Keeping Secrets Never Hurts Anyone

Expect It To Go Wrong

  "What?" Seungri asked looking back at me. "Speak slower!" He laughed as I swear to you my eye started twitching. 

 "It's nothing. Ignore him." Jiyong smiled as Seungri eyes us suspiciously. 

 "Really?" He asked as Jiyong nods and gives me a look to where I find myself nodding also. Seungri turns around and starts driving again once the red light turns green. Jiyong looks at me and punches me in the arm. 

 "Ow!" I whispered and rubbed my now soon to be bruised arm.

 "We'll talk when we get back to your foodless place." He said facing his window grinning. Yea, foodless because of you...You're like a burning hole in my wallet, Jiyong.

 Only a few minutes later we got back to my place. "See you Monday, Seungri." Jiyong smiled as Seungri unlocked his front door and smiled to us before going inside. Jiyong focuses his attention on me and drags me inside. 

 "What was that?!" He shrieked as I blush embarrassed. "I'm sorry Jiyong but your ex accidently kissed me!" He shrieked in a mocking tone. "Do you want him to find out that bad?" He asked as my face became red as he stepped closer to me. "Do you want him to find out about us?" He asked and my eyes went wide.

 Us?! When was there an 'us'?! Oh, Jiyong. Did I somehow give him the imprecation that I wanted him? I don't want him. I think... I hate you, Jiyong. You and your charm. It's too much for me to handle. And you stole my first kiss! I hate you more now! -_-

 "Us? Jiyong there is no us." I said softly and took a step back but he only came closer and made our noses touch. He smiles cutely. Omo...the aegyo...

 "There isn't yet." He smiled and kissed me quickly then grabbed his book bag and made his way to the door. "See you Monday, Young Jae." He winked, slipped on his shoes and left leaving me speechless.


 Monday morning came and I was at my usual spot. Waiting for the bus at the stop sign with Seungri. "So..." I said awkwardly and kicked a tiny pebble with my shoe. He puts his book bag on the ground and looks at me carefully.

 "Why are you so awkward? And you look like you're hiding something from me." He said as I shake my head no.

 "Aniyo, I'm hiding nothing." Oh, I'm hiding quite a few things actually. 

 "If you say so." He shrugged. "Oh yeah, Jiyong said he wanted you to sit with him on the bus this morning." I sigh. Great. He can try to ually frustrate me on the bus in front of Seungri. Perfect, Jiyong. Perfect. "I'm actually kind of surprised that he's getting along with you so well." He smiled.

 "Yeah, me too. I'm also surprised with how friendly he is with me." I said with a small smile. I guess I don't have to tell Seungri. As long as what happened between Jiyong and me doesn't happen again.

 Let's be honest, he's a little too friendly. Not that I mind. Wait. Yes I do! He was Seungri's first, Taellaa! Then again, Seungri is the one who dumped him...ANIYO! He's still Seungri's ex and Seungri might just be playing hard to get and I don't wanna be the one who throws his plan into the ground. Though really he shouldn't be playing hard to get. You know, those plans usually never work and your partner or whoever your chasing gets bored and chases after someone else. Omo...Am I the result of Jiyong being bored? Am I his bowl of fruit and Seungri his bowl of pudding that he can't get? I am the fruit cup...

 The bus pulls up and sure enough Jiyong had me sit with him. Seungri sat with Taeyang behind us and Daesung was sitting next to us with Choi. Jiyong sneakily rests his hand on my thigh and I "accidently" shove it off. You can't really accidently shove someone's hand off your thigh can you? Well, whatever. Cause I did! Don't doubt my actions. ;)

 Jiyong frowns and holds my hand. I turn towards him and move my hand away softly. "I thought you liked Seungri still? Just Friday you were telling him you still loved him." I whispered.

 "Ne, I did, but you were the only person who I could open up to about everything." He said blushing slightly and looking at me. "There was something inviting about you." He whispered getting closer. "And I just can't put my finger on it." He's about to kiss me when the bus slams on its breaks and he falls out of the seat causing me to laugh. Jiyong gets up embarrassed and sits back down as the bus driver apologizes and tells us that a car in front wasn't paying attention to the red light.


 In fourth period Mrs. White came in and Jiyong and I went pale. We forgot to do our video project. "Jiyong, what do we do?" I whispered nervously. It's not like either of us could leave saying we felt sick. She would have us play our video and then excuse us.

 "Just let me think." He said quietly. Eventually Mrs. White had called half of the students when she came to us.

 "Young Jae, Jiyong. Come up here and play your video for us." She said as I got up nervously.

