swore if this was some kind of trick, he’d-


“Hyung, it’s been 3 minutes. Aren’t you going to tell us why we’re here? Changmin and I are planning something, if you don’t mind,” Cho Kyuhyun, the maknae that dared to defy the great Kim Heechul, said.


‘Why? Didn’t he know why? I’ve told-Oh. I forgot to tell them,’ Heechul mentally smacked himself.


“______’s sleeping ove-”


“WHAT?!” Chorused the members of world-known group, Super Junior.


“KEEP IT DOWN, WILL YOU? WE ARE TRYING TO SLEEP!” Yelled a middle-aged man, probably in his 30’s.


Heechul smirked. He never really liked that guy and it’s good that he gets to annoy him without much hassle.


“SORRY!” Heechul sing-sang.


“Heechul-ah, are you sure about this? There are 11 grown men here and once Henry, Zhou Min, Hangeng and Kibum comes to visit from China, there will be 15,”


Heechul smacked their beloved old leader’s head.


“As I was saying, _____ will be sleeping over for one night. Why won’t you let me finish my sentence? She’ll stay with me…. And hands off, Sungmin, Kyuhyun, Jongwoon and Donghae. You don’t get a say, lover boys,”


The rest of the members gasped. Heechul rolled his eyes. He still can’t get over the fact that the members were too dumb to notice. Of course, he himself never really did notice it until the MRA was formed but that’s not important.


“Cut the drama, girls. This ain’t no chic flick,” Said the English major, with tiny buttload hints of Engris-


‘Author-ssi, if you don’t mind, I’d like to narrate,’


‘With all due respect, Heechul-ssi, NO. You’ll turn it into a Heechul-worshipping fanfic,’


‘Ayo, stop. Lemme put it down another way,’


Heechul’s P.O.V


Things went better than expected. Now, that I have this fanfic in my control, I’ll-


Ding dong.


‘That must be her!’


I rushed to the door, beating the shocked members who were still …. out of it.


“Dongsaeng, you better have an- Hey, hey, what’s wrong?”


‘Oh God. How do I- I’m giving back your fanfic for now, I’ll claim it later,’


Author’s P.O.V


‘Ungrateful soon-to be 30 year old. Where was I? Oh!’


As soon as the rookie female soloist heard those words, she broke down and hugged the shocked man. Feeling that it’s better to keep her visit a secret, he brought her in. He shoved gently pushed the poor leader off the couch and sat the visitor there. After what seems like half an hour, the poor girl calmed down. All waited anxiously for the said girl to spill the beans and tell them what caused her to be this way.


______-ssi, you might not know who I am but I know who you are. Something interesting will happen to your umma who’s in the hospital. Time will tell. Also, this is not written in red ink. It’s written in… the blood of the dead rat in your kitchen’s sink that I killed especially for you. Enjoy, my love,” ______ suddenly voiced out.


Super Junior was shocked. Sensing that it’s the work of a mentally ill sasaeng fan, Sungmin, being the manly man that he is under all those covers of cuteness, went to her and hugged her, like a man. Of course the 3 others who love her weren’t so happy with him… and themselves.


“There, there,” Heechul said while separating the two hugging people.


“We’ll be here to protect you! Don’t worry,” Said Kyuhyun.


“We’ll beat the crap life out of the guy!”


“We’ll figure something out,”


Feeling comforted, ______ wiped away her tears.


“Thanks oppas…… and Kyuhyun,”


“Yah! Why won’t you call me oppa?”


“You remind me too much of Changmin,”


“Why won’t you call him oppa?”


“I just don’t want to,” ______ mehronged.


Upon hearing their childish bicker, the Super Junior members let out a smile.


“So, what took you so long to reach here?” Heechul asked.


______ let out a sheepish smile.


“Hahaha… That… Well, I went to the bus stop to wait for the bus to come and while waiting, a male approached me. I decided to pull a prank to lessen my nerves. So, when he said hi to me, I asked him in a low voice, “You can see me?” and scared the out of him. I didn’t know why he was so shocked. Five minutes later, he recognized who I was and asked for a picture and I took a picture with him. He told me I was so scary because mascara was running down my face. I told him that I washed all of my make-up away but I must have forgotten to wash my mascara and apologized. “An opportunity like that cannot be wasted,” I said to him and he just laughed it out and we talked until the bus came. After I got off the bus, I had forgotten all about my face and when I remembered, I decided to wash it off since scaring off other people won’t really be necessary. So I looked for a nearby toilet but I got lost so…. Yeah,”


Almost all of Super Junior facepalmed themselves. 10 minutes went by. None spoke after that. Upon remembering what really brought the girl here, they were in a frenzy. Leeteuk paced the room, wanting to get rid of what he had discovered earlier.


