
Expect It To Go Wrong

Jiyong's POV (Only for this chapter I think ^^ After I should be going back to Taellaa...)

 I slowly flutter my eyes open and instantly I feel a shooting pain go through the left side of my face. I yelp and grab the left side of my face with my hand. The nurse has me lean back in my chair and tells me to close my eyes. "It's better to focus on something else rather than the pain." She said as she put the ice pack back onto the left side of my face. I start trying to think of things that will get my mind off the pain, but nothing was working. I just sigh. This pain was really hard to beat. Jiyong, think of how well you will treat Taellaa after this, wae? Because she'll make it through and then we can carry on like nothing happened, except she'll have to leave the private school and change her boyish looks back into girlish looks, unless she's a tom boy, then that's fine with me too. I'll still love her no matter what.

 I feel a smile creep on to my face as I imagine us the meadow of flowers again and the kiss we shared. Suddenly I hear all this commotion coming from Taellaa's room. I try to sit up but the nurse just keeps me in the same position. "Why is there all that commotion in her room?" I asked opening my eyes. The left side of my face started hurting again. I got annoyed when she wouldn't answer my question and try to find out myself. I see Seungri in there by her side and I guess the commotion I heard was just him crying or something. That's something he's good at. I just lay my head back against the wall. I guess I owed him this time with Taellaa, since I'm the one who caused this...but shouldn't I be the one in there with her then? Why am I complaining about a sore face when she has that machine the life out of her? 

 I sigh frustrated and close my eyes. I'll let Seungri be in there alone right now. This was his time with her that I owed him. I get lost in deep thought when I hear Seungri screaming and the doors slamming open. I'm only able to see with my right eye since the nurse still has the ice back covering my left side. I don't bother sitting up since the nurse already wouldn't let me and I see Seungri trying to get away from the hospital's security guards. 

 What did panda boy do now? I watch him on the verge of crying and he was using every muscle in his body to try and get away from them. "Taellaa I love you! I don't care if you're a girl!" He screamed. I felt my face redden with anger, but at the same time I also felt some guilt build up inside of me. I watch with my one eye as the guards bring him out of the hospital then shortly come back in. I also see two nurses dusting themselves off. Jesus, what did I miss? This is why I don't allow myself to go into deep thought. I could be on fire and still wouldn't know.

 I lightly brush the nurse off of me and hand her the ice pack. "I'm fine now." I said quietly and tried to enter the room Taellaa was in.

 "I'm sorry, but we aren't allowing visitors in her room right now after what had just happened." One of the nurses said.

 "Please? I need to make sure she's okay." I said as they let the doctor in but still not me.

 "Mianhae." They said and I sigh in defeat. I was not in the fighting mood right now. I sit back in my seat and grab the ice pack again and put it on my face. What should I do now? Hm...I guess I should go out and talk to Seungri. I sigh and go outside and sit next to Seungri who is sitting on the sidewalk which is part of the entrance of the hospital. I look at him while still holding the ice pack to my face.

 "I'm sorry, hyung." He said quietly and I nod.

 "Me too." I mumbled and stare at the street, cars flying by. A breeze started picking up and Seungri shivered some. I gave him my jacket. He looks at me confused but takes it anyway. "What? Taellaa would kill me if I let anything happen to you. On top of that I don't need someone else getting sick too." I chuckled and he just blushes and puts it on. "Winter is why aren't you wearing your jacket? Aish, it's alright. Hyung will just take care of his dongsaeng. Even if hyung gets sick." I chuckled and pinched his cheek.

 "Hyung stop~" He whined as I smiled and put my hand back down. I should be pissed at him for bruising my face, but I think the guilt in me about all of this was stopping me from doing anything. 

 "You look tired." I said and poke the bags under his eyes. He looks over at me, and he looked so stressed out. I felt my heart sink into its chest and I look away from him. That pained expression... 

 "Hyung..." He mumbled and I brought my attention back to him. 

 "Ne?" I asked, not sure if I wanted to hear what he was going to say or not.

 "Why aren't you worried about Taellaa, hyung?" He asked and I sigh.

