Chapter 10

I Don't Know

_______'s P.O.V


No. I won't give them the pleasure. I'll just have to it up and prove to them that they can't get to me.. Or maybe slap them.


I heard some knocks on the door. Forgetting that I had a piece of glass in my hands, I opened the door.



"_____ unnie!"

"De?" I answered them, smiling innocently.

"______, what do you think you're doing?" BoA unnie asked as her gaze went to the piece of glass in my hands.


PIECE OF GLASS IN MY HANDS?! Oh no.. She's going to-


"_______! Were you thinking of suicide?"

"What? NO! Well, maybe I did a few minutes ago but I decided that I shouldn't and I really think-" I droned on and on and on.


BoA unnie interrupted my nonsense by hugging the daylights out of me.


"______. Remember that we'll always be here for you no matter what!"

"UNNIE! NEED...... AIR!.... BREATHE..... DIE... AIR!" 

"Oh, mianhae dongsaeng. I just got carried away,"

"Never mind, unnie. Let's just get back to the practice room. I'm sure almost everyone is worried,"

"Almost everyone? What do you - Oh..... Never mind, unnie will-"

"It's okay, unnie. You and I do not need to sink to their level. They're kinda stupid. I will give you some words of wisdom. Do not get into a fight with stupid people. They will only drag you to their level and beat you with experience," I said, putting my hand on my chest to make it look like I meant it with all my heart.

"Wow, that has a deep meaning. Thanks, dongsaeng," BoA unnie played along.


You might be wondering. Wasn't I thinking of suicide a while ago? Why am I so happy now? Well, to tell you the truth, I did think about that but I thought it wasn't necessary. I'm the type of girl to completely lose it one second but fine after a few minutes of hard core debating between my mind and my subconscious  mind. Yes, I'm awesome that way. 


"So, what are we waiting for? TO THE PRACTICE ROOM!" I said, impersonating someone from the Dark Ages era.

"______ unnie, what about you put that glass away?" Yoona said.

"Sure, now let's go!"


We I marched my way towards the practice room. I guess my unnie and dongsaengs have finally joined in the fun as they were also marching behind me. Yoona opened the doors to the practice room.


"Hear ye! Hear ye! Royal subjects of all ages and gender! Your queen has arrived," Yoona said as Sunny 'played' the trumpet.


I went into the practice room filled with triumph.


"I have set my foot in this practice room with determination and dignity...... and of course my radiating awesomeness that beats Kyuhyun-ssi's and Heechul ahjussi's. I know you probably think that I became a little bit crazy.. Maybe I did! Relax! It was just a three minute thing. I had to get it off my chest by crying..... and punching the mirror but all's fine! Well, except the mirror but other than that, everything is A Okay! So, let's stop with the pity and start killing that cockroach on Baekhyun's head," I stated matter-of-factly.


Silence. Suddenly, everybody went into panic mode. Especially Baekhyun. He was hitting his head while the others stayed far away from him. Jongwoon oppa.... well.. he does collect bugs so he's okay with it. 


"It's not like it's going to fly anway. Cockroaches can fly. Oh look! It's taking off,"


FULL ON PANIC MODE IS HAPPENING THIS INSTANT while I, on the other hand, am just leaning against the door. Not long after that, my phone vibrated.


Byeol-i bitnaneun areumdaun bam-iya-iya,

I bam-i yeongwonhagil nae soneul jababwa,

Pureun dalbichi areumdaun bam-iya-iya,

Nawa jeo haneuleul geoleobwa,

I’m yours neomani,

Nareul seollege hae I’m outta contr-


They became silent at once.


The control I have other these people.


I chuckled at the thought. I put my phone on speaker.



"Yoboseyo? Hyunjung ahjussi! Seunghyunnie! Wait, what are you doing with Seunghyunnie?"

"Yah! Stop calling me ahjussi! I'm just a year older than you. I'm younger than everyone in Super.... something. Yet you call those three people oppa. They're ancient compared to me,"

"YAH!" All of the Super Junior members exclaimed.

"Yeah! High five hyung!" Seunghyun said.

"Hyung? When did you two became close?"

"Since you ran off with that guy. How old is he anyway? 18? Isn't he too young for you?"

"Yah! Jashik.. I'm 26 years old for crying out loud!" Sungmin oppa shouted.

"Oh yeah, did I tell you that I put you on speaker?"

"Mwoh? Wait, let me put you on speaker too,"

"Yoboseyo?" More voices said.

"Wait, don't tell me that it's.. BIGBANG! My favourite boyband!" I exclaimed.

"YAH!" The SM boybands exclaimed.

"Relax! I'll forever be an ELF, Cassie, Shawol and Exotic. (I'm just an ELF XD) So, whaddup Jiyong oppa? I heard your new song. It's awesome!"

"Why, thank you. BIGBANG's having a tour. Would you like to follow us-"

"HYUNG! ARE YOU FLIRTING WITH MY BABY GIRL?!" I could hear Seunghyun shout.

"Hahaha, Seunghyunnie, calm down. I think he is and I'm liking it," I teased.

