Chapter 20

I Don't Know


_________’s P.O.V


“I wasn’t really planning to confess this way but the situation calls for it. Lee ______, I don’t know for how long I’ve loved you but that’s not important. What’s important is that I know I’ll be able to love you starting from now until the day I die. So, will you be my girlfriend?”




You love him, idiot.


Oh God. It’s you again.


You seem to really love God.


It was a figure of speech?


Yeah, yeah. Back to the point. You are in love with Lee Sungmin. DEAL WITH IT.


Pfffft. I am not.


Yes, you are and before you deny it, answer my questions.


What are you now? A love guru?


No, idiot. I am Yoochun’s conscious.




I can’t believe you’re stupid enough to fall for that.


It’s easy to believe everything once telepathy works.


And you’re avoiding the subject.


I did no such-


My mental debate with my inner self was interrupted by a cough.


“Are you okay?” I asked Sungmin oppa.


“Hmm? What? Where? Yeah?”


“Weren’t you  the one that-“


“It was me,” Yoochun oppa said.


Yoochun oppa? What is he- Oh God.


“Oh God. Sorry, Sungmin oppa. I was out of it. Can you give me a few minutes?”


“Oh yeah, sure,”


“______. It’s time you and I have a serious conversation. Sungmin, can you go back to the spot just now? Thanks,” Yoochun oppa said.


Once Sungmin oppa went back to the spot, Yoochun oppa faced me.


“So, how did it feel to kiss him?”


“I felt butterflies and I didn’t really want it to end… but why is that? Do I like him more than a friend? Am I in love?”


“Lee ______. Answer the following questions. Do animals breathe?”


“What type of ques-“


“Just answer it,”




“Can fish drive cars?”




“Answer it,”




“Do you have 8 eyes?”


“No. Isn’t that obvious?”




What the eff is going on?


“And your point is…?”


“My point is, the answers to your questions are quite obvious too,”


The answers to my questions are quite obvious too? Does that mean…?


I looked over at Sungmin oppa who’s looking at the moon. The moon’s light shining upon his face, the stars bringing out the glimmer in his eyes and the wind blowing his hair softly made me realise something huge.


Damn, he looks fine under the moonlight.


I also realised that I wanted to touch his face and that I’m describing him like the male lead in a drama would describe the female lead but that’s not so important. My body decided to rebel my mind and dragged me to where Sungmin oppa’s standing. My mind couldn’t process what’s going on. My hand went over to Sungmin oppa’s face, taking in every detail. His cheeks, his nose and finally, his lips.


“______, what are you doing?” Sungmin oppa asked.


“Huh? I don’t know. It’s just that…You’re very handsome, oppa,” My mouth just blurted.


He let out a deep chuckle that made my heart skip a beat. I looked up into his eyes.


Wrong move. God, the intensity of it all. I can’t escape!


“Oppa, stop seducing me with your eyes,” My mouth blurted, again.


What. The. Heck.


A melodious sound, identified as laughter, came out of his mouth.


“Shall I seduce you with my lips instead?”


Before my mind can actually process what he just said, Sungmin oppa kissed me, again and it didn’t take me long to respond. Before things go overboard, we broke the kiss.


No matter how many times I kiss him, I’ll never feel satisfied.


“So, I’ll take that as a yes?” Sungmin oppa asked.


“I guess you can say that,” I said while blushing.


Ewww. This is sooooooooo not me. Eh, but it’s worth it.


“Oppa, can I talk to you informally now?”


“Sure, why not?”


I grinned.


“Lee Sungmin~”


That sounds just…. Right.


I was savouring the moment when Park I-will--you-forevah Yoochun sneezed.


“Sorry guys. I sneeze when people get too cheesy,”


We dropped our jaws, literally, after hearing that statement.


“Now, now lovebirds. You don’t need to have matching expressions. Let’s head back to the dorm. They’re probably worried about us,”


Reluctantly, we went back to the dorm only to be faced by two angry ahjussis.


“Lee ______ and Lee Sungmin. Explain. Now,” Heechul ahjussi said, in a tone so cold, it’ll freeze hell itself. Okay maybe I was exaggerating.


I guess I was still out of it once I forgot about Yoochun oppa’s ing. The taste of Sungmin oppa’s lips were still there and it’s addicting.


“______? Are you okay?” Heechul ahjussi asked.


“Yes, sir~” I sang.


There’s something wrong with me.


