Chapter 8

Welcome to the Family


“I have a feeling that we’re going to do something really fun or something really stupid tonight,” I grumbled. 

The members of Infinite agreed to go on some “family” vacation for two days and insisted—more like forced—me to join them.  I always enjoyed family vacations, but I hadn’t known the members long enough yet to feel comfortable around them.

“Well, it isn’t a vacation if there isn’t some stupidity involved,” Sunggyu replied.  “Baby sister, did you pack clothes for the beach?”

“Why?  Is that where we’re going?” I asked, horrified.

The beach and I never got along because, well, I never learned how to swim.  In fact, Sunggyu’s mom and dad were the first to tell me I would never have to learn, so to not even bother with lessons. 


I gulped.  “None.”

“Great!” Dongwoo exclaimed, swinging his arms in excitement.  “We’re all packed, right?”

“Yup.” We all chorused.

“The van is waiting downstairs,” Sungjong murmured quietly.

At that moment, both Woohyun and Sunggyu made a run for the door.  I, along with the other members, stared at the two in confusion.

“Ah, they must want to ride shotgun.” Myungsoo smirked.

“I wanted that seat.” Sungjong pouted.  “You hyungs are so disgusting sitting in the back.”

“We’re not disgusting, Sungjong-ah.  It’s called entertainment,” Hoya chided. 

And before I knew it, both Sungyeol and Myungsoo had left the apartment in a rush.  I stared after them as well, wondering why they were in such a hurry.

“Why are you all leaving with your other half?” I asked curiously.  “You know, Woogyu, Myungyeol…” I trailed off.  “Ah, what the heck.  Let’s just go.”


“Damn you, Woohyun.  I was going to sit there,” Sunggyu cursed, dragging both his backpack and my backpack behind him.  Woohyun went ahead and took the passenger seat, also known as the seat with the most leg space.  I guess he beat Gyu, which was no surprise, since Woohyun ran like a freaking marathon runner.

“Sunggyu’s cursing!” I sang cheerfully.  “What a bad image, Gyu.”

“Problem,” Dongwoo exclaimed.  “With Woohyun in the front, there are still seven of us.  There are six seats, which means…”

“Four people squeeze into the back,” Myungsoo finished.  “I call the window seat in the back.  Oh, and let our princess sit in the middle row, since I’m sure she doesn’t want to get stuck with me and a bunch of idiots at the back of the van.”

“Yeah, Hana.  You can sit there.” Sunggyu pointed to the place I sat the last time I rode in the van.  He turned to Myungsoo.  “But what’s with the whole ‘princess’ thing?”

“It irritates her.” Myungsoo pointed at me.

I hopped into the van and settled into my seat.  Woohyun turned around with a small smile on his face. 

“It’ll take some time for them to figure out the seating because they love arguing about it.  Sunggyu’s old, so he likes a lot of room for his legs.  Myungsoo loves the window seat, as do Sungyeol and Sungjong.  Hoya likes sitting in between people, and Dongwoo likes sitting where he can easily take a nap.”

“Ah.” I nodded.

“Gah, there’s a bug!” Woohyun pointed to a beetle-like creature on the dashboard of the van.

“Kill it,” I replied.


“Why not?”

“It…oh , it flies!”

“Ah, let me do it then,” I muttered.  Rolling down the window, I forced the bug out of the van.

“Hana,” Woohyun said.


“What are you afraid of?”

“Gaining weight.”

He shook his head.  “Not something like that.  What about a childhood fear that you still have today?”

The beach.  “Nothing really.”

“Come on,” he smiled, “There has to be something.”


But at that moment, the Infinite members entered the van one by one.  Myungsoo got the window seat, as he wanted in the first place.  Dongwoo and Hoya got in after him, and Sungyeol managed to squeeze into the backseat after them.  Sungjong entered the van on my left, and Sunggyu entered on my right.  I noticed Woohyun had turned around in his seat and held his music player in his hand.

“It’s our song!” Sungyeol screamed as we entered the highway. 