“So, what are we going to do now? The guy knows where you live and he broke into your house. We have to do something,” He voiced out.


“She can change the lock?” Shindong suggested.


“But he knows about ______’s umma. That means, he’s been stalking here since pre-debut,” Kangin said.


“This guy is dangerous,” Yesung stated.


“No , Sherlock,” Kyuhyun retorted.


Oh well. That’s what you get for stating the obvious.


“Maybe…. She could live with us for the meantime? Until she moves to another house,” Eunhyuk suggested.


“Yeah!” Half the members agreed.


“But…” Leeteuk began.


“Do you have a better idea?” Heechul interrupted.




“So, it’s settled. We’ll just have to tell Soo Man,” Heechul decided.


Sometimes, Park Jungsoo wonders who the real leader is. He was still pondering about the unfairness of Heechul’s dictatorship when suddenly, someone’s phone rang. Shocked at hearing “Bolero” being used as a ring tone, they turned to the person who constantly changes her ring tone.

(The members can’t listen to the phone call. :D Black – you. Gray – the caller)




“Are you at home now?”


“Wait, why are you stuttering? Don’t tell me you didn’t expect my phone call. You always stutter when you’re shocked,”

“Y-yes, I did,”

“Okay. So where are you now? I’ll go to you right now,”

“I-It’s okay, I’m a-at my op-pas’ dorm,”

“And which oppa are you talking about?”

“S-S-Super Junior,”

“You sure you don’t want me to come?”

“Y-yes, it’s f-fine,”

“Maybe you can come here at my place and do something?”

“WHAT?! NO!”


Well that scared the hell out of everyone escalated quickly.



“At least I stopped you from stuttering,”

“You did make me stop but what the hell, Lee Jonghyun?”


‘Lee Jonghyun? Isn’t that her ex?’ Thought the MRA.

“You’re such a greaseball,”

“Thank you. I’m King of Greasiness,”

“No, Yoochun oppa is the king,”

“Nah, I think Yunho hyung is,”

“You’re right! Yunho oppa’s worse when he’s around Jaejoong oppa,” The female cringed at the thought.


‘Awwww, how adorable,’ Thought Donghae, smiling to himself. He swore he saw a unicorn behind his beloved Hyukjae. At least our fishy found it adorable. The other three…. Let’s just say unicorns and rainbows aren’t really clouding their minds.


“You’re agreeing with me so does this mean that you’re falling for me?”

“What?! No. I don’t think I’ll fall for you soon,”


‘This bastard is soooo out of the Kyu-line. Changmin just have to it up,’


“But I’m the only guy you kissed~”

“You’re not the only guy I kissed!”


‘Ouch, my heart,’ The turtle lover thought.


“Excluding your boyfriends, of course?”

“Why must I exclude my boyfriends?!”

“Admit it, you didn’t kiss anyone apart from me.. and that cheating bastard,”

“I did kiss another guy apart from you two!”




“Oh really? What’s his name?”

“Must I really give out his name?”

“If you want me to believe you, yeah~”

“It’s up to you to believe it or not,”

“I’m not believing it. This means, you’re falling for me~”

“What?! No!”


‘If she says my name right then and there, I’ll get slaughtered,’


“So, how many guys did you kiss?”

“Just one guy,”

“Just one?!”

“I’m a good girl! I don’t go kissing around random strangers,”

“Fine but why did you kiss this random stranger?”

“His eyes were drowning my conscious. How could I pull away?”


‘Really?’ Sungmin thought happily.


Of course, him being Lee Sungmin, let out a huge smile that, of course, didn’t get unnoticed by Kim Heechul.


‘Why is he smiling? Has he finally… lost his mind?! My poor Minnie,’ Heechul concluded.


And as we all know, his conclusions are far from the truth.


“Yada, yada,”

“I can talk about whatever I want!”

“Who’s this Casanova stranger?”

“You shouldn’t talk bad about your sunbae, Jonghyun-ah,”


‘SUNBAE?!’ Everyone, excluding Sungmin of course, thought.