“Look at you, feeling so happy. You should thank me. ME! I helped you out,” Yoochun oppa said, childishly.


Of course I was still wayyyyyyyy out of it to tell that he was joking. So, I waltzed over to Yoochun oppa, twirled three times, thanked him in 10 different languages and gave him a hug.


“Wow. Didn’t know you were that happy,” Sungmin oppa smirked.




Recovering from my trance, I looked right at him.


“Shut up, Lee Sungmin,” I said, trying to hide my smile.


Anddddddddddd the whole room was shocked to hear the way I talked to Sungmin oppa.


“Relax, guys. I gave her permission to do so,” Sungmin oppa said.


“And why is that?” Jungsoo oppa asked, narrowing his eyes.


I was about to run away again when I slipped on a banana peel.


Seriously, a banana peel? Is there a monkey in the- Hyukjae oppa.


I closed my eyes to brace myself for the impact but it never came. I slowly opened my eyes only to encounter those eyes that captured my mind, heart and soul. I guess I’m in his arms now.


Oh no. No no no no nononononononono.


We stared into each other’s eyes in what seems like an eternity. It would have lasted longer if it wasn’t for the stares we’re getting. I cleared my throat and we awkwardly stood further away from each other. The whole dorm went silent. Suddenly, my phone rang again.


Must be Jonghyun. Déjà vu much?


“Hello? ______, are you okay? Why did you hang up? Why are you there? Hello? Hello?”

“Dude, calm down. One question at a time. Yes, I’m okay. I hung up because,” – I looked over at Jungsoo and Heechul ahjussi – “some ahjussis were giving me a hard time,”


“YAH!” Jungsoo and Heechul ahjussi yelled.


“Ahjussis? ERTS?”

“WHAT?! No! Just Heechul and Jungsoo oppa,”

“Oh. Why? Wait no. Let me guess. They were asking you loads of questions regarding your kiss with Sungmin hyung?”


“ to be you,”

“Thanks,” I said sarcastically while rolling my eyes.

“So, are you free this Sunday?”

“I’m not so sure. It depends on my schedule. Why?”

“Let’s go catch a movie,”

“Are you asking me out?!” I said, a little too loud.


I observed Sungmin’s face.


Uh-oh. Not good.


“Yeah, isn’t it obvious?”

“I can’t. You see, I’msortofnotsingleatthemomentandmyboyfriend’slisteningtothisconversationandIthinkhe’sjealous. So, no,”

“I’m sorry, but what?”


Looks like I’ll have to tell everyone here. Isn’t there any other way?


“I am not available,”


Oh lol wow. Great job, ______. What are you now, an item for sale? -.-“




Is this guy stupid or oblivious?


“I am… seeing someone right now,”


If he doesn’t get this, I swear I’ll-


“What does that mean?”


I facepalmed myself.


“It means, I am dating someone. Got it? Damn it, Jonghyun. You always make me spill out all of my secrets in front of Super Junior. I have to go now. I need to face the wrath of Park Jungsoo and Kim Heechul ahjussi. If I don’t make it out alive, ask Yoochun oppa where my grave will be. Oh and please be sure to tell the whole world that they just lost the most awesome human being ever. Bye,” I said as I hung up.


Now before I face those two ahjussis…


“Junsu oppa, before you murder me in your imagination, I chose Yoochun oppa because I trust him. He’s all yours,” I said, leaving YooSu dumfounded.


Now, to prepare myself to meet the devil himself.


Heechul ahjussi rushed over to my side and asked me the thing I least expected.


“I see that you’re dating someone,” – I poured myself a glass of water, suddenly feeling thirsty. I took a big gulp – “So, have you guys done ‘it’?”


I choked on the water, surprised by the question that was asked which of course led to a coughing fest.


“WHAT?! OF COURSE NOT!” I managed to say, after regaining my composure.




I mentally facepalmed myself.


“Because… I’ll wait for my husband,” I said, emphasizing the word ‘husband’.


“And we just started going out. Isn’t it too fast?”


What’s with the suspicious- Is this what I think it is? Did that ahjussi ask that question to observe everyone’s expression to figure out who I’m dating or am I thinking too far?


“So it’s you!” Heechul ahjussi accused, pointing his finger at……. CHANGMIN?!





We looked at each other and continued laughing, leaning onto each other to support ourselves. I wiped away a tear.