 "Actually, Mrs. White, our video tape got destroyed. Is it okay that Young Jae and I act it out in front of all of you instead?" Jiyong asked and the other students started smiling. Jiyong, I hate you.

 "Sure, Jiyong. What are you going to reenact for us?"

 "It's a surprise." He smiled and took me up there by my hand. I have no idea what we're going to do and when I asked him what we were going to do I thought it was pretty clear that I wanted him to make up an excuse on why we didn't have it. Obviously I need to make it crystal clear with people like Jiyong.

 "Oh, how exciting." She smiled and put her hands together. Soon, everyone had their focus on us and I was just standing there like a clueless pabo.

 "Jiyong what are we-"

 "SHUSH! SPEAK NO MORE, CINDY." Jiyong randomly blurted out and shoved his index finger against my lips. My eyes narrow as I realise he is playing a popular scene from the movie called 'Love Isn't What It Seems'. It was a very famous drama movie in America,not for good reasons, and had now recently been remade here in South Korea. And he just made me Cindy. The character I hate the most. She literally was everything that people stereotype girls as. She was terrified of every bug, loved everything that was pink, had with every man she stumbled upon, back stabbed people that were in the way of her getting famous- including family, and had her sister's husband have with her. She was a smart,evil, . I guess that's what I remind Jiyong of. -__- 

 "If you talk any louder your sister might hear us." He said and I whipped my head away from him.

 "You don't have to worry about her finding out anymore, Chuck." I said over dramatically.

 "Why is that, my love?" He asked in the same way.

 "Because I murdered her!" I shrieked laughing evilly and "Chuck" joined in. Mrs. White apparently had enough and asked us to sit back down as the students looked at us freaked out. Maybe we over reacted? Anyways, Jiyong and I high five as we made our way to our seats. I thought we did pretty good for someone who came to class totally unprepared.


 After fourth period the day was finally over. The bell rings and I gather my stuff and make my way to the door when I feel someone grab my arm. I turn around to see Jiyong. "Oh, hi, Jiyong." I said and he smiled.

 "We're missing the bus today." He said while taking me by the hand and we left the classroom.

 "Why are we missing the bus? Neither of us have cars an-"

 "We can walk home. We're only ten minutes away from your house. I'm camping over at your place again tonight by the way."  He said leading me outside to the back of the school and he dragged me into the woods.

 "Where are we going?" I asked still following, but kind of by force.

 "I wanted to show you something." He said and soon we had made our way through the woods and there was a field of wild flowers waiting for us on the other side.

 "Jiyong what is this?" I asked.

 "A field of flowers, pabo." He smiled and I narrowed my eyes.

 "I mean why are you showing me this?"

 "Because I know you like flowers." He said and I was stunned. I didn't tell him or the others I liked flowers. How could he know then? "I can tell your confused by your face." He laughed. "When I was over Friday, when you got me a glass of water, I noticed that when I opened your laptop your screen saver was a field of flowers." I blush embarrassed since I let him see that and I was also blushing from the fact that he remembered that and took the time to bring me here. "I thought it was romantic." He smiled and tried to kiss me but I moved away.

 "Jiyong, what about Seungri?" I asked as he cupped my right cheek with his hand.

 "He's not in the picture anymore. And besides, innocent secrets like this never hurt anyone." He whispered and leaned in and kissed me. 



Haha I love this pic!

And sorry for my lame made up soap opera movie crap lol I was honestly brain dead on what he should do for the reenactment.


I ship them so hard, even if I'm putting Young Jae in the middle of them XD

I'm just pointing this out, that Jiyong's smile gets a little bigger when Seungri puts his hand on his...X3 kekeke

Yes! 20 subscribers! :D I'm so happy :3

Thank you my new subscribers and thank you my old patient subscribers. :3


You deserve a cute gif of Jiyong. :)

So there you go. ^_^

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I think I'm going to wait awhile before updating my Expect It To Go Wrong fic. Just until I find out if I'm getting a poster for it. ^^


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ParanoidTranquility #2
Chapter 20: Can't wait to read the next chapter :)
No GD you can't do this!! Plz update as soon as you can I can't bare to see everyone so hurt!! And good luck at school!!
MelodyJT #4
It's okay,you're not a bad author :D ,and good luck on your school year!!hwaiting!!! x3
Its okay! :D authornim, fighting! ^_^
TOPismyoppa #6
Shermclaine #7
Love the update and have a great school year. :)
Wa! Me like. :]
Hope you update soon really looking foreword to what happens next in the story \(^ ^)/
Shermclaine #10
OMG! I hope Taella gets better. Please update soon, the story is so good I want to know where it leads now.