This Is Your Fault. You Did This

Expect It To Go Wrong

 Seungri's POV (and only this once does it leave Taellaa)

 I can't believe that Young Jae a chick! That's really weird. Ok, not really. I mean if you really think about how he, I mean how she acted, I guess it's not really that big of a surprise. I do know why Jiyong flipped out on her earlier though. It wasn't the fact that she was a girl, I believe it was the fact that he had known and he was right. I know that it looked like he was pissed back there, but when he was screaming at her, he was really bragging that he was right all along. Jiyong...he has a weird way of expressing things I guess.

 You may be wondering on how I know that he knew. He never told me, but it's how he acted. Let me explain better. When I dumped Jiyong, I told him it was because he fought too much and I couldn't handle that. That was a lie. I knew he wasn't gay. So he might have liked me, but he was confused. He stared at women without knowing it, way more than he stared at men. He's never slept with a guy, and we never really even kissed, so that would make him straight. At least in my book. I think when he saw Taellaa, I think was her name, he grew unawarely suspicious.

 I don't think he was actually aware until the doctors earlier today, but I think in the back of his mind his brain was slowly putting it together. In short, he would have found out soon anyway. I think that maybe Jiyong was a little too harsh on her. I don't think he meant it, but it sounded really convincing. I feel bad for her. Why did she even go to the private school as a boy? I don't think she went because she "just wanted to." I should check on her, see if she's okay from earlier. I'll try to cheer her up about Jiyong. I know he'll forgive her. He eventually forgives everyone. 

 I could go over and knock on her door, but she may not want company right now, so I'll just call her house. I walk over to my room and pick up my football shaped telephone and start dialing her number.

 One ring.

 Two rings.

 Three rings.

 Four rings. 

 Where was she? She is at home. Since she ignored my call I think I'll go over there now. I go over to my front door and slide on my shoes and grab my light coat. It was almost winter. I go outside and walk over to Taellaa's house. "Taellaa! It's me! Your panda!" I yelled while knocking on the door. "Open the door please?" I asked and waited for a minute. I sigh and start peering through her living room window. She wasn't in there and every light was turned out. "Taellaa!" I yelled again while looking through her window. "Please talk to me!" 

 You would think I'd be the one ignoring her... I go back to her front door and start knocking again. "I'm not leaving until you open this door! You know I mean it!" I yelled and then went to the back of her house. This girl will be the death of me. Literally. I'm going to have a heart attack and die if she keeps on doing what she's doing. I walk to the back of her house and and peer in through the window. Once again, all black. "Taellaa." I called out and went back to the front of her house. I'm going to get sick if I stay out here any longer. Right after that thought I noticed some of a key sticking out from underneath the doormat. I bend over and pick it up, shove it in the lock, and then open the door. I step inside cautiously from how dark it is and feel around the wall for a light switch. Once I find it I flip it on and look around the spotless room.

 "Taellaa?" I asked slipping my shoes off, not wanting to track mud on her carpets. "Aish, I know you are here. And it's not breaking in if you leave the house key for everyone to see." I added and looked around the living room for her. I stop when I get to the entrance of a long hallway. All the lights were off but there was a closed door grabbing my attention. There was light peering out from the bottom of the door, which was the only thing lighting up the hallway. I walk over to the door and try to open it but it's locked. "Taellaa, I know you're in there! Open up!" I whined frustrated. I waited for a few seconds in silence then glared at the door. "I've asked nicely." I said then slammed into the door with my shoulder. I stumbled back and fell on my . 

 What the hell is this door made of?! ing steel?! I kick the door but it didn't give way. Maybe if I just kick a few more times...




 After the third kick I finally kicked in the door. "Haha Taellaa! You are no match for me- Taellaa?" I asked looking at her limp body on the floor. I rushed over to her and saw the half empty bottle of pills in her hand. "Taellaa!" I yelled shaking her softly. I smacked her hard, hoping to wake her up. "Taellaa!" I yelled with my eyes filling up with tears. I whack the bottle out of her hand, causing the pills to spill and bounce on the floor. "Taellaa! Wake up!" I begged, tears steadily streaming down my cheeks. I put my ear against her chest. Then felt her pulse. She wasn't breathing and she didn't have a pulse. I picked her up and ran out of the house. I looked around wildly as tears fell from my cheeks. "Help! Someone help her!" I screamed to the neighborhood, but no one listened. I grab my car keys from my coat pocket and unlock the car door and put Taellaa in the passenger seat. I got into the driver's seat and started driving to the hospital, well over speed limit.

 I'm swerving and dodging cars on the road and I'm running all sorts of red lights just so I can make it to the hospital in time. I can't let her leave me. Jiyong would never forgive me. I would never forgive myself...

 I pull up into the hospital's parking lot and rush in carrying her. "Someone help her!" I screamed as several nurses ran over to me. They take her away on a stretcher and rush her to a hospital room. While they take her from me I keep saying "please help her." over and over again. I finally fall to my knees and bury my face in my hands. "Please help her..."

