Halmoni wins it all.

It's Complicated ~ ♥

A/N: Updated !!! Lalalala ~ Haha. LOL i don't know what to say. Please enjoy ~ Comment and Subscribe ^^



"I'll be your all-around-maid for one week." Chunji stated.



I woke up with my earphone still plugged in my ears. I blinked continously and rubbed my eyes. My ears hurt. I yawned a bit and screamed "ME WANT ICE CREAM !!!". My body refused to get up, so i greeted Yoseob and Chase a good morning while laying down. I looked up the calendar and today is Friday. We have no classes cause our School President said so. He only mentioned that our Achievment test will be on Monday. No time to waste, I have to review. Or else look like reviewing.

I put my blanket on the side and slid to the edge of my bed. I was about to set foot on my cozy floor, then i noticed ChanHee sleeping there. I gasped and covered my mouth so that i woudnt wake him up. I got to my bathroom and brushed my pearly whites. As i got out, I noticed ChanHee again. I approached his sleeping body. I laughed a little cause he looks more cuter when he's soul-left-his- body. I ruffled his hair and got the covers over him.

I happily went down the stairs. But then something struck me. CHANHEE ??? IN MY ROOM ??? WHAT ???

I went running back to my room and kicked him hard. He woke up screaming. i made a how'd-you-get-in-here look at him. 

"AWW ! Ahh..bwoh? _______-ah?" He asked still holding his hip. He rubbed he's eyes to confirm it. When he knew it was me, he mouthed 'aish, chincha? what now'

"What ?! You dont recognize the owner of this room?" I asked him. I guess i was a bit loud. But who cares ! He slept in my room.

"That really hurts ______-ah. You could have just woke me up gently. But what did you do ? You kicked me ! So much for being a girl."He said yelling at me. I didnt know he could be this angry. Maybe because he just woke up.

"Ah ! Looks who's talking here. First, I OWN THIS ROOM. Second. YOU DIDNT EVEN ASKED ME PERMISSION IF YOU COULD SLEEP HERE.  And now youre mad at me?"

"Whats with all the screaming ! It's just morning and you two are arguing already?" My Halmoni suddenly slammed the door. I jumped up in surprise and ended up in ChanHee's lap. I was too shocked to stand up. My eyes were stuck in halmoni's.

"You two. In my room. NOW" She said with flaming eyes. Aish ~ Whut now?

I pushed ChanHee's hand away from me and got up. I rolled my eyes on him and got to the door.

Chunji's POV

Omo ~ No ! Not right now. I rushed to Halmoni's room. I ran past _________. I got to Halmoni and hurriedly locked the door. Halmoni was shocked. I sat infront of her and bowed.

Halmoni made herself comfortable and started to talk."What ?"It's just a short word but it nearly made me dead.

"Halmoni, I have to tell you something.Well you see....."


I covered _______ with my jacket. I thought about it all night. I really have to do this.

I snuck out of the school by climbing the thick wall in front of me. I can't let anyone see me.

It was a sucess. I grabbed  _______'s bike and drove off. I reached their house in a knick of time. But it was all closed and the lights were off. I'm guessing theres no one in the house cause i knocked continously and no one responded.

I cant go back to school cause it;s alreaddy late. I cant go back home cause my parents will definitely not be happy with it. What was i to do. Aish ~

I unlocked the door using a paperclip. I looked outside if anyone saw me. Chase must have gone with Halmoni too. Whew ~ Haha. Chunji you're such a genius.

I cleaned the whole house and did the dishes. I know _______ and Halmoni will not like this. But i already chose my punishment. I'm gonna be an all-around maid and watch _______ everyday.

-End of Flashback-

"So yeah~ that's what happened. Halmoni, I take any punishment. But please just tell _______ that you chose this for me. I'd totally appreciate it. You could tell me anything and i'd do it with all my honor. Just please Halmoni. do my favor." I said to her.She look stunned but still I hipe she says yes.

Halmoni laughed a little. " You really like ________-ah, Dont you Chunji."My jaw dropped. Halmoni knows?

"Ahh.. halmoni ..It's not what you think..."

"I already knew Chunji, the first time i saw you. You just cant hide it from me."I dropped my head in embarassment. "But don't worry Chunji-ah, I wont tell." I was surprised by that. In a good way.

"Uwaaa ~, Cheongmal Kamsahamnida Halmoni !" I hugged her. Haha. Good thing Halmoni hugged back.

Narrator's POV

You were puzzled about Chunji running past you. You still walked by the same speed. As you stopped by Halmoni's door, you heard Chunji scream.

Your POV

I immediately opened the door. And what did i saw? Chunji hugging my grandmother ?? what the eff ?

I shove Chunji away. And checked my Halmoni. She was doing fine and went on laughing as she said that i was too caring.

I sat and we argued again about the chunji-sleeping-in-my-room thinggy. Halmoni said Chunji would be sleeping there for the whole week. I refused to cause the sala is big for him anyway. But Halmoni defeated me. Chunji left and winked at Halmoni. What was that ? And the hugging thing ? Are they,    OH NO ~

"Halmoni, about this punishment thinggy, CHANGE THE DAMN THING, Please,Halmoni I'm begging you."

"Chunji and I talked about it. It's final" Halmoni stated as she stood up."But- Halmoni....""No more buts ________-ah. I'm gonna go to work now."Again. I was defeated by her. AISH ~

Halmoni changed to her working clothes. It was like an office uniform. I opened the door for her, and Chunji gave her her new polished shoes. I rolled up my eyes on him. 'What a -up' I thought.

Halmoni got in the cab.  "Oh~ Chunji, don't forget to clean my room, Ok?" She said as she rolled the windows down. I stuck my tounge out to say disgusting. "Arasso, Halmoni !" Chunji replied.

There was this awkward silence when we both went in. I got back to my room and snuggled up my bed. I kinda slept again.

Narrator's POV

'This is the start _______-ah. I'm gonna win your heart for sure.'  Chunji thought as he closed your door for you.


A/N: Wahaha ~ Updated :))


I am now finished in Shinee Hello Baby. And the ending was really really touching. Key and Minho cried. How sweet ~. Hahaha LOL. Have you guys watched Secret with Teen Top on stage ? Talk about Aegyo Overload ~ Especially Chunji and L.Joe's Hair. Hahaha :))

Bye for now ~ Please comment and subscribe ~ Tell me what you think about it ~

Saranghaeyo ~ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Hugs and Kisses XOXO ~ ♥

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i just read the story and it was good, you don't have to delete it, i'll be patiently waiting for your next updates if ever XD
ThePowerChaserToYou #2
Why is it cancel? Is a nice story...):
You guys ~ LOL<br />
View this : http://www.asianfanfics.com/page/faq#Q21<;br />
Read the first question that pops up ~ That's what i used here ^^<br />
<br />
Comment more ~ Even if it's questions :))
junghyukkie #4
why does it say junghyukkie?? lol im confused that my namee :S
kayytran #5
o-o I was stunned when i say 'kayytranyou' in the story o-o LOL.<br />
Oooh. L.Joe is mad~ but who can blame him .-.
NamHee #6
aish~ my heart beating so fast!! xD<br />
is really my name in this FF? really? :O<br />
kayytran #7
:O They kissed! :O L.Joe saw it! :O<br />
OMG. B1A4<3 I love Jinyoung :D
NamHee #8
waw so excited!! xD<br />
btw changjo is mine ;P