Chapter 1

Welcome to the Family


He stood casually in the corner of the airport terminal, arms crossed and eyes filled with fire.  I knew that look from a mile away.  Kim Sunggyu was never one who enjoyed waiting for others—especially when those others were late.  In my defense, there was a half-an-hour standby from Los Angeles, just because some idiot thought it would be cool to run out onto the runway as the plane started up. 

“You’re late, Kim Hana.” His words were as sharp as knives.  “I went through a lot of trouble to clear my afternoon schedule to come and get you from the airport, but your plane had a delay.  Good thing we aren’t promoting right now, or else—”

“Hey, don’t complain to me!” I exclaimed, raising my hands up in the air.  “Blame the idiot who thought that running out onto the runway was a good idea.”

“Right.” He grabbed my suitcase from me and started to walk.  “I could never blame our beloved Hana.”

“Wow, Gyu.  You’re really grumpy today.”

“How was America?” he called over his shoulder.

“It was weird!” I struggled to catch up with his quick pace.  “There were Korean-Americans, but a lot of them couldn’t speak Korean.  It was such a shock!”

“What did you expect?  In America, they speak English, for the most part.  You can’t expect every single Korean-American to speak Korean.”

“You sound so smart.”

“Coming from the girl who studied overseas, I take that as a compliment.”

I chuckled.  “So, Gyu, how’s Infinite doing?  I bought your albums while in America.  They’re really good.”

He shrugged.  “We’re doing surprisingly well.  I never thought that we would get this far.  Woollim isn’t as big as those other companies such as SM, so I didn’t think we had much of a chance.” 

“Say, Gyu, do you have a girlfriend?”

He choked on his gum, I assumed.  I slapped him lightly on the back—earning a glare from Sunggyu.  Huh.  Maybe it wasn’t as lightly as I thought it was.

Why would you ask me that?”

“Because I’m curious!”

“Why do girls like to talk about relationships anyway?” he grumbled.  “But for the record, I am currently single and enjoying every single moment of it.”

“I, for one, love being in a relationship.” I said the first thing off of the top of my head, not completely aware of the actual words coming out of my mouth.

That caught his attention.  “Wait…my baby sister…in a relationship?  Who’s the guy?  Did you meet him in America?  Why haven’t I heard of this?”

Realizing what I had just said, I responded with, “Chill, Gyu.  You haven’t met him because I didn’t contact you for the whole year I was in America.  And I did meet him there.”

He shook his head.  “But still!  You should tell me these things.”

We stopped in front of a white van; Sunggyu went around to the back to put my suitcase in the trunk.  Before leaving, though, he opened the van door and motioned for me to get in.

I took a deep breath, admiring the surroundings at Incheon Airport.  One whole year away from the place I called home really made me appreciate everything about Korea.  It definitely wasn’t as sunny as Los Angeles was, so I could finally stop wearing sleeveless tops and shorts all the time.

“Hurry up and get in, Sunggyu hyung!  You’re letting all of the cold air escape.”

I peered into the van, staring right into the eyes of a boy—not that much older than myself—who kind of reminded me of someone.  Shocked, he could only stare as I mumbled in apology, sat in a seat, and slammed the door.  Sunggyu joined us in the van, saying some words to the man driving before sitting next to me.

“What’s with your hair?” he hissed, gesturing toward my blue highlights with disgust.

I scoffed.  “It’s not like you haven’t colored your hair either.”  I shoved the blue parts of my hair into his face.

“Yeah, but you had to choose blueWhy couldn’t you go for a normal hair color?”

“Oh, I don’t know.  I went out with some friends one night, and we all decided to get some blue in our hair.”

Sunggyu turned to the guy in the back, then, as if he suddenly remembered his existence.  “Oh, Hoya, meet my little sister, Kim Hana.”

So that’s what his name is.  “Nice to meet you.” I bowed my head.

He bowed back.  “Sorry about earlier.”  To Sunggyu, he said, “Hyung, I didn’t know that you even had a younger sister.”

“Oh, Hana is adopted.”


“Hana came to live with us around the time I auditioned for SM Entertainment in 2008.  We’ve been family for about four years.”

I nodded.  “Sunggyu wasn’t there at the time of my adoption.  But our older sister was, so I thought that I was only getting an older sister.  I was shocked when I saw Sunggyu for the first time.”

Hoya nodded, looking unconvinced.  “I see.”

The man driving took glances at me from time to time through his rearview mirror too.  I don’t think Sunggyu has mentioned me at all, according to the reactions from Hoya and the driver man.

“Oh, Hana.  The man driving is one of my managers.”

I nodded.  “Gyu, are you going to drop me off at Mom and Dad’s house?”

“About that…” He chuckled nervously.  “We’re…going to the Infinite dorms.”

“What?  Why?”

“I kinda told Mom and Dad that I would take care of you for a few months?”

