Chapter 10

Welcome to the Family


“Hey Sunggyu.” I casually rested my head on his shoulder, since there was barely any room in the van to do anything else.  The other members were off in their own worlds, giving Sunggyu and me some privacy.

“What do you need?” He shifted his position so that my head rested comfortably.

“Do you want to meet my boyfriend?”

He shoulders became tense in an instant.  “He’s in Korea?”

“No,” I scoffed.  “Just…if he ever visits, you’ll meet him, right?”

“Of course.”

I snuck a glance at my brother, who was currently glaring at an innocent Sungjong on the opposite side of me.  “Gyu.”


“Is Sungjong your way of venting anger?” I snickered.  “Every time you get angry, you always glare at him.”

“Does your boyfriend take care of you well?”

I chuckled.  “What kind of a question is that?”

“A question I need to know!”

“I’m not telling!” I teased.

“What do you two even do together?”

“Watch movies, drive around the city, go to Disneyland, sleep, and occasionally eat—”

Sunggyu pushed my head off of his shoulder.  “Hold on.  You two sleep?  Together?”

“You…would assume that, Kim Sunggyu,” I muttered to myself.

He tugged on my blue highlights—which, by the way, were fading at an alarming rate.  “Are you ignoring me now, Hana?”

“Dongwoo.” I turned to the boy in the back. 

He pulled his earphones out of his ears and paused his music.  “What’s up?”

“I’m going to get my highlights redone soon.”

“Ah!” Myungsoo grinned.  “Get black highlights.”

Both Dongwoo and I turned toward him.  “Black highlights?”

“Myungsoo, I think the point of highlighting hair is to actually be able to see the highlights,” I grumbled.  “I already have black hair—”

“It’s actually more of a dark brown, if I do say so myself,” he replied.

I ignored Myungsoo and turned back to Dongwoo.  “You’ll drive me there, right?  To get my blue highlights redone?”



“Why?” Dongwoo looked shocked.

“You’re the one with the drivers license, and I'm too broke for a taxi or even the bus.  Also, Sunggyu hates it when I go against his wishes, and coloring my hair fits into that category.”

“You’ve already damaged your pretty hair, baby sister,” Sunggyu said. 

Ah, Sunggyu.  Sunggyu will have no trouble finding a girlfriend in the future.  If he treats his girlfriend the same way he treats me, his baby sister, then he’ll attract all of the women.  Though, they’d have to pass my test first, since Sunggyu can’t just date anyone.  And then, there are guys like Myungsoo…

“When I was in school, I had a note from my doctor saying that I couldn’t shower with the other boys because of personal reasons.” Myungsoo decided to speak up at that very moment.

I choked on my gum, forcing Sunggyu to slap my back.  “What?”

He shrugged.  “I wanted to shower alone.”

“And why are you telling me this?” I asked, horrified.

“I was going on and on about how you shouldn’t do anything stupid with your boyfriend, but you weren't paying attention to me at all.”

Hoya, in turn, slapped Myungsoo with an amused grin.  “You can’t go around telling people about your strange childhood.  They’ll think you’re weird.”

“Too late for that,” Woohyun called out from the front.

“Hurtful,” Myungsoo scoffed.

“So you’ll take me, right?” While the guys argued, I turned toward Dongwoo again.

He smiled.  “Sure.  Whenever you and I are both free.”


Dongwoo ended up taking me to get my highlights redone a few weeks later.  I had sworn that he forgot about it, so I felt pleased about him remembering the promise.  Dongwoo, in fear of being recognized, was only able to drop me off at a hairdresser he trusted and couldn’t accompany me inside.

I felt at ease, even without Dongwoo there.  After all, I couldn’t depend on the guys forever.  We’d have to go our separate ways at some point, and clinging onto them would only make me seem like a desperate little girl, too in love with her oppas to care about anything else.  I would try my hardest to stay away from that horrifying possibility.

“You have nice hair.” The woman seated me in a chair almost instantly.


