Chapter 7

Welcome to the Family


I woke up to disturbing noises coming from the direction of my kitchen.  Dishes clattered, water ran in the sink, and two people argued back and forth.

“Myungsoo, no.  You’re not doing it right!”

“Ah, what the hell.  It really doesn’t matter, does it?  She’ll eat it either way.”

“It does matter, Myungsoo.  Cereal always goes in before milk, no exceptions.”



“Shut up.”

“Geez, I was only trying to help.”

“What about you?  Your apple slices are frightening.”

I rolled out of bed, hitting the floor with a thud.  My hair was a mess, I knew, and looking in the mirror only made me feel annoyed.

“Aish, why are they here?” I muttered, cursing as I stood up.  Running a brush through my hair, I made sure to look presentable in front of Myungsoo and Sungyeol, or rather, so that neither of them would make fun of me.  Those girls in the dramas woke up with perfect hair; too bad it couldn’t happen in real life.

“Ah, Hana!” Sungyeol cheered as I stepped out of my room.  “You’re awake.  We made you breakfast.”

“Breakfast?” I frowned in confusion.  “Oh, right.”

“You should eat before Myungsoo eats everything.” Sungyeol shot the other boy a glare. 

Myungsoo shook his head.  “I refuse to eat your freakish-looking apple slices.”

They pushed me toward the food, and I hesitantly started to eat.  From Myungsoo and Sungyeol’s earlier conversation, I thought they’d massively screwed up with breakfast, but it turned out to be edible.  Not delicious, but edible.

“Aren’t you glad we made breakfast for you?” Sungyeol grinned.

“How’d you two get in?”

Myungsoo walked up next to me, placing his arm around my shoulder.  “Sunggyu hyung noticed that you haven’t been eating breakfast.”

“How’d he know?”

“Magic.” Sungyeol snickered.

“Well,” Myungsoo paused.  “Woohyun told him.”

“Damn it,” I cursed.

Myungsoo gasped with amusement written all over his face.  “Did our princess just swear?”

“Eh?  Princess?”

“No, I just wanted to see your reaction.” Myungsoo walked away.  “I’m going to explore your apartment.  Don’t even try to stop me.”

I moved over to the couch, where Sungyeol sat surfing through the channels.  “Sunggyu gave you the password to this apartment?”

“Something like that,” Sungyeol replied.

“Do you guys have, like, nothing to do or something?”

“We’re family.  Families bond, right?  Therefore, think of this as bonding time.”

“Look, I have to go shopping—”

“Shopping?” Sungyeol grinned.  “Can I come too?”


“Just because.”



“I’m going clothes shopping.”

“Even better, then!”

I shrugged.  “Sure, why not?  What’s the worst thing that could happen?” I paused.  “Oh, right.  Your fans could recognize you and accuse me of stealing you away from them.  Then they’ll attack me, and I’ll go to the hospital.”

“Inspirits aren’t like that.”

“The normal ones aren’t.  What about the crazy ones?”

“Well played, my friend.”

“Ah, whatever.” I grabbed the purple backpack I always carried around with me.  “Let’s just go.”

“Myungsoo!” Sungyeol screamed.  “We’re going shopping!”

“Really?” Myungsoo screamed back, from somewhere deep within my apartment.

“Yeah!  Are you coming or what?”


And that’s how Myungsoo ended up tagging along with us.


“No, Hana.  You should always buy clothes in black.  It’ll make you look skinnier, and black is really popular these days.”

“Shut up, Myungsoo.”  I grumbled.  “And are you calling me fat?”


“No.  Don’t go there.”

Against my wishes, both Sungyeol and Myungsoo joined me in the girl’s section of the clothing store.  I guess their recent Ranking King episode about fashion had boosted their confidence, because both members were picking things out for me, one after another.

“What about this one?” Myungsoo pulled out a low v-neck from one of the racks.

I glared.  “For the last time, Myungsoo, I am not looking for revealing clothes, nor am I looking for clothes in black.”