The Chaser had just come on the radio, and the inside of the van was thrown into a frenzy.  The guys were singing, dancing, and spazzing in their seats.  Even Myungsoo, who I perceived as a slightly weird but quiet guy, was doing all of the dance moves with the other members.

I secretly wondered how the manager put up with them every day.  I also wondered if the managers got any days off.  Even today, when the Infinite members were supposed to be resting, they decided to go out—and no one could drive them besides the manager.

And it wasn’t as if we were leaving at a normal time.  My watch read eight in the evening.

“Gyu, why are we going to the beach this late at night?”

“For one,” he replied, “we’ll stay in a hotel tonight, and tomorrow morning, we’ll hit the beach and hopefully see the sun rise.”

“Eh?” Woohyun exclaimed.  “Hotel room?  As in, one hotel room?”

“Of course,” Gyu replied.

“Have you forgotten our princess?” Myungsoo asked, ignoring a glare from me.

“Well, we’ll see when we get there.”


“You were saying, hyung?” Hoya said with raised eyebrows.  “I do see the two humongous beds and the couch, but that doesn’t change the fact that we have a girl here.”

“I call the couch!” I exclaimed, making my way past the boys.

Sunggyu grabbed the hood of my jacket.  “Not so fast, baby sister.  It’s only right that you sleep on a bed—”

“I politely refuse, Gyu,” I replied, “Because I feel that I’d be more comfortable here on the couch.  Not to mention that it’s right in front of the television.”

“Three members per bed is still six.  What about the other one?  I think that the couch can fold out into a bed,” Gyu muttered to himself.  “Aish, why didn’t I get Hana a private room?”

“Because you’re confident that your members do not have ual thoughts at all?” I offered an idea.

Sunggyu glanced around the room, staring into the eyes of each of the members.  “Myungsoo,” he finally said.

“Do I get to sleep with your sister?” Myungsoo smirked.

“No, idiot.  You’re definitely sleeping in the bedroom.” Sunggyu dropped both his bag and my bag on the couch.  “I’m out here with my baby sister.”

“Gyu, what about your back?” I asked in concern.

He glared.  “I’m not that old, Hana.”  Turning to the Infinite members, he added, “Decide who has to share beds amongst you.”

Soon, the members relocated to the bedroom, leaving Sunggyu and me sprawled over the couch.  The television remote lay about five feet away, but neither of us wanted to stand up and reach for it.

“Sunggyu,” I said.


“When Mom and Dad are finished with the move from Jeolla to Seoul, I have to go, right?”

“I guess you do.”

I sighed.  “And this is the most we’ve hung out since you became a trainee.”

“It’s funny, Hana, how much I missed your presence.  I thought I was doing well not seeing you or the rest of the family, but once you came to live next to us, I remembered how much you brightened up my day.” He smiled.  “Even if you tend to swear more than the average girl, have horrible sleeping and eating habits, and hate socializing.”

“It’s weird how, in such a short time, we’ve become just as close as when we were younger,” I said.

“We’re family,” he said simply.

As if that explains everything.


A/N: Ha.  Anyway, to all new subscribers, thank you, honestly, for taking an interest in this story.  Question: If you could ship Hana with one of the Infinite members (not Sunggyu, of course), who would it be, and why?

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Chapter 18: So no sequel?? Author-nim you're making your readers dying of curiosity (ಥ_ಥ)
Angelz0715 #2
Chapter 17: I love this story <3
Chapter 18: really author-nim? really??
no sequel?? it's such a great story.. now i'll wonder where does Hana go..
thank you for the story,, love it..
ilovekpop81897 #4
Chapter 18: Wow, sequel please?
yooamie #5
Chapter 17: this story is really good! I really loved it c: I'm sad it was short though :(
sunnysun32168 #6
Chapter 18: your story is great :)
hope to get a sequel from here
IloveHYS #7
I need a sequel!!!!
Chapter 18: It was so fun reading this fanfic!!! But what happens with Hana?
Good job author! It was fun reading!