"BWOH?" All the male species shouted.

"Relax, it was a joke. So, why did you call?"

"Oh, yeah. Well, we-"

"_________!" Three familiar voices shouted.

"Is that who I think it is?" I heard Yunho oppa ask Changmin-ssi.


"Yah! Yoochun only? What about us?"

"Fine, I love you too, Jaejoong and Junsu oppa,"

"Why isn't it as enthusiastic?"

"Well, Yoochun oppa is my bias. Honestly, Jaejoong oppa. You were my bias but Yoochun oppa won in the end. Actually, it was between you and Donghae, the fish but Donghae won because I clearly am biased but then stuff and stuff.... Jongwoon oppa," I grinned.

"We.... will try to understand. So, where are you right now?"

"Me? I'm at the S..."


. I'm at SM Entertainment. . WAE? How could I have forgotten?


I turned around to meet pairs of eyes from the other SM artists. 


"Well, you're at the S?"

"I am at the... S... Starbucks,"

"Wow, _____. What happened to your perfect English pronouncation?"

"Says someone who speaks in Engrish. Seriously, Junsu oppa. Ras Vegas?"


I heard some laughs. It was Yunho oppa and Changmin-ssi.


"Those laughs are familiar..." Jaejoong oppa said.

"Well, to be honest, I'm at the.. SM Building," I whispered the last part.

"BWOH?!" All three of them exclaimed.


's going downhill!


"Yunnie! I missed you! How's Minnie? Have you been feeding him well?"

"Appa! We missed you!"

"Jaejoong umma! I missed you too!"

"Aigoo, kids... I missed you too. Of course I miss you, yeobo,"


And everything went better than expected.


Omo! A DBSK reunion! Always Keep The Faith! YUNJAE REUNITED! I say it's HanChul's time to be reunited. It's the realest out of all the real s out there,


I suddenly realised that I voiced out my thoughts.




"_______! You're a YunJae shipper? You're a Cassie too? You ship HanChul more than us?" Jaejoong oppa asked.

"Before I get interrogated, how did JYJ meet BIGBANG?"

"Well, we met at a bar. Jaejoong hyung was drunk and he kept crying and saying that he wished none of this happened and that he misses his other 2 members in his family especially U-Know sunbaenim and he stood on a table and kept dancing to Mirotic. Then, he-"

"Yah! Lee Seunghyun! Sometimes I wonder why Changminnie and Kyuhyun-ssi are the well-known evil maknaes. Seunghyun is wayyyy more evil," 

"Jaejoong! You really did that? Awww, how sweet," Yunho oppa said.

"Jaejoong hyung! How can you question Voldemin's evilness? You'll get it next time,"

"And so, the point of you calling me is...?"

"Oh yeah! Let's do what we used to do when we were young,"

"Oh, you mean..."

"SLEEP WITH EACH OTHER!" We both chorused.


Everyone's eyes were as big as saucers.


Seriously, these people need to relax more. Sheesh.


"Yah! It's not what you think! What we meant was a sleep over. Sure, I'll be there in.. 1 hour max. Bye!" 

"Bye, ________! We love you!" BIGBANG, JYJ and Hyunjung chorused.

"I know, I love me too!" I said as I hanged up on them.

"So, guys.."

"_______, how do you know all these people?"

"Well, you see, Seunghyunnie is my junior from high school. When he debuted, he introduced me to his band members, Jiyong, Seunghyun, Yongbae and Daesung oppa. I knew JYJ through my old job. I photographed them for their album. I did a great job if I do say so myself,"


~ A W K W A R D S I L E N C E~


Didn't they say that they are going to celebrate me debuting today? It's not right to ditch them. Argh! What to do? What to do? THINK YOU STUPID BRAIN THINK!

No, I won't.

Wae? We must cooporate. We're a team! Remember all those good times?


Come on, don't be like this. We had so much fun when- Hey, that gives me an idea.

Your welcome.


By me refusing, you wouldn't have thought about it. So, your welcome..

What type of subconscious mind are you?

The awesome, disobeying one.

And you're proud of it?

Yes, yes I am.

Why you little-


"_______, just so you know, we all heard your argument. We should really help you stop voicing your thoughts," Heechul ahjussi said.

"Again? Urgh.. Oh yeah! Let's ALL celebrate together. I'll try to get them here. Sounds like a plan?



I took out my phone and started texting Seunghyunnie about the plan.


This is going to be fun.













This, is by far, the crappiest chapter I have written. I haven't slept well for days and I have tests and stuff. Surprsingly, I HAVE NO HOMEWORK! XD Next chapter, I'd do better. Is it getting boring-er? I realized that there's more ______'s POV instead of the members. Well, I'd put others' POV after this. So, here's the poll again. XD *Yes, it's the annoying little link*





gemstonemay on 8-26-2012 02:12:30 says: "We must always believe in God. This is one of the examples why-"
"Shut up, Siwon," Heechul ahjussi said.