What?! And when I thought Heechul ahjussi was smarter than- WAIT. Oh God. He chose Changmin because he knew how we would react, causing a certain someone to be jealous and- Oh God. This dude is a genius.


“Oh God,”


“Yes, _______ dear. It was all part of the plan,” Heechul ahjussi said as he smirked.


Acknowledging that Heechul ahjussi is not one to be messed with, I sighed in defeat.


“You are so awesome, oppa,” I said to him.


“I know, my dearest dongsaeng. Tonight, you’ll be staying with… Wait, we haven’t figured out the sleeping arrangement,”


The silent room once again became so noisy.


“OH GOD. SHUT UP ALREADY!” A neighbour shouted.


Being the only one to hear it, I went to the balcony.


“I’m sorry, ahjussi. I’ll try to keep it down,” I said to him.




Oh God. Oh God. Oh God.


“Yes, ahjussi?”


“I’m such a big fan of yours,”


I let out a sigh of relief and let out a laugh.


“Thanks ahjussi. I’m really sorry for the noise, though. I promise I’ll keep it down. Don’t call security, please?”


“Haha, okay. I won’t. But be sure to keep it down,”


“I will~” I sang.


That went well.


That ahjussi is a fan? Yes! Now, to keep my end of the promise. How to get their attention?




Good news is, they became quiet. Bad news is, they’re doubting my ual preference.


“______, when you said dating someone, is it a girl or a boy?” Hyukjae oppa asked.


I facepalmed myself for the 293834242389543091230th time that day.


“A guy, of course. I’m not biual nor do I prefer women. At least I got you to shut up. The neighbours are complaining,” I explained.


“Oh really? Prove it,” Heechul ahjussi provoked.


I know where this is going.


“Fine, you win. I’ll call Taeyeon,”


“TAEYEON?!” The whole room shouted.


“SHHHHH!” I hissed.


I winked at Sungmin oppa, hoping he got the message. Then, I dialled Taeyeon’s number and put it on loudspeaker, just in case.



“Hey, Taeyeon baby~ What are you doing?”

“Me? I’m just thinking about you~”

“Awwww, you miss me?”

“Hell yeah I do!”

“Haha. I’ll make sure to drop by your dorm and maybe we could do something together?” I flirted.


I looked at the men’s reactions.


HAHAHAHHA THEY ACTUALLY THINK I’M DATING TAEYEON HAHAHAHAHHAHA. It’s a good thing we always flirt with each other for fun.


‘Yes people. This is why ______ chose Taeyeon,’


“Ooooh. Sounds like fun. Something that involves pillows, blankets and a bed?”

“How did you know what I was thinking?”

“Gut feeling~”


“WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING?!” Jungsoo oppa interrupted.


“Hi Jungsoo oppa~ We were just planning our slumber party. What were you thinking?”

“Oh… N-nothing…”

“So, why did you call, darling?”

“Just pranking them for doubting my uality,”

“Awesome! I’ve got to go now. Bye, honey~”

“Bye, boo~”


“It seems like you really are into girls, _____” Heechul ahjussi said.


“Seems like it too,” I said, trying to crack Heechul ahjussi’s patience.


“Maybe you’re biual? Why don’t you try kissing a guy?”


Man. And when I thought I’ll be winning this battle. There must be another way… Aha!


“Oppa, why do you care about my ual preference?”


“Why do you care about what I care?”


“Because you’re my third beloved oppa~”


“WHAT?! Who’s number 1 and 2?”


“Number 2 goes to Yoochun oppa and number 1 goes to Sung-“




“Sung who?”


“Sung….jin?” I lamely replied.


“My brother?” Sungmin oppa asked.



“Oppa, you know I’m just kidding, right? Number 1 goes to no other than Sung… Min~”


“Awww, you’re my number one too, cheesy girl,”


“Thank you, cheesy oppa~”


*Cue cringing Hallyu stars and a maniacally laughing author*


“OH MY GOD STOP IT YOU TWO! OH GOD YUCK! GO AND GET A ROOM!” Heechul ahjussi shouted.


“I’ll be more than happy to go and get a room,” Sungmin oppa said as he smirked at me, causing me to turn extremely red.


 “On second thought, don’t get a room. We don’t know what you guys might do together,” Jungsoo ahjussi stated.


“Why would they do anything together? It’s not like they’re a couple,” Oblivious Hyukkie oppa stated.