 A nurse comes over and helps me up to my feet a few seconds later. "Please sit down. She's in good hands right now." The man said reassuringly and helps me sit down. "Do you have any idea on how this may have happened?"

 "Well..." I said thinking over all the moments from earlier. I don't know if he was really ready for this conversation. "She was pretending to be a boy and she got Jiyong, her boyfriend, to fall for her. Well, he found out and he said a lot of mean things to her-"

 "So she probably attempted suicide. She tried to overdose." He said unphased by all of this. I wonder on the type of things he's seen over the years.

 "S-Suicide? A-Aniyo. She would never try that!" I yelled defending her.

 "Everyone has their darkest moments. Her boyfriend just pushed her over the edge." The man said and got up. "She'll be fine. They're pumping her stomach now." I watch him leave and feel my face redden with anger. This was Jiyong's fault. She did this because of him. If she doesn't make it through, I will never forgive him!

 I whipped out my cell phone and started dialing Jiyong's number. After the second ring he picked it up. "Yoboseyo?" 

 "You did this! This is all your fault, Jiyong!" I yelled trying not to cry again.

 "W-What's my fault?" He asked shocked and confused.

 "Taellaa overdosed because of you! This is your fault! You did this!" I screamed and with that I hung up. I was stopping myself from going further unlike he did earlier. Within minutes Jiyong rushed through the hospital doors.

 "Where is she?" He asked breathing heavily. This bastard...

 "You've got a lot of nerve showing up." I growled as he backed up some.

 "Is she okay? Where is she?!" He asked looking over my shoulder.

 "If she's dead..." I growled. I was honestly so pissed, I couldn't even think of what to say after that. I didn't want to think of anything I'd do after she died. She won't die. I won't let her.

 "Seungri! Where is she?!" Jiyong yelled and shoved me over and ran over to the main desk. I glare at him as she tells him the room. We both run to her room but only get stopped by nurses before we even reach the door.

 "I'm sorry, but you can't come in. She's in the middle of having her stomach pumped." One of the women said, standing in front of the door. Jiyong and I peak in through the window of the door and watch as the machine pumps her stomach. Her frail little body was almost completely hidden underneath those bed sheets. She looked cold and lifeless. I felt the life slipping from her. I felt a lump form in my throat and more tears start at my eyes, but I also felt hatred. Hatred towards Jiyong. He did this to her. 

 I turn to Jiyong and slam him against a wall. One punch was all I needed before he collapsed to the floor. Some more nurses rushed over to him and sat him down slowly and held an ice pack to his left eye. "I'm sorry, but I'm afraid we're going to have to ask you to leave." One of the hospital's security guards said.

 "Aniyo! I have to stay for Taellaa!" I yelled and ran for her door. I shove the nurses out of the way and run into her room and by her side. I hold her hands and brush some hair from her face. "Taellaa...hang in there. For me...for Jiyong." I whispered in her ear and kissed her forehead. "Saranghae, Taellaa." I mumbled and kissed her cheek. 

 The doors to her room suddenly slammed open and two security guards pulled me out of her room. "Let me go! I need to be with her!" I yelled trying to get away. I reached my hand out for Taellaa. "Taellaa I love you! I don't care if you're a girl!" I screamed and they slammed the doors to Taellaa's room. I looked at the passed out Jiyong as the security guards hurried me by him. A nurse was still holding an ice pack to his eye and the other two women were dusting themselves off from when I shoved them. They closed the doors leading to that hallway and the next thing I knew I was shoved into the parking lot.

 "Taellaa...I...please make it through."


Once school starts again on the 8th, I may not be able to update for a while. I have some pretty tough classes that gives a lot of homework and I have testing on the first week of school. FUN. So, just letting you guys know in advance. :)

Also, thank you, UnniMoon for giving me tips since I had writer's block. Your idea of switching to Seungri for the chapter really helped me. I hope your writer's block is gone as well. ^^



You would die.




I'm obsessed with G-dragon today.


That is just...I love it XD



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I think I'm going to wait awhile before updating my Expect It To Go Wrong fic. Just until I find out if I'm getting a poster for it. ^^


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ParanoidTranquility #2
Chapter 20: Can't wait to read the next chapter :)
No GD you can't do this!! Plz update as soon as you can I can't bare to see everyone so hurt!! And good luck at school!!
MelodyJT #4
It's okay,you're not a bad author :D ,and good luck on your school year!!hwaiting!!! x3
Its okay! :D authornim, fighting! ^_^
TOPismyoppa #6
Shermclaine #7
Love the update and have a great school year. :)
Wa! Me like. :]
Hope you update soon really looking foreword to what happens next in the story \(^ ^)/
Shermclaine #10
OMG! I hope Taella gets better. Please update soon, the story is so good I want to know where it leads now.