Chapter 6

Welcome to the Family


“Man, do all of your meetings go like that?” Woohyun asked as we walked through the streets of Seoul, trying to break the silence.  “With all of the yelling and high tension?”

“Yeah.” I wiped the last of my tears on my jacket sleeve.

“Wow.” He whistled.  “But, you know, if I had a mother like that, I would yell a lot too.”

“You don’t feel sorry for me, do you?”

“I do.”

“Well don’t.”

“Why shouldn’t I?” He asked.

“I learned one thing, and one thing alone from my mother.  If people feel sorry for you, they’ll always look at you as some pitiful thing that needs help.  And I don’t want that.”

“Maybe my first impression of you was wrong, Hana.”

“Well, we didn’t even meet enough to even form proper opinions of each other, Nam Woohyun.”

“Really?  So what’s your opinion of me, now that we’ve met more than once?”

I pondered that thought for a moment.  “Someone reliable.  You may have given me a paper cut and falsely accused me of breaking into and entering the Infinite dorm, but I think that I could count on you.”

He nodded.  “Ah, have you eaten?”

“What?” I frowned at the random question.

“You know, food.  The stuff that keeps us alive.”

I scoffed.  “Maybe.”


“Eh?” My eyes widened.  “How did you know I was lying?”

“Honestly, Hana.  When was the last time you ate something?”

I checked my clock, surprised to see that it was almost noon.  “Um…last night, I think I ate cereal and some kind of fruit.”

“You don’t have…an eating disorder, do you?” Woohyun asked in concern.

“I forget to eat.  Not to mention that I have poor metabolism, so I have to watch what I eat.”

“How about some ice cream?” Woohyun asked eagerly.

“Dude, do you have a memory of a goldfish?” I asked in amazement.  “I just told you that I only eat ice cream, like, once a year.”

“Then make your once a year thing now!”


“Why not?”

“I had ice cream a few months ago.”




“How about this?  I’ll buy you ice cream so that you stop complaining.”



“I forgot.”


“I only eat ice cream when I share it with friends.”

I narrowed my eyes.

“It’s not like I’m saying that because you refuse to get ice cream.” He waved his hands defensively.  “We may not seem like it, since we’re so good looking, but the Infinite guys actually go on diets as well.”

“I guess we’re not getting ice cream, then.” I rolled my eyes.

I found out that, in reality, the apartment complex was not that far from where I met with Mother.  I could’ve just walked there, but I had overestimated the distance.  But I was never one who enjoyed walks in the first place.

“Hey, Woohyun.”



“For what?”

“Being there during my conversation with Mother.  If it wasn’t for you, we would’ve still been arguing at this very moment.”

“No problem.”



“I heard that fans ship you with Sunggyu.”

He choked.  “What?”

“And, according to a certain website, you’re a “bottom” in denial.  Does Sunggyu really wear the pants in your relationship?”

“W-We aren’t even that close!”

“Oh, come on.  You have to be close if people ship you together.”



“Stop talking.”

“This is fun!” I cheered.  “And I heard that fans ship Hoya and Dongwoo.  And I also heard that their couple name can also be translated as a slang term for .”

“Where did we go wrong?” He wailed.

“When you admitted to being the “bottom” in denial,” I replied.

"I'm glad you're feeling better," he grumbled.  “Well, what other Infinite pairings do you know?”

“Myungsoo and Sungyeol, which I find strange.”

“How so?”

“Clashing personalities, in a sense.”


“So, what about Sungjong?” I asked curiously.  “If you’re all paired up, what does that make him?”

“I…don’t know.”

“Well, that’s sad.  I’ll ship Sungjong with myself, then, so that he doesn’t feel lonely.”

“You’re so…weird,” Woohyun said.  “Please tell me that you didn’t discover all of this through fanfiction.”

I grinned.  “When you’re as bored as I am, you’ll even venture into that horrifying world.  It’s strangely informative.”

“I read a fanfiction once starring me and Sunggyu—”

“Proper grammar is ‘Sunggyu and me’,” I replied.

“Anyway,” he glared, “it was disturbing.”

“Aw, come on, I bet you enjoyed it just a little bit.”


“Liar,” I sang.

“Shut up!” He whined.  “It’s embarrassing.”