“Sunbae? That means... I MAY know him since he's my senior... TELL ME HIS NAME!”

“Pffft. If I told you his name, what good will it do?”



“Tell me or I’ll… post your baby pictures online!”

“What’s with the baby pictures threat? Heechul oppa also threatened me with that,”


‘So that’s how Heechul got her to be nice to him,’ Leader-ssi thought.


“I’ll…. Be greasy every time I talk to you,”

“Fine, fine. I’ll tell you…. In 15 years,”

“You leave me no choice. I guess I’ll just have to tell you Minhyuk’s weird habit of-“



‘Ewww. He seems innocent and lovable in Running Man,’ Hyukjae thought.


“Where was I? Oh yeah! His weird habit of-“



______, being the oblivious person she is, did not notice all the weird stares she is currently receiving.


“So you’ll tell me now?”

“You still can’t get me to tell,”

“Fine. Then I just have to go all the way to Super Junior hyungs’ dorm,”

“You wouldn’t come here all the way. Do you even know where Super Junior’s dor- You do?”

“I’ll…. Kiss you!”

“If you do that, you’ll probably get punched by Kangin oppa,”

“I’ll punch him back~”

“Y-you wouldn’t. Besides, I’m with them, as in all of them, 24/7. You’re pretty much outnumbered. There’s nothi- Oh, you know their schedule? What are you? A sasaeng?”

“Remember that embrassing incident that-“



An awkward silence swallowed the room.


‘F.M.L’ Thought both Sungmin and _______.


As soon as the duo realized what had just happened, they gave each other a knowing look and- ran for their lives.


UNFORTUNATELY, they can’t really run away twice from Heechul.


“Lee _______ and Lee Sungmin. You have some explanation to do,”




“_______, are you perhaps, dating our bunny?” Old leader-ssi asked.


“No,” Both of them said at the same time.


“Then why were you kissing each other?” Asked the other 29 year old.




“That’s right. You have no explanation,” Angel-turned-devil said.


Getting grilled by the ’83 line in front of the group you love isn’t really thrilling.


‘I. Am. Screwed. What do I do? Think, ______, think!’


“Hello? ________? You still there? Oh wait, why are you there in the first place?” Oblivious Jonghyun asked.

“I’ll call you later, bye,”


With that, she hung up.


__________’s P.O.V




“Are you going to tell us why you guys kissed or not?” Jungsoo oppa asked.


I glanced over at Sungmin oppa who was glancing at me.


It’ll be a miracle if I can escape this intense-


Ding dong.


Saved by the bell! :’D


“I’ll go get it,” I volunteered.


“Oh no, you’re not. You’re not going anywhere,” Heechul ahjussi said.




Ryeowook oppa went to open the door. I saw him facepalming himself.




“Hyungs, we forgot that DBSK’s coming over,”

“Oh yeah, that’s right!”

“How could we forget?”


This is my chance!


While they were distracted, I looked at Yoochun oppa.


“Yoochun oppa, help! They’re torturing me!” I exaggerated.


“What? Why? What happened?” He asked.


“Not the time for questions. Get me away from them,”


“Hurry! To the rooftop!”


Taking advantage of their unknowingness, I gave a signal to Sungmin oppa to follow me. At the count of three, we ran, faster than the speed of light. Okay well maybe faster than the speed of a kangaroo. No, scratch that. Fast enough to get away. Once we arrived at our destination, we waited for Yoochun oppa and when he arrived, we locked the door leading to the rooftop, sat down with us and laughed.


“Whew. That was one heck of a workout,” He said.


“Haha, yeah. I’ve never ran that fast before,” I said.


“Me too,” Sungmin oppa agreed.


“So, what happened?” He asked.


I explained to him about every little detail, starting from the note I found up to how he saved our lives.


“You’re a couple now?” Yoochun oppa asked.


“To be honest, Yoochun oppa. We don’t really know,” I answered.


“Hmmmm. There’s one way to find out. Sungmin-ah~ Can you please go there for a while? I need to have a heart-to-heart talk with this airhead over here,”


After Sungmin oppa left, Yoochun oppa looked at me straight in the eyes.


“Why did you respond to his kiss?”


“I have no idea, honestly. My mind was saying no but my body didn’t really cooperate,”


“Interesting… What did you feel when he kissed you?”