 "Seungri-ah, people tend to express themselves differently than others." I said as it started to rain. "You aren't afraid to show your emotions, and I'm not either, but I just tend to show them in private when no one's around. That doesn't mean I'm not worried." It was true. I had never been good at showing my emotions with other people. If I was upset, I would shrug it off until I got home or went somewhere alone. I do yell at people, but I don't break down in front of them. I won't let myself do that. I don't really like opening up to people, even if we're really close. It's just uncomfortable.

 He just nods and I watch the raindrops land on the pavement. I let out a sigh and Seungri looks over at me. " much do you like Taellaa?" He asked and I raised an eyebrow.

 "I love her a lot." I said looking back through the hospital doors. "I wish they would just let me in her room already." I mumbled and help Seungri up. "It's getting too cold for you to stay out here. As your hyung I will make them let you back inside." I said opening the hospital doors and gently shoved Seungri in front of me. "He needs to stay in here. He's going to get sick if you keep him out there." I said having Seungri sit in the waiting room. I don't even wait for the answer, I just follow Seungri into the waiting room. "We aren't leaving until we can see Taellaa." I called out and got myself comfortable. 

 I glance over at Seungri again who is fidgeting with his fingers nervously. "Hyung?" He asked.

 "Ne?" I asked as I picked up a fashion magazine. 

 "Do you hate me?" He asked quietly.

 "What? Aniyo." I said while flipping through the pages. "Wae?" 

 "Because I kissed your girlfriend, I knew you were dating and still hit on her, I knocked you out, blamed this on you when it wasn't your fault, and then I told her I loved her." He mumbled, still playing with his fingers. I let out another sigh.

 "You're young, you're stupid. You make mistakes and you learn off them. I forgive you." I said putting the magazine back down. "They don't have very good taste in clothes." I whispered to him smiling. 

 "Jiyong, tell me the truth." He said sternly. I was a bit taken off guard with the tone of voice he used, but still cracked a smile.

 "It is my fault we're in this mess though. What you did was reasonable at the time. I caused her to do this, and I got punished." I said looking away as Seungri makes me look at him again. "I knew you liked Taellaa but I didn't care. I was still bitter about earlier and I wanted you to be alone." I blushed at my confession. "I feel guilty for dragging Taellaa into this and I feel bad that she's hurt because of me." I mumbled and felt tears form in my eyes. Jiyong! Get ahold of yourself! You will not cry here! 

 "It's not only your fault, hyung. It's both of ours. We did this to-"

 "I can fix it though." I interrupted him. I felt myself starting to grin but my heart was breaking in two. Seungri tilts his head confused.

 "What are you talking about? Fix what?" He asked and I force myself to smile as I get up.

 "Tell Taellaa I'm sorry." I said and started walking over to the hospital's doors as tears started streaming down my cheeks.

 "Where are you going?" Seungri asked standing up.

 "It'll be the best for the both of us..." I said wiping my eyes.

 "Are you crying? What are you talking about?" He asked but I just walk out the doors. I run over to my car and get in. I couldn't fight the tears coming. The lump was forming in my throat and my sight was blury from tears. 

 "It'll be good for the both of us...if I remove myself from your life."


Sorry I haven't updated in a while! School just started yesterday and I've been getting ready for school after my last update.

Please tell me what you think of this chapter! ^^

And no, Jiyong is not going to try to kill himself in case it sounded like that. :P

So, if you like this, please comment or subscribe. 

Thank you~


So, can you vote for this please? I'm a little stuck trying to figure out if I should start showing Jiyong's and Seungri's POV in this too. So you guys can also see how everything is affecting them and just not Taellaa. ^^




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I think I'm going to wait awhile before updating my Expect It To Go Wrong fic. Just until I find out if I'm getting a poster for it. ^^


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ParanoidTranquility #2
Chapter 20: Can't wait to read the next chapter :)
No GD you can't do this!! Plz update as soon as you can I can't bare to see everyone so hurt!! And good luck at school!!
MelodyJT #4
It's okay,you're not a bad author :D ,and good luck on your school year!!hwaiting!!! x3
Its okay! :D authornim, fighting! ^_^
TOPismyoppa #6
Shermclaine #7
Love the update and have a great school year. :)
Wa! Me like. :]
Hope you update soon really looking foreword to what happens next in the story \(^ ^)/
Shermclaine #10
OMG! I hope Taella gets better. Please update soon, the story is so good I want to know where it leads now.