I'm A Monster

Expect It To Go Wrong

 So long story short, Jiyong and I had instant ramen noodles. Turns out that I was long overdue for a trip to the grocery store. So that's exactly what we did! :D

 "I'm driving." Jiyong argued with me as we were in the car fighting for the driver's seat. 

 "It's my car!" I yelled putting my hand on his cheek and pushing him out of the driver's seat and into the driveway. "Ha! I win."

 "You win my !" He yelled and sat on top of me. "If I have to drive there sitting on you, I will." He said closing the car door and I unwillingly moved to the passenger seat. I guess losing was better than having Jiyong crush my body. For a boy as skinny as him, he sure is heavy. 


 Jiyong pulls into the parking lot of the grocery store and we get out and head inside the store. "So what do we need?" I asked as Jiyong carefully eyed the isles.

 "Everything." He answered and grabbed a shopping cart and then had me grab one too.

 "Two shopping carts?" I asked following him. "How expensive will this be? I know I said I have a job but I can only afford so much..."

 "You have no food in your house. There's cobwebs in your cabinets." Jiyong smirked and his eyes lit up when he saw the junk food isle and he took off.

 "B-Be careful!" I yelled and eventually chased after him. "Don't run anyone over!"

 I catch up to Jiyong who is loading the cart with chips, cookies, and other sweets and salty foods. "How is anyone supposed to live off this, Jiyong?" I asked putting it all back. "This isn't a real meal...Keep the salt and vinegar chips though..."

 I look around and see chocolate cinnamon ice cream. I squeal and run over to it and shove it in the cart as Jiyong looks at me weirdly. 

 "Chocolate cinnamon ice cream? I didn't know they even made that." He said pushing the cart. 

 "Well they do and it's my favorite ice cream. And they made everything into ice cream...at least they do in America." I said putting milk and eggs in the cart.

 "I doubt they make everything into an ice cream flavor." He said adding chocolate milk, pancakes, and waffles. I have a feeling he's coming over to my house everyday to eat. 

 "They made bubble gum ice cream, macaroni and cheese ice cream, bacon ice cream, etc." I said as he looked at me disgusted. I blush embarrassed. "I haven't tried any except the bacon one...I lost a bet..." I should really stop taking on these bets...

 "What'd it taste like?" He asked looking at me with interest and curiosity.

 "Like frozen bacon that melts in your mouth. It's super gross." I said and shuddered.

 "Why would you try it? If you were me I would have locked myself in a room." 

 "I'm not a fast runner. They tied me to a chair and shoved a huge spoonful in my mouth. I thought I was going to die, instead I puked." I smiled and pushed the cart for him.

 "Your parents would be so proud." He laughed and followed me to the fruits and vegetables isle.

 "I want sushi." Jiyong said. "I want Japanese sushi." 

 "Then go to the seafood section." I said taking a bag and putting apples in them. A few minutes later I'm at the checkout line and hear a huge crash and look to see a line of shelves falling like dominos. I get huge eyes along with the woman checking out my food. Jiyong runs up to me pale and empty handed. 

 This should be good...

 "We need to go." He breathed heavily and I go pale. 

 "Jiyong, what did you-" He grabs my hand and runs out the door with me. "Jiyong, I just paid for all of that!" I yelled as we run to the parking lot empty handed. "That was almost over $200!"

 "...Where's your car?" He asked looking around the parking lot.

 "You parked it over there..." I said looking at an empty parking spot. "You...you locked the car doors didn't you?"

 "I gave you the keys!" He shrieked as I search through my purse. 

 "Aniyo! They aren't here! Jiyong!" I screamed.

 "I guess I left the keys in the car..."


 "Mianhae." He said quietly as I just sigh. 

 "You let my destroy half the grocery store, God only knows how, you make me spend almost $200 on groceries I don't even have, and then you let my car get stolen because you left my keys-" I get interrupted when I feel his lips on mine. I get huge eyes and go cross eyed just trying to look at him. He pulls away blushing and I'm pretty sure I was beyond red. "W-What was that for?" I asked trying to wrap this around my head. Did he just kiss me? Maybe he fell over and I just happened to be in the way of his falling.

 "I...I just wanted you to stop talking." He said blushing and looking away. "I'll call Seungri to come pick us up." He said dialing his number.

