Why am I feeling this ?

It's Complicated ~ ♥



'Remember L.Joe. Your just gonna play with her. Nothing more.


Gahee's POV

Gosh ! My plan didnt work ! And to make things worst, Chunji was happy about it and ~~~~~~ gained popularity. The rumor just passed by cause Chunji said it's true bt it's only because he has nowwhere to go. Pffftttt liar. His parents are nice I know it. Tsk.Tsk.Tsk. From the start I'm not liking that ~~~~~~. Aish ~ Why does she have to enter my life anyway ? I have to think of other tactics to ruin her image.

Narrator's POV

L.Joe went home very mad. For the whole day ~~~~~~ didnt even bother to look at him. 'Chunji ! This is all your fault.' He thought

"Sir, your home." One of there maids greeted him. "Whatever." L.Joe said and threw his bag straight to the servant. "Yah ! Lee Byunghyun !" YuWon, his noona yelled. "Oh, I'm sorry. L.Joe must have had something on his mind." She bowed to the maid and followed L.Joe upstairs.

Yuwon's POV

"Ahhhhhh !!!!!!" Whoa ~ That's the first time i heard my dongsaeng scream. I peeked through the little creek through his door. He was looking at this purple bracelet.

"~~~~~~, Why do you have to do this to me? You know that I'm starting to like you right ? Why do you have to ignore me like this ? Why do you have to make things hard for me ?" He glanced back at the bracelet. "Youre such a waste of time." He said and threw it out the window. My baby brother likes someone and he was dumped. Haha. L.Joe-ah~ Your starting to know how real life flows. >:)

I walked at the garden and I tried to find the bracelet L.Joe threw. "At last !" I said as i saw a shining purple thinggy behind the bushes. I looked at it and i think it was customized. "~~~~~~ ??? Hmmm.. never heard of his name. Maybe a transferee." I said and continued to my room.

I opened my laptop and tried to search his name on Google. But there are no results. "Hmmm.... that's odd. Everyone that goes to Seoul High has to have a personal background right? Rich people are there so they have to be famous." I dont now his surname so i can't be sure. I cant ask L.Joe case I'll totally freak him out if i do. Hmmmm..... I guess i have to visit Seoul High then. ^^


Narrator's POV

L.joe stood at the window feeling the cold night breeze. He was still mad about the ~~~~~~-ignoring-him issue. He's confused right now. He can't determine his feelings. Is he...... inlove? He sighed and turned around to sleep already. But he saw his piano. "Maybe a little music can ease me." He said and started to play 'It Has To Be You' by Yesung (Super Junior). "Perfect." He said.

As he trailed off to the last note, she remebered your face again. He sighed and stood up from his piano. "Good thing I have you by my side." L.Joe started to talk to his piano. "I can play any song i want and pour all my feelings and emotions to it. Music speaks for me everytime i cant find the perfect words to say." He smiled a little. "That's a good thing, right?" He's feelings are now balanced. He felt comfortable towards his piano. It seems that It is his bestfriend.

L.Joe walked towards his bed and laid down. As he was about to close his eyes, he stood up from his bed straight as if he was shocked."Why am i feeling this?!" He shook his head and scratched the back of his neck. "And why ~~~~~~ ?" He said almost whispering. He wanted to make a 'aish' face but instead, i smile crept on his lips.


A/N: A NoColor chapter XD. Do you like it guys??? XD I think i'll be able to update again weekend XD

Comments and Subscribers are loved ! Please continue on reading ~

Saranghaeyo ~ ♥♥♥♥♥♥ XOXO :*

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i just read the story and it was good, you don't have to delete it, i'll be patiently waiting for your next updates if ever XD
ThePowerChaserToYou #2
Why is it cancel? Is a nice story...):
You guys ~ LOL<br />
View this : http://www.asianfanfics.com/page/faq#Q21<;br />
Read the first question that pops up ~ That's what i used here ^^<br />
<br />
Comment more ~ Even if it's questions :))
junghyukkie #4
why does it say junghyukkie?? lol im confused that my namee :S
kayytran #5
o-o I was stunned when i say 'kayytranyou' in the story o-o LOL.<br />
Oooh. L.Joe is mad~ but who can blame him .-.
NamHee #6
aish~ my heart beating so fast!! xD<br />
is really my name in this FF? really? :O<br />
kayytran #7
:O They kissed! :O L.Joe saw it! :O<br />
OMG. B1A4<3 I love Jinyoung :D
NamHee #8
waw so excited!! xD<br />
btw changjo is mine ;P