There Might Be A Story?

Expect It To Go Wrong

  "Just leave Seungri and us alone."

 Wait...What just happened? 

 I thought to myself as I look at the now empty seat stunned. Why does he care if Seungri has other friends? I have to tell Seungri about this. I hope Jiyong doesn't punch me...He's tiny but who knows how hard he can punch. 

 I grab my lunch tray and throw it away, then drag myself outside to the parking lot. I dug in my book bag and pulled out a cigarette with a lighter. I only smoke under stress, and right now, I really need a smoke. I lay down in the grass, closing my eyes with my cigarette in my hand, inhaling the smoke.

 "What are you doing out of class?" A voice I didn't recognize asked me. I sat up and found the mohawk boy standing in front of me. This was the first time I heard him talk. He's Seungri and Jiyong's friend. 

 "Oh, I have lunch right now. I, uh, wasn't very hungry." I lied. I was starving. He sat down next to me and smiled a cute eye smile.

 "I thought Jiyong was going to have lunch with you? And you shouldn't smoke. It's bad for your health." He said handing me a hard strawberry candy. "Where is he?"

 "He...didn't feel well. He went to the clinic. If you don't mind me asking, what's your name?" I asked trying to push Jiyong out of my mind. I smiled and popped the candy in my mouth. It's strawberry good. Now I have a perfectly good cigarette going to waste now...sigh.

 "Young Bae, but you can call me Taeyang. Sorry I didn't introduce myself with the others earlier, I'm kind of shy with new people." He smiled his eye smile again. My heart melted into a puddle. So adorable. Worrying about my health, apologizing for not introducing himself, he's so sweet.

 "Young Bae- ah, Taeyang...may I ask you something?" I asked blushing embarrassed now. I want to know what is Jiyong's problem and I will squeeze information out of his friends if necessary.

 "Ne. Can you put out your cigarette now?" He asked shyly. "Please?" 

 "Oh, ne." I said and put it out, then tossed it somewhere in the grass. "Um, can you tell me some things about Jiyong?" I asked embarrassed and started playing with a piece of grass.


 "What's he like?" I asked looking up and he tilted his head to the side, as if thinking carefully about what he should say.

 "I've known him since I was a child. He's a good, happy guy." He shrugged. "Wae?" 

 A good, happy guy, really? He didn't seem like a good or happy guy. He seemed like a bad, mean guy. A jerk. A cute brat. Curse his charm...

 "But he hasn't been the same lately. He's been a bit moody, but he'll be fine soon though. " Taeyang said more to himself than me. So he's changed? Has something happened to him to make him act like this? Do I pose some sort of a threat to him? Okay, that was stupid. Obviously I do since he told me he didn't want me stealing his best friend. Aish, Taellaa. 

 "He's been keeping secrets from us lately." Taeyang frowned. "I'm not used to him hiding stuff from us."

 "Us?" I asked.

 "Ya know, Seungri, Daesung, Choi, and me. He tells us everything, but lately he's been keeping to his self and acting more harsh on us." Taeyang mumbled and I sighed. Great, so not even his friends can help me. There's an untold story about Jiyong, and I want to find out what that story is. 

 "Oh, well thanks." I smiled sweetly and he put a hand on my shoulder, catching me off guard. I look away awkwardly and nervously, and just focus on a tree. 

 "Don't let Jiyong bring you down. I'm sure whatever he's said or will say he doesn't mean." Taeyang smiled and I smiled back weakly too. 

 Yeah, you didn't hear what he said to me...I'm pretty sure he meant every word of it. 

 "Thanks, Taeyang." I smiled and the bell rung. Taeyang helped me to my feet and escorted me to my fourth period. My class alone with Jiyong. Oh joy. I will find out more about Jiyong though. Even if it's the death of me. 

 I bid Taeyang a farewell and walk into my fourth period and sit with Jiyong who is sitting in the back of class by himself. He just glares at me and snorts, looking back to the front of the room. Our teacher dances into the room like a lunatic. She sits at her desk and smiles widely at the class, but then seriously, as if almost mad. I think she may be bipolar with how fast her expression just changed. 

