Chapter 4

Welcome to the Family


As promised, I found myself in the Infinite dorms once again, as a welcomed guest this time.  For the most part, my first impressions of the members were fine—minus Woohyun, who assumed that I was simply a fan of Infinite that had broken into their apartment or something.

Sunggyu mocked my choice of dress, stating that he didn’t think I would actually show up in my pajamas.

“It’s not like I have anyone to impress, Gyu.”

“So if your boyfriend was here, what would you wear?”

“Something nicer than this,” I replied.

Sunggyu placed me right in between Dongwoo and Woohyun, one of which I had no problems with, but the other of which falsely accused me of being a shallow fan.  I guess I should’ve cut him some slack, though, considering the fact that he didn’t know that I was Sunggyu’s sister in the first place.

“Hana!” Dongwoo exclaimed, immediately making room for me.  “I’m Dongwoo, remember?”

“Yeah.” I smiled.  “Our hair color matches.”

“Since you’re a member of our family now, we have to get to know you better.” He pulled out a list of questions from his pocket.  “Answer each one honestly.  We all put thought into creating these questions.”

“You all came up with the questions?” I asked curiously.

He nodded.  “First question.  How old are you?”

“Nineteen in a few months.” I stabbed my piece of chicken with my pair of chopsticks.

“My age then,” Sungjong noted from across the table.

“Where were you born?”

“Seoul?” I frowned, thinking about the question.  “I honestly can’t remember.”

“Why can’t you remember?  Shouldn’t your parents have told you?” Woohyun asked, sounding bored.

I shot Sunggyu a look, who cast me a dark glare in return.  Shaking my head slightly, I returned my attention to the questions.  He stood up and walked out of the room.

“Next.  Sunggyu hyung said you studied abroad for a year.  How was it?”

“Life changing.  Fun.  The strangest moments of my life,” I said.

“Where did you go?”

“Los Angeles,” I spoke with the best American accent I could muster.  Some of them looked confused, which I viewed as victory.

“Why did you go?”

Thinking for a bit, I finally responded with, “You hear about places from others and create opinions based on the things that you hear.  But I believe that you must experience things for yourself to form an accurate opinion about something.”

“You must get your wisdom from Sunggyu.” Dongwoo pat me on the head.  “Next question.  Explain the origin of your name.  Why does your name mean ‘first’ when you are the youngest in your family?”

“Yes, surely, there must be a reason,” Woohyun added.

“Ah…” I looked down.  “It’s a long story.”

“—Which means that it’s time for dinner!” Sunggyu exclaimed, coming in with containers of food.

“Food!” Sungyeol screamed in excitement.  “I’m starving.”

“Starving?” Myungsoo scoffed.  “We had a snack, like, a few hours ago.”

“You stole all of the food.”

“I’d beg to differ.”

Sunggyu passed out food to everyone, constantly asking if I wanted to eat more.  Annoyance hit, but I didn’t want to ruin Sunggyu’s fun.  Instead, I brought up our conversation prior to the meal.  “About my name…”I finally said after everyone had food in their bowls, “I guess I’ll explain now.”

“Hana,” Sunggyu muttered.

“No, I’m cool with it,” I replied.  “Okay, so, Hana isn’t my real name.”

Six shocked faces turned toward me.  “What?”

“I don’t like my real name, and it’s not important.  When I arrived at the orphanage a while back, I noticed that I was the oldest child there.  That was where the name Hana was created.”


“So you aren’t Sunggyu’s real sister?” Woohyun asked.

Suddenly remembering that only a few members knew that I was adopted, I shook my head.  “But we don’t need to be blood related to be family.”

“Well put.” Dongwoo nodded.  “Then, do you have a boyfriend?”


“Really?” Dongwoo replied.  “So you’re off limits, then.”

“Hey, what kind of a question is that?” Sunggyu glared.  “She’d be off limits, even if she didn’t have a boyfriend.”

“And this is the Sunggyu I grew up with,” I muttered, earning a small smile from everyone, even Woohyun.


“Hana, will you go out with me?” Andy asked.  He handed me a bouquet of roses, which I accepted with a shy smile.

“Yeah, Andy, I will.”

“That’s great.” He let out a nervous sigh.  “I was afraid that you’d reject me.”

I shook my head.  “You’ve been there for me every time, Andy.  Why wouldn’t I accept you?”

“When you go back to Korea…”

“Well, then, we’ll have to make every day count, won’t we?”



Shocked, I fell out of my chair.  “Yeah?” I grumbled.

“You were daydreaming again,” Sunggyu said in disapproval. 

“Habit.” I looked around the Infinite dorm in confusion.  “Hey Gyu, where did everything go?”

“While you sat here, I ordered the others to clean.  It was mostly Myungsoo and Sungjong, though, who did the cleaning.”

“Why don’t you clean?”

“Because, Hana, I’m Sunggyu.  Cleaning isn’t in my vocabulary.”

“Ugh, Gyu, you’re so lazy.  Are they still cleaning?”


I pulled myself up, disguising my cursing as incoherent mumbling, and made my way toward the direction Sunggyu pointed in.  If I thought I was lazy, Gyu was ten times as lazy.  The kitchen was clearly the nicest room in the apartment, probably because they didn’t use it that often.  Myungsoo and Sungjong both sat at the table with their phones out.

“Need help?” I asked.

Myungsoo smiled.  “Nah.  We’re fine.”

“Hana, what exactly did you do for Woohyun hyung to be like that?” Sungjong interrupted.

“What do you mean?”

Sungjong stared at me.  “He seemed more irritable than usual.”

“Maybe he just hates me.  Sometimes, I honestly believe that people hate me to death but don’t want to say anything.”

“With the exception of Woohyun hyung, I think that the Infinite members like you a lot,” Myungsoo noted.  Before I could respond, he continued, “Because, well, we haven’t had a chance to take care of a younger girl since our debut, and I think that the members find you fascinating.”

“Really?” My eyes widened in excitement. 

“Of course.” His smile reached his eyes, which fascinated me.  Prior to Myungsoo, I had not known anyone who had a smile like that.  “But don’t blame us if we’re shy around you, because the only contact we’re allowed with girls is at our fanmeets and on television.”

“Oh.” I nodded.

“And I’m sure Woohyun hyung will come around to like you too, Hana.  He must be having one of those days.”

I did not understand what Myungsoo meant by “those” days, but I wasn’t sure I wanted to know anyway.


A/N: Hi :D.'s an update.  My excuse for mistakes today: I ran 2 miles for P.E. and I'm physically and mentally exhausted.  Yes, Microsoft Word catches mistakes, but it doesn't get everything.  Um...thanks for reading!  Rawr :3

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Chapter 18: So no sequel?? Author-nim you're making your readers dying of curiosity (ಥ_ಥ)
Angelz0715 #2
Chapter 17: I love this story <3
Chapter 18: really author-nim? really??
no sequel?? it's such a great story.. now i'll wonder where does Hana go..
thank you for the story,, love it..
ilovekpop81897 #4
Chapter 18: Wow, sequel please?
yooamie #5
Chapter 17: this story is really good! I really loved it c: I'm sad it was short though :(
sunnysun32168 #6
Chapter 18: your story is great :)
hope to get a sequel from here
IloveHYS #7
I need a sequel!!!!
Chapter 18: It was so fun reading this fanfic!!! But what happens with Hana?
Good job author! It was fun reading!