 LOL I Never knew people would like that part. XD

xSuper1308 on 8-20-2012 19:39:12 says: okay okay i know who's going to end this love story ..can u make it yesung please or donghae please yesung or donghae

If Yeye/Hae gets the most votes, they MIGHT end up with her.. XD

SonElf139 on 8-28-2012 21:37:03 says: UPDATE SOOOOOOOOOOOOOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'll try to update as soon as I can. :D I might appear online often but I was using mobile. I can't use computers often. :(

xSuper1308 on 8-28-2012 18:58:09 says: ahh please please please UPDATE SOON chapter 9 i could feel this chapter like i want to ____ing punch that girls

Yes! That's the reaction I was looking for! XD Those two.. 'its' are not going to be happy... :O

xsoomin94 on 8-27-2012 21:00:16 says: cliffhanger~ -dies inside- I LOVE STORIES LIKE THIS *cough*insane reader*cough*

LOL I love making cliffhangers but I hate reading them XD Thanks :D

xMaxIqa on 8-27-2012 20:30:43 says: Stop saying that your story !
Update Soon!

Awwww, thanks :D I'll try to update soon. You know how school is... *winkwinknudgenudge*

xTiarakeeper on 8-27-2012 20:28:48 says: I love ur story pls update and it is really nice! I like the way the story is going !!:)

Thanks :D I thought it was going too fast or too slow or just plain boring. :D I hope this chapter won't disappoint you.

xmemememe3296 on 8-27-2012 19:55:47 says: No your story is not ish at all! It's awesome! Update soon~^^

Thanks :D I'll update as soon as I can. :D

xgemstonemay on 8-27-2012 19:51:51 says: LOL...... oh wait this isn't funny.... _____ is thinking suicide =.="

LOLOL Yeah... XD I got this idea by reading depressing stories the whole day XD *mostlyhanchul* And your story... IT'S SAD! BUT awesome :D

xMaxIqa on 8-26-2012 17:46:06 says: "We must always believe in God. This is one of the examples why-"

"Shut up, Siwon," Heechul ahjussi said.
I actually laughed really hard when I read this...And I almost fell off my chair.. XDD
PLEASEE UPDATE SOON!! please don't hate me cuz i always tell you to update.. XDD

LOL It will be better if you fell of your chair :D I fell of your char so why can't you do the same?! LOL EHB XD

xPromi53ToB3li3v3 on 8-26-2012 16:09:12 says: Yesung^^

LOL Yeah, I love him soooooo much too XD

SonElf139 on 8-29-2012 20:46:16 says: Ahhh! Please Update Sooooooooon! >.< Puhleassseee!

I saw how you kept asking me to update so I felt reallllllyyyyyyyy guilty XD Hope this isn't disappointing though IMHO, this chapter is kinda boring :( I'll try to improve! :D

xalnajonas on 8-29-2012 02:02:43 says: with Yesung please!!! that would be awesome >_<

LOL I'll take that into consideration.... And of course the poll XD

xSonElf139 on 8-28-2012 21:45:01 says: And Please...(SORRY FOR THE COMMENTS.)
DONT END THIS FIC. I Mean...Please Let It Be...500 more Chapters. XDDD

LOL XD I don't mind :D Comments makes my day :D Thank KYU for commenting :D 

xSonElf139 on 8-28-2012 21:40:47 says: I ♥ thissss Fanficcc! Please Update Soon! ^O^ Wish you all The Best! Upddaaaate! Im A Sone And I love Hyo And Seo, But...In This FF...Freakin' No. I'm So Hating Them..*HERE* XD Please Upddaaateee! Im Longing For The next Upddddaate!

LOL I'll try updating soon. Really, I will........ *ifsjstopsdistractingme* 


So, that's all from me. I hope you will enjoy it!^_^ Comments are VERY appreciated. It makes my day, if not my whole week! Until my teachers decide that more work = better grades and start giving us loads of and stuff. I'll try to update soon! Fighting! LOVE YOU GUYS!




Outsider author,

TasLuq XD <3






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Chapter 10 is rated for swearing XD I'll make it cleaner XD


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ReinaPark #1
Chapter 26: update soon.. can't wait for the next chap
lhj1123 #2
Chapter 7: For me, i want oc to pair with yeye ^^
lhj1123 #3
Chapter 4: Long chapter, better~~^^
lhj1123 #4
Chapter 1: Isnt hyunjung is a girls' name? Bcuz my name is lim hyunjung..but it's okay :) same name as me, i'll definitely read it!^^
I love this story, please update soon!
jenidragon #6
Chapter 23: Please keep it as Sungmin! There's absolutely no good Sungmin x You fanfic out there! or maybe i got too impatient after the 9th page of fanfics...anyways, I love this so much! Update soon!!! :D I laughed sooooo hard my parents asked if i was okay! XD the character's personality is actually quite similar to mine hehe.
sincerly_me #7
Chapter 22: i love it it's so cute:) update soon
Chapter 22: dang unwanted ship :(
Chapter 22: oooooo no don't break them up please!
Chapter 21: they're so SWEET!!!UPDATE SOON!