Chapter 20

내 조폭 남자 친구 II : 운명 예측할 수없는 [My Gangster Boyfriend II : Unpredictable Destiny]
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Chapter 20


Next morning…


“Attention everyone, today, as all of you have knew because I already give you all the scheduled yesterday, we will do the adventurous game on the water. All you did was to keep the boat moving until the end of the line. But, be careful with the rapid stream, guys. You may die because of it. Okay, now, I’ll divide you all to 16 groups.” The teacher who is known as Mr. Jung said.


“Yay!” The students chorused.

“I’m dead.” Taeyeon covered her face.

“I hate water!” Some girl chorused.

“Yay!” You and Yuri screamed happily.

Every girls look at the both of you with weird face.


“Okay, first team is, Xiumin, Luhan, Hyoyeon, Tifanny, Kangjun and Dambi.” Mr. Jung said.

“Uuuuu!~” Xiumin and Kangjun wooed. Luhan walked cooly to join the team.

“Second team is JR, Jungshin, Jonghyun, Krystal, Daehyun, and Seohyun.” Mr. Jung announced again.

“Bye Krystal!” Yuri beamed.

Krystal waved.


“Bye Jiyeon!” Daehyun waved. You waved back.

“Third team is Yonghwa, Minhyuk, Taeyeon, Leeteuk, Sora and Hana.”

“Nooo! I want to be in the same group as you, Jiyeon!” Taeyeon shrieked.



“Fourth team is Yuri, Jinri, Tao, Baekhyun, Sunny and Jimin.”

“Noooo~” Yuri gasped.

“Fifth team is Hana, Haseon, Sehun, Hoya, Yoona and Suho.”

Suho smiled while looking at Yoona who was standing beside you. Yoona’s cheek turns pink.

“Sixth team is Jiyeon, Kris, Kai, Nara, Juhee and Hagyeong.”


Geez, why do I have to be in the same group as Kris?, You mentally thought.

“Wuhuu~ I’m in the same group as you, Jiyeon! I’m so happy!” Kai cooed.

“Yeah, me too.” You smiled.

Kris just looks at you without an expression. He acts likes he didn’t know you at all.

Mr. Jung kept on announced the others group.


At last, the groups already been decided and all of the students take on their boat carefully. The students wear their life jacket and some girls even wear sunlight protector cream to prevent their ‘precious’ skin to be tanned.

“Kai, are you originally tanned when you’re born?” You asked when you sat next to him on the boat.


He looks at you for a while before nodding like little kid.

“Ahh~” You awed, “I always want to be a little tanned because my skin is too white. I’m whiter than Sehun. I’m like Dracula.” You reasoned.

“Well, if you a Dracula, you can eat my blood all you want. I can be your slave too!” Kai said while playing his innocent face in front of you. You smiled on Kai’s words.


And then, Kris in by smacked Kai’s head. He does that because of what Kai has said.

“Ow! Hyung!” Kai pouted.

“Geez, Kai, cute face didn’t match with you at all, you know that?” Kris said.

“Huh! Mehrong!” Kai stuck his tongue at Kris.

Kris glared at him.


“On your mark, get set go!” Mr. Jung shouted.

All of the students pedal the boat as fast as they can.

“Shoot!” Kai cursed as he kept on pedaling.


On the other side, Hagyeong and Nara were already exhausted.


“You girls! Do you want to be at the last place? Pedal faster!” Kai shouted.

“Geez Kai. No need to shout at them.” You said.

“1..2..1..2..1..2..1..2” Kris keep on counting as he pedal calmly.

“Grr.. Come on guys, we’re on second place!” Kai lead the team.


After hearing Kai word, you become energetic suddenly. Your pedaling becomes faster than usual.

I have to win this thing, you thought.

“Ugh! Who’s group is leading?” You asked Kai who already wet with sweat.

“Yonghwa’s team. He is really good in sport.” Kai said. He seems exhausted.

Tae unnie is in the group!, you thought.

“Okay! We’re leading now! Come on!!!!” Kai shouted.

All of your team already pedaling like their life is depends on this game. Well, there is a prize waiting if you win this game!




“The winner of this game is,… Kai’s team! Congratulations! Come here to get your prize!” Mr. Jo said.

“Wooooo!!!” Kai hugged Kris as all of your team went to the stage to receive the prize.

“Here, since there were 6 of you, I’ll give each one of you two tickets of Grand Premium Hotel. The tickets limit for three days and two nights only. You can stay there whilst enjoying your trip with whoever you want when you came here next time!” Mr. Jo said.

Hm, I can go with Myunggie oppa later~, you thought.

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Chapter 44: hahaha but why kris and zea with daehyun must die . hmm sad sad . haha after all this story is daebak . love this . goodjob authornim :))
xoxosenshine #2
Chapter 44: Done reading both story . Its ohsem ... goob job *thumbsup*
hey mind give me a link to read my gangster boyfriend cause i can't click those the one that u give^^
Chapter 44: NOO SO MANY NICE PEOPLE DIED :( but good story :)

dont make a fanfiction like this again or i will jump off to the sea;; just make a good one like my boyfriend is gangster season 1 i love you;;;;
jayzie #7
Chapter 44: hmm...i'm a little bit confused...
are myungsoo dead?
jayzie #8
Chapter 43: why Daehyun T_T
i cant wait!! please update soon!
T0075846E #9
Chapter 43: Please update.your story is very interesting and entertaing
Chapter 43: Waaaaa. Update soon pleasee!!! This gonna end soon?? Nooo~