Shindong oppa, Youngwoon oppa, Ryeowook oppa and Siwon oppa look at him disbelievingly.


“Are you kidding me?” Youngwoon oppa said.


“They are soooooo dating,” Ryeowook oppa chimed in.


“Or they could be -buddies?” Shindong oppa suggested.


“NO! GOD FORBIDS THAT! IT’S A SIN! I believe it’s something as innocent and pure as love,” Siwon oppa countered.


“Ummm… guys? We’re still here too,” Sungmin oppa and I said.


“And don’t forget us~” Jaejoong oppa sang.


“JAEJOONG OPPA!” I shouted as I engaged him in a bear hug. (oh god… bear = yunho ;) )


“Now you notice me. What’s up, princess?”


“Oh, just the usual. Oppa, why do all the songs that you wrote for JYJ sound so depressing? It gives me all these YunJae feels and I-“


“YunJae feels?” Yunho and Jaejoong oppa asked, amused.


“I-I-I’M STILL A FANGIRL, OKAY? And I BELIEVE in YunJae. You’re an item, right? Don’t deny. I can see rainbows and unicorns radiating out of you when you saw Yunho oppa pout just now,” I defended.


“I-Was I that obvious?” Jaejoong oppa asked.


“Well, oppa. First off, you guys were dead obvious since the DBSK days especially around ’06 to – ’07. Oh yeah! Yoochun oppa and Changmin made it sooooooo obvious too. Seriously, you two. You’re better off holding a YunJae banner. Last but not least, our beloved Junsu oppa. I know you’re trying your hardest to protect them but you made it more obvious,” I explained, using hand gestures once in a while.


“But we shippers wouldn’t know about it if you weren’t that obvious,” I said, winking.


DBSK’s jaw dropped.


“Welcome to the club! Vice President Shim at your service,”

“President Park at your service,”


Changmin and Yoochun oppa said, respectively.


“It’s an honour to meet you, Vice President Shim and President Park,”


“Calling us Mr. Shim and Mr. Park will suffice,” Changmin said.


“Alright, Mr. Shim and Mr. Park,”


“Why don’t we drop the honorifics? Just call me Yoochun oppa,”


“Alright, Yoochun oppa,”


“Why don’t you call me Changmin oppa?”




“Darn it,”


“Try again harder, Changmin-ah~” Yoochun oppa sang.


“I hate to interrupt the moment but we need to figure out the sleeping arrangements,” Heechul ahjussi said, with style.


This is going to be a loooooonggggggggg night.







*facepalms self* lol I at romance. Darn. Should have written a romantic comedy. Or maybe I'll jsut add the tag~ Hey guys~ *waves crazily* My teachers have finally cut some slack and decided to give me just 3 subjects per day! (homework) YAYYYYY! <3 But I'll be even busier since cocuriculum's (?) starting in 1/2 week(s). So, Sungmin's the main man now BUT don't worry, fellow friends. Some things are going to happen and a few things will change. *wriggles eyebrows suggestively* I SHALL TRY MY BEST TO MAKE YOU FALL IN LOVE WIF DIS COUPLE AND BREAK YOUR HEARTZ LATER~ MUAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA Lalala~ Hope you enjoyed it~ Don't forget to subscribe and comment. I love your comments <3333 DIS AUTHOR WANTS COMMENTS, NOW. Bye <33333 XD

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Chapter 10 is rated for swearing XD I'll make it cleaner XD


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ReinaPark #1
Chapter 26: update soon.. can't wait for the next chap
lhj1123 #2
Chapter 7: For me, i want oc to pair with yeye ^^
lhj1123 #3
Chapter 4: Long chapter, better~~^^
lhj1123 #4
Chapter 1: Isnt hyunjung is a girls' name? Bcuz my name is lim hyunjung..but it's okay :) same name as me, i'll definitely read it!^^
I love this story, please update soon!
jenidragon #6
Chapter 23: Please keep it as Sungmin! There's absolutely no good Sungmin x You fanfic out there! or maybe i got too impatient after the 9th page of fanfics...anyways, I love this so much! Update soon!!! :D I laughed sooooo hard my parents asked if i was okay! XD the character's personality is actually quite similar to mine hehe.
sincerly_me #7
Chapter 22: i love it it's so cute:) update soon
Chapter 22: dang unwanted ship :(
Chapter 22: oooooo no don't break them up please!
Chapter 21: they're so SWEET!!!UPDATE SOON!