 Really? You want Seungri to come pick us up? Most people can get others to shut up by not kissing them...but still...that was my first kiss...and he thinks I'm a boy...but anyways!  He's still like an on and off again thing with Seungri, right? So he kisses me, then goes calling Seungri to come pick us up? Wouldn't that be awkward? And wouldn't Seungri hate me if he found out? I'm really bad with secrets. Aish...ok, when I'm around Seungri I'll just stay quiet. Then I possibly couldn't blurt out that Jiyong kissed me. Just now. His lips were on mine. He kissed me and I was cross eyed. Cross eyed...I was cross eyed on my first kiss...you really are something, Taellaa.

 Minutes later Seungri pulls up and gets out grinning. "You pabo! You got his car stolen!" He laughed and he offers me the passenger seat but I take the back seat and Jiyong sits in the back with me. Oh damn. He won't sit with Seungri. I'm a monster. I am a monster. I have possibly just deprived Jiyong from Seungri. How? I started talking. I knew my mouth would get me in trouble one day. Hell, I probably caused Jiyong to destroy half of the store. I am a monster. I'm an awful person. Mianhae, Seungri. Really. You can beat me up. Honestly, you can. I won't stop you. I'll ask for you to punish me more. Then Jiyong will see how weak I am and go back to you. I honestly don't see how people think that I over think things.

 "So, what exactly happened?" Seungri asked while driving us back home.

 "N-Nothing. I don't know what you mean. Nothing happened. Nothing at all. Nope. Aniyo, nothing happened. I promise. Not-"

 "Thank you, Young Jae. I think he gets it." Jiyong said elbowing me. "Shut up." He whispered to me. Seungri just raises an eyebrow at us.

 "Alright then. So how did you manage to get your car stolen?" Seungri asked as Jiyong answered him. I was just staring at my hands that lied in my lap. I can't believe I got Jiyong to kiss me. Seungri deserves to know what happened back there. He's been nothing but nice to me since the first day of school and this is how I repay him? I get his ex boyfriend to kiss me in the parking lot of a half destroyed store where my car was jacked. If this happened to Seungri he would tell me. I should tell him. No matter what Jiyong says. I take in a deep breath. Alright, here I go.

 "JiyongkissedmeandIthinkIseducedyourexonaccidentI'mtrulysorry." I blurted out all at once. Jiyong looks at me with huge eyes and Seungri looks back at me.

 "What?" Seungri asked looking at me and Jiyong.


I wonder how Seungri will react to this? ;) 

I didn't really plan on Jiyong doing that but I wanted to add drama, so yeahhhh...

I'm pretty sure you can figure out what "JiyongkissedmeandIthinkIseducedyourexonaccidentI'mtrulysorry." is but if not it says "Jiyong kissed me and I think I seduced your ex on accident I'm truly sorry." :)

And did anyone watch The Go Show when BigBang was on it and T.O.P was talking about how Seungri started begging their boss to punish him more and he got whacked in the head? XD I thought I would have Taellaa act like Seungri by asking for him to punish her XD


They are just so...UGH. I want them in my pocket XD

So when I said I wouldn't be able to update today I meant Wednesday. :/ I'm just too lazy to fix it though kekeke


Have any of you guys seen this? Their Secret Garden parody? 

Hahaha Jiyong's even prettier than me as a girl...


I almost have 20 subscribers!! This makes me happy :3

Happy dance!

Thank you my loyal and patient subscribers :3


Lol it's so true...

Hahaha, so anyways, if you like it, please comment and subscribe! :)

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I think I'm going to wait awhile before updating my Expect It To Go Wrong fic. Just until I find out if I'm getting a poster for it. ^^


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ParanoidTranquility #2
Chapter 20: Can't wait to read the next chapter :)
No GD you can't do this!! Plz update as soon as you can I can't bare to see everyone so hurt!! And good luck at school!!
MelodyJT #4
It's okay,you're not a bad author :D ,and good luck on your school year!!hwaiting!!! x3
Its okay! :D authornim, fighting! ^_^
TOPismyoppa #6
Shermclaine #7
Love the update and have a great school year. :)
Wa! Me like. :]
Hope you update soon really looking foreword to what happens next in the story \(^ ^)/
Shermclaine #10
OMG! I hope Taella gets better. Please update soon, the story is so good I want to know where it leads now.