 "I sense...I sense an unfamiliar presence in this we...DO WE HAVE A NEW STUDENT?!" She shrieked loudly and jumping up excitedly.

 Oh . O.O

 "You! Young American man! You are new for I have not seen you before and I memorize all of my students faces. All of them. +.+" She said seriously and I shivered some. This lady is scary. I'd rather be in my history class with that teacher than in here. She seems...insane. She grabs me by the hand and yanks me to the front of the class. "Introduce yourself, sir!"

 "U-Um...I'm Young Jae..." I said freaked out.

 "Young Jae?! You aren't Korean though! You're American!" My teacher shrieked. What class am I in and how can I get out of it? Being stuck with her and Jiyong at once? I will go bananas.

 "His mother is Korean and they moved back here because she missed her family." Jiyong said annoyed. I blush from embarrassment and smile some as the teacher glares at him.

 "Don't be a smartass, Mr. Kwon. I will whack you with my ruler!" She yelled and he got quiet again. She scared him quiet? Who is this woman? 

 "Well, Young Jae, I am your drama teacher, Mrs. White." Mrs. White smiled. Drama. It all makes sense now. She sends me back to my seat and I look at Jiyong.

 "Thanks for explaining that for me." I said quietly while blushing. He just rolls his eyes and flips through his binder.

 "I just didn't feel like hearing your ugly voice talk anymore. Obviously it worked." He snorted. Jiyong, he likes snorting. I just sigh and focus my attention back on Mrs. White. 

 "I'm pairing you all in groups of two. You will complete a video project for on your reenactment of your favorite movie. It must be under five minutes." She smiled as the class groaned. "Stop your groaning!" She yelled and the class immediately shut up. She starts calling out partners when she stops at Jiyong and me. "Well, Jiyong you're lucky. If Young Jae hadn't come today you would have had to make a video reenactment by yourself. Young Jae is your partner." She smiled as Jiyong slams his face into his binder and groans. I'm not that excited either...hahahaha yes I am. I'm going to find out why he hates me! Then I'll be able to sleep at night. :)


 For the rest of the remaining period groups just talked about what they would do in the video and what they would reenact. What did my partner do? Sit and ignore me and if I tired to talk he would do his usual snort or glare daggers in me again. "Jiyong, we need to find out what we're going to reenact." I said refusing to look at him, and glued my eyes onto my hands. 

 "We will later. I'll have to go to your house for it. My house is off limits for you." He said as I rolled my eyes. 

 Off course his house is off limits but mine is just wide open for him to invade. Whatever. Doing this project will get us talking. Good or bad, I'll find something out about him that I didn't know before.


So, yes. Jiyong and Young Jae are partners now. :)

Be expecting some more drama between them of course hahaha

And Jiyong does have a story behind him. I don't know when I'll have her find out though. Maybe in the next few chapters.

So yeah, the drama teacher's crazy. Actually, that's how my drama teacher my freshman year was.

So I made her name similar to my real teacher. 

You haven't gone through anything if you haven't had my drama teacher XD

Anyways, if you like it please comment and subscribe. :)

Thanks!! ~

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I think I'm going to wait awhile before updating my Expect It To Go Wrong fic. Just until I find out if I'm getting a poster for it. ^^


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ParanoidTranquility #2
Chapter 20: Can't wait to read the next chapter :)
No GD you can't do this!! Plz update as soon as you can I can't bare to see everyone so hurt!! And good luck at school!!
MelodyJT #4
It's okay,you're not a bad author :D ,and good luck on your school year!!hwaiting!!! x3
Its okay! :D authornim, fighting! ^_^
TOPismyoppa #6
Shermclaine #7
Love the update and have a great school year. :)
Wa! Me like. :]
Hope you update soon really looking foreword to what happens next in the story \(^ ^)/
Shermclaine #10
OMG! I hope Taella gets better. Please update soon, the story is so good I want to know where it leads now.