“You hung out with Woohyun today?” Sunggyu asked.  We sat around my small table eating instant ramyun—something so simple but so easy to screw up.  Sunggyu made it.  It was edible, but…the taste was strange.

“Yeah.  It was fun.”

“He didn’t go all greasy on you, right?”

“What?” I scoffed.  “Is that even possible for Woohyun?”

“Have you not seen the fancams?  The variety shows?  The television programs?”

“No, but I read a Woogyu fanfiction once.  Worst experience of my life.”


“What?” I repeated.

“Well, I’m glad he didn’t go all cutesy on you,” Sunggyu muttered.

“What about you, Gyu?” I asked.  “What did you do today?”

He shrugged, lying down on the floor.  “I ordered Sungjong around a bit and took a nap.  Man, when we aren’t promoting, life is awesome.”

“Your nickname should be Lazy Gyu,” I said.


“I only speak the truth.”

“Well, I did have to see a doctor once, and he told me that I lie around too much.”

“You would.” I snickered.  Finally sick of the strange tasting ramyun, I lied down next to Sunggyu on the floor.  “Hey, Gyu, remember the time you ran away from home?”


“You did!” I exclaimed.  “I looked for you, remember?”

“I don’t recall.”

“And after I found you, you yelled at me.”

“…Maybe I do remember.”


“Hana, what in the world are you doing here?  You shouldn’t be out this late when you have homework to do.”

“Where were you, Gyu?” I huffed.

“Were you…looking for me?”

“Of course.  You’re my brother.  And everyone’s worried.”

In an instant, Sunggyu pulled me into a hug and rested his chin on my head.  “That’s the first time…”

“What the hell are you talking about, Sunggyu?”

“You said that I was your brother.”


“You were such a softie!” I squealed.

“Yeah?  Then what am I now?” He laughed.

“Well,” I thought for a moment, “Now you’re a guy who relies too much on vitamins and eyeliner.”



“You’re awful,” he whined.  “The others make fun of me a lot, and now you?”

“It’s because you’re old.” I nodded.  “If you were young, people wouldn’t have much to tease you about.”


“Gyu, your English is horrifying,” I said.  Minutes ago, I had stolen Sunggyu’s music player and was blasting his solo song from Infinite’s first album.

He scoffed, rolling his eyes.  “You have to admit that my English is pretty good.”

“Say, Gyu,” I replied, “Can you bring me to your next Ranking King shoot?”

How did you find out about Ranking King?”

“Come on.” I rolled my eyes.  “You ranked last in likeability and brains; the fans ranked you last in athletic ability.  Do you think that I wouldn’t hear about that?”

“In my defense,” he replied, “They need to choose categories that I’m good at.”

“How about how gullible the members are?” I volunteered.

“Hana,” he warned.

“Or,” I continued, “Why don’t you do something that involves taking off your shirt.  I’m sure that the fans would love that.”


“Why not?” I replied.  “I believe that it’s called fanservice.”

“Some people are meant to expose themselves.  Others,” he mumbled, “Like myself should stick to singing.”

“So I can go?” I asked eagerly.

“But Hana,” he whined, “It’s embarrassing.  What if I come in last while you’re watching?”

“Sunggyu, I’d like to think of myself as moral support, not someone that would make fun of you for ranking low.”

“I-I’ll think about it.”




A/N: Up until now, all of the chapters were pre-written, edited and revised, and re-read prior to posting.  Now that I'm at the end of pre-written chapters, I should get a move on with writing new chapters.  Thanks for reading ^^.  -kpopluvr18

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Chapter 18: So no sequel?? Author-nim you're making your readers dying of curiosity (ಥ_ಥ)
Angelz0715 #2
Chapter 17: I love this story <3
Chapter 18: really author-nim? really??
no sequel?? it's such a great story.. now i'll wonder where does Hana go..
thank you for the story,, love it..
ilovekpop81897 #4
Chapter 18: Wow, sequel please?
yooamie #5
Chapter 17: this story is really good! I really loved it c: I'm sad it was short though :(
sunnysun32168 #6
Chapter 18: your story is great :)
hope to get a sequel from here
IloveHYS #7
I need a sequel!!!!
Chapter 18: It was so fun reading this fanfic!!! But what happens with Hana?
Good job author! It was fun reading!