My heart stopped beating for a second.  Sunggyu…taking care of me?  Displeasure ran through my veins.  The last time Sunggyu tried to take care of me, he almost created a fire in the kitchen, raising the smoke alarm and giving the neighbors a mighty scare.

“You’re kidding, right?”

The man driving looked at us in alarm.  “Sunggyu, no girls are allowed to live in your dorm.  You out of all people should know that.”

Sunggyu smiled—that mischievous smile that I associated Sunggyu with—which caused his eyes to disappear.  “Of course I know that.”

“Then what are you planning to do?” Hoya piped up from the backseat.  “Our CEO will freak if he finds out that you’re planning to take care of your younger sister at the dorms.”

“Since no one else lives on our floor, I thought that she could room in the apartment next to ours.  That would make taking care of her easy to accomplish, and I wouldn’t be breaking any of the rules set up by the managers.”

“Hey hyung,” Hoya said suddenly.  Both Sunggyu and I turned in his direction.

“What is it?”

“Your younger sister doesn’t use honorifics with you.  She just calls you ‘Gyu’, and I find that strange.”

Sunggyu smirked.  “When Hana first came to live with us, she was a bit of a rebel child.  She wouldn’t use honorifics with both my older sister and me, which annoyed us both at first.  Soon, though, we got used to it, and we don’t even care anymore.”

“How old are you?” Hoya turned toward me.

I thought about it for a moment.  One thing I missed about America was the fact that barely anyone cared about age.  There were no formalities in America, and I enjoyed that.  “Nineteen this August.”

He nodded.  “That makes Sungjong your friend, and the rest of us your oppas.”

“Oppa?” I frowned in distaste.  “Gross.”

“What’s wrong with that word?”

“Oppa, take me here.  Oppa, buy me that.  Oppa, can we go out tonight?” I started listing phrases in which other girls used the term ‘oppa’.  “Well, it gets annoying after a while.”

Hoya shrugged.  “I still like the word.”

The manager suddenly stopped, causing everyone to fall forward in their seats.  I, for one, was not wearing a seatbelt, and gravity was calling out to me.

“First you get blue hair, then you don’t wear your seatbelt and almost get yourself killed.” Sunggyu shook his head, roughly pulling me back into my seat.  “What has America done to you?”

America has done wonders for me, Sunggyu,” I replied in English.

“Wow!” He broke out into a grin.  “You’re good at English now.”

“I was always good at English.  You just never heard me speak it,” I mocked.  “Are we there yet?”

“The dorm is right around the corner.”

I grinned.  “Finally.  No offense, but I feel really awkward around you guys.  Socializing really isn’t my thing.”

“Tell me more about your boyfriend,” Sunggyu interrupted.  “Like, what’s his family like?  Who does he hang out with?  How many girlfriends has he had before you?”

I stared at him incredulously.  “Are you being…overprotective?”

“I just wanted to know.”

“I’m not saying anything,” I replied smugly.

Sunggyu sighed.  “What time did you go to sleep every night in America?”

“Midnight, give or take an hour.”

“What?  You need to sleep more.”

That caught Hoya’s attention too.  “Why aren’t you like that around us, hyung?  You’re all, ‘Kids, just do whatever you want.  I’m going to bed’ when we’re alone at the dorm.”

“No offense, Hoya, but Hana is cuter than all of you combined.”

“And here we go again.” I rolled my eyes.  Personally, I hated when Sunggyu referred to me as his cute little sister.  It was as if I was labeled with a cute image, just because I wasn’t particularly y in any way.

“Do you keep in touch with your birth parents?” Hoya asked.

I thought about that too.  When was the last time I had a conversation with my real mother and father?  “It’s been a while, honestly.”

Hoya smiled—the first smile I saw from him for the whole car ride.  “Well, if you’re Sunggyu’s sister, then that automatically makes you my sister too.  Welcome to the family, Kim Hana.  We’ll treat you well.”


A/N: How was the first chapter?  I wrote this in Word, so there shouldn't be any spelling or grammar mistakes.  Though, Microsoft Word can be a buttface sometimes, so do point out mistakes ^^ --kpopluvr18

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Chapter 18: So no sequel?? Author-nim you're making your readers dying of curiosity (ಥ_ಥ)
Angelz0715 #2
Chapter 17: I love this story <3
Chapter 18: really author-nim? really??
no sequel?? it's such a great story.. now i'll wonder where does Hana go..
thank you for the story,, love it..
ilovekpop81897 #4
Chapter 18: Wow, sequel please?
yooamie #5
Chapter 17: this story is really good! I really loved it c: I'm sad it was short though :(
sunnysun32168 #6
Chapter 18: your story is great :)
hope to get a sequel from here
IloveHYS #7
I need a sequel!!!!
Chapter 18: It was so fun reading this fanfic!!! But what happens with Hana?
Good job author! It was fun reading!