What did I really feel?


“I- I’m not so sure,” I told Yoochun oppa.


“Jinjja?” He asked, a glint of mischief in his eyes.


“Y-yeah. O-oppa. Why are you looking at me like that?”


“In order to sort out your feelings, you’ll have to kiss him again,”


I almost chocked on my own saliva. Almost.


“WHAT?!” I half-shouted.


“What’s the matter?” Sungmin oppa asked.


“In order to figure out your feelings, you have to kiss each other. That’s how YunJae figured out their feelings,” Yoochun oppa explained.




“YunJae’s real?! YEAH! I KNEW IT WAS MORE THAN JUST BROMANCE!” I said, trying to change the subject.


“Nice try, ______. Yunho hyung did that too. Now kiss,” Yoochun oppa said.


I looked at Sungmin oppa and he looked at me and I looked at Yoochun oppa who’s asking me to look at Sungmin oppa. When I did, his lips were just inches away from my face. I could feel his hot breath lingering on my lips and that sent shivers down my spine. My heart started beating rapidly.


But why?


Seconds later,  I felt a pair of lips on top of mine.


He’s kissing me. He’s really kissing me!


Too shocked to respond, I just stood still. I felt butterflies in my stomach and… something else. Soon, he pulled away. Not really wanting it to end, I really don’t know why, I kissed him. I. KISSED. HIM. I’m 100% positive that Sungmin oppa is shocked since he’s not really responding to the kiss.


Does this mean… he doesn’t like me? That’s… heartbreak- WHY?! It’s not like I’m in love, right?


I was pulled back to reality when I felt him responding to my kiss. His lips are so soft and at that moment, everything just felt… right. Is this love?


A few minutes later, we pulled away.


“Wow. Well, I guess that solves everything, then,” Yoochun oppa said proudly, reminding us that he was there to witness the whole thing.


I blushed.


“Don’t mind me. What happened with YunJae trained me. Trust me, you DO NOT want to see them make out. Seriously. At that time, I had to break them apart to avoid them from making love on our sofa. Where we watch television. Together,” Yoochun oppa shuddered at the thought.


“At least Junsu and I have the courtesy to go to our room and- I said too much, didn’t I?” He chuckled.


“YooSu’s real?! HELL YEAH! MY OTPS EXIST! I told them that their ‘oppars’ were gay but they just called me delusional,” I complained, realising much later that I too, said too much.


“You believe in us? Awesome!” Yoochun said proudly.


Minutes later, I realised that Sungmin oppa was with us.


“Oppa, what does ‘that’ make us now?” I asked him.


“I wasn’t really planning to confess this way but the situation calls for it. Lee ______, I don’t know for how long I’ve loved you but that’s not important. What’s important is that I know I’ll be able to love you starting from now until the day I die. So, will you be my girlfriend?”









Hereeeeeeee comes trouble~ Hey guys. Sorry for not updating sooner. :/ It took me 1 week ++ to finish typing up this chapter. Everyday I get tonssssssssss of homework that I have to pass up the next day and I’m working my off to meet the deadlines and yeah. The fact that I’m getting YunJae feels every time I listen to One Kiss isn’t really helping either.  Comments and subscriptions are highly appreciated. :D Hope you enjoyed this chapter even though it’s lacking~

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Chapter 10 is rated for swearing XD I'll make it cleaner XD


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ReinaPark #1
Chapter 26: update soon.. can't wait for the next chap
lhj1123 #2
Chapter 7: For me, i want oc to pair with yeye ^^
lhj1123 #3
Chapter 4: Long chapter, better~~^^
lhj1123 #4
Chapter 1: Isnt hyunjung is a girls' name? Bcuz my name is lim hyunjung..but it's okay :) same name as me, i'll definitely read it!^^
I love this story, please update soon!
jenidragon #6
Chapter 23: Please keep it as Sungmin! There's absolutely no good Sungmin x You fanfic out there! or maybe i got too impatient after the 9th page of fanfics...anyways, I love this so much! Update soon!!! :D I laughed sooooo hard my parents asked if i was okay! XD the character's personality is actually quite similar to mine hehe.
sincerly_me #7
Chapter 22: i love it it's so cute:) update soon
Chapter 22: dang unwanted ship :(
Chapter 22: oooooo no don't break them up please!
Chapter 21: they're so SWEET!!!UPDATE SOON!