“Let’s get started.”

The hairdresser was, as I soon found out, a really cool person.  She could manipulate hair into ways I hadn’t even imagined possible, and she occasionally styled the Infinite guys’ hair when their regular stylist had emergencies and such.  I found out that her name was Soeun.

“You’re Sunggyu’s sister, aren’t you?” She finally said about an hour later, after the highlighting was complete. 


“He told me about you once.”

“What did he say?”

“He wanted to know if he should reveal you to the public, since they only know about your older sister.”

I shrugged.  “I’m fine being unknown.”

“I told him to ask you about it, since you were involved in his dilemma.”


She smiled.  “Are you a student?”

“You could say something like that.” I stared off into the distance.

“High school?”



“Guess what!” I exclaimed, walking into the Infinite dorm that afternoon.  Hoya, I knew, was out filming his sitcom, but the other members were all home.

“H-How’d you get in?” A shocked Sungyeol replied.  “The password—”

“Hacked it.” I took a seat next to Sunggyu, who shot me a look.  “What?” I asked innocently.

Sunggyu remained silent for a while, and I decided to let him think about whatever he was thinking about for a bit.

“What’s up, Hana?” Woohyun smiled.

“Ah, right!” I pulled out my phone and handed it to Woohyun.  “Read it.”

“Congratulations, you’ve just won—”

“Oh, not that,” I snapped, snatching my phone back.  “Stupid spam message.”  I tapped the right one and handed it back to Woohyun.  “Here.”

Woohyun frowned, turned the phone upside down, and tapped the screen before returning it to me.  “I can’t read it.”

“Why not?”

“It’s in English.”

I facepalmed.  “I forgot.”

“How could you forget?” Dongwoo asked.  “Sungyeol spelled ‘Chaser’ as ‘Chear’, and your own brother forgot an ‘e’ in ‘monkey’.”

“I’ll read it, then.” I smiled.

“Go ahead.”

“Hana,” I scanned the message for the fourth time.  “I miss you so much.  And because of that, I’m coming to visit you!  My plane arrives in Korea in one week, and I’ll text you more details when I get them.  xoxo, Andy.”

Sunggyu shot Sungjong a glare, which, I assumed, was out of habit.  “You mean to tell me…”

“Andy’s coming to visit me!”

“How…fun.” Woohyun smiled again, although I could sense something different about him.

“Well, I’m curious, hyungs,” Sungjong spoke up.  “I want to know what kind of guy he is, since Hana speaks so highly of him.”

“I want to see him in person,” Sungyeol added.  “To see if he’s a good boyfriend or not to our baby sister.”

“I’m suddenly scared,” I said in a joking manner.  Though, having Andy meet the guys might not be the best idea…

“No, no,” Dongwoo said.  “Let’s see how this plays out.”

“How good is your boyfriend in school?”

“Pretty good.” I shrugged.  “Why do you ask?”

“We’re going to test him,” Sunggyu said finally.  “And it’ll be the most difficult test of his life.”


A/N: Hi!'s an update.  Sorry I haven't updated in a week or so; I just finished with my finals for summer school a few days ago, and I haven't had time to write until now.  Not to mention that I'll be going on a trip in a few days...Anyway, thanks for reading!

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Chapter 18: So no sequel?? Author-nim you're making your readers dying of curiosity (ಥ_ಥ)
Angelz0715 #2
Chapter 17: I love this story <3
Chapter 18: really author-nim? really??
no sequel?? it's such a great story.. now i'll wonder where does Hana go..
thank you for the story,, love it..
ilovekpop81897 #4
Chapter 18: Wow, sequel please?
yooamie #5
Chapter 17: this story is really good! I really loved it c: I'm sad it was short though :(
sunnysun32168 #6
Chapter 18: your story is great :)
hope to get a sequel from here
IloveHYS #7
I need a sequel!!!!
Chapter 18: It was so fun reading this fanfic!!! But what happens with Hana?
Good job author! It was fun reading!