“Ah…then…” He looked around the store.  “What about where Sungyeol is looking?  Those shirts are pretty.”

“Myungsoo, you do realize that those shirts will expose my midriff, right?”

“Like I said, they’re pretty.”

“I’m going…” I scanned the shop.  “Over there.” I pointed toward a bunch of tops with higher necklines. 

Myungsoo whacked me in the arm.  “But those are no fun.”

“I have a feeling that this isn’t about which clothes look good, Myungsoo.  I think you’re trying to persuade me into buying low cut tops so that you can stare—”

“Here Hana, try this on!” Sungyeol came over, swinging an article of clothing in his hand.  “I’ve always wanted to see my girlfriend—” With a glare from Myungsoo, he changed his words.  “I’ve always wanted to see my future girlfriend wear something like this.” He handed me a dress, which I examined.

“It’s a black dress.  You should make Myungsoo wear it,” I replied with a smirk.

Sungyeol pouted.  “Myungsoo in a dress sounds so wrong.  Please?”

“Fine,” I said.  “I can never win.”

Both Sungyeol and Myungsoo pushed me into the changing room and locked the door behind me.  After silently cursing, I changed into the black dress quickly, in fear that someone would accidentally walk in on me changing.  Of course, the door was locked, but one could never be too comfortable in a changing room, even when by themselves.

Examining myself in the mirror, I realized that I didn’t look that bad.  With the dress on, I could vaguely see the curves that I lacked and noticed that I haven’t exposed this much skin, well, ever.

“Done.” I walked out of the changing room, over to where Sungyeol and Myungsoo stood a few feet away.  “Is it okay?”

Myungsoo smiled.  “You’re adorable.”

“Agreed!” Sungyeol added in.

I pouted.  “Not y?”


“Not one bit.  The cuteness is just…overwhelming.”

I made a face at them, and Myungsoo reached out to pinch my cheeks.  “Don’t feel too bad, though.  Most of the members like cute and pure girls over y girls anyway.”


After changing out of the dress and paying for the clothes I picked out, Myungsoo and Sungyeol insisted we go out for another meal.

“No way,” I whined.  “I ate breakfast, and now you want me to eat lunch too?”

“What’s with you?” Myungsoo scoffed.  “Food is everything.”

I shrugged.  “I have bad metabolism.  I’ll gain unwanted weight.  Being skinny is everything here in Korea, right?”

“Of course not,” Sungyeol said in concern, “if it means you’ll skip meals just to maintain your weight.”

“Eat.” Myungsoo demanded, handing me a container of spicy rice cakes.  “I bought this for you.”

“Do I have to?”

“Kim Hana, if you don’t eat this, we’ll tell Sunggyu.  And that,” Myungsoo replied, “Will be the end of you.”

I had a hard time digesting the food.  I mean, it was delicious, but I was so used to skipping meals that the feeling of an empty stomach had become normal.  No, I did not have a serious disorder, but I always believed that skipping a meal or two here and there wouldn’t hurt me.

“See?” Sungyeol said with a grin.  “Food is the best thing in the world.”


A/N: What the heck.  I've had this chapter done for a day or so, and I forgot to post it up.  Last minute editing for the win.

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Chapter 18: So no sequel?? Author-nim you're making your readers dying of curiosity (ಥ_ಥ)
Angelz0715 #2
Chapter 17: I love this story <3
Chapter 18: really author-nim? really??
no sequel?? it's such a great story.. now i'll wonder where does Hana go..
thank you for the story,, love it..
ilovekpop81897 #4
Chapter 18: Wow, sequel please?
yooamie #5
Chapter 17: this story is really good! I really loved it c: I'm sad it was short though :(
sunnysun32168 #6
Chapter 18: your story is great :)
hope to get a sequel from here
IloveHYS #7
I need a sequel!!!!
Chapter 18: It was so fun reading this fanfic!!! But what happens with Hana?
Good job author! It was fun reading!