I Love You...Both

Expect It To Go Wrong

 "Jiyong...we need to talk. Come over today, please?" I asked quietly over the phone. I hung up the phone after leaving the voicemail. He's going to hate me forever. Seungri will hate me forever. I just sigh and plop myself down on a park bench. My phone started vibrating and I flip it open. My heart sank into its chest. It was Seungri.

 "Please...please tell me it's not true. Please, Young Jae..." I felt my heart break as I read the text. I couldn't respond. I didn't want to respond. I'd start crying. He's too fragile to mess around with. I wish I would just die. 

 I close my phone and lie down on the park bench and close my eyes. I don't know how to dig myself out of this hole. How could this happen to me? I felt my phone vibrate again. I knew it was Seungri. I read his pleading message then shut off my phone. I couldn't do this right now. I need to talk to Jiyong...

 I sit up and put my phone in my pants pocket then start walking home. Why did it have to be like this? Why couldn't Seungri still like Jiyong? And Jiyong still like Seungri? When I make it home I'm in deep thought, but the thoughts soon leave me as I see Seungri sitting on my front steps.

 ...I'll just sneak in through the back door... "Young Jae!" Seungri smiled brightly and got up. His eyes were blood shot red. I awkwardly smile at him and he runs over and hugs me tightly, knocking the breath out of me. 

 "Seungri-ah~" I said blushing as he only hugged tighter. "How long were you waiting here?" I asked awkwardly hugging him back.

 "For ten or fifteen minutes maybe." He mumbled and buried his face into my shoulder. My cheeks heat up as I feel the warmth of his face on my skin giving me goose bumps. 

 "I invited Jiyong over. I have to tell him what we did." I mumbled and rubbed his back. I felt Seungri sigh into my shoulder.

 "Wae?" He asked and moving his head to look up at me. I looked at him confused and titled my head.

 "Why what?" I asked and he smiled some.

 "Don't tilt your head in confusion. Do you know how cute you look like that?" He said and kissed me softly and quickly. I felt my cheeks heat up as I tried to glare at him. "Why do you want him?" I look at him stunned.

 "J-Jiyong?" I asked blushing. He just nods. "Because...because I...that's only for me to know!" I yelled embarrassed. It's not that I didn't know why I loved Jiyong. I did...it's just...it's none of Seungri's business. 

 "Do you even know why you love him?"

 "Ne! Of course I do!" I yelled trying to convince myself that I did more than trying to convince him. "I love him and that's all you need to know. He loves me too." I said and pulled away and went to my front door. I open it but stop when I hear Seungri yell.

 "But you love me too!" He yelled with a shaky voice. Oh Jesus...please don't cry in front of me. 

  I drop my hand from the doorknob and turn back around. "Seungri-ah~" I mumbled feeling guilty. "Please don't cry." I said cupping his cheeks in my hands.

 "Let me be your panda." 

 "Seung-" I was cut off when Seungri was suddenly laying on the floor screaming and covering his nose. What just happened?! I look around wildly to find Jiyong on top of Seungri and punching him. "Jiyong, stop!" I screamed trying to pull him off. Jiyong shoves me on the ground.

 "You're cheating on me?!" He screamed, his eyes were full of anger.

 "A-Aniyo!" I shrieked. "Jiyong I told him I was with you!" I said beggingly. "I never...I never cheated...on you." I mumbled remembering the moment with Seungri earlier.

 "You're lying!" Jiyong screamed and Seungri sat up. He was still holding his nose.

 "Seungri are you okay?" I asked quietly and moved his hand.

 "Why are you checking on him?!" He yelled even angrier. 

 "I think you broke his nose." I said wiping the blood off carefully.

 "I would have broken more things had you not ripped me off!" He yelled glaring daggers at both of us.


 We both looked at Seungri who was panting heavily. Jiyong just glares at him waiting for him to go on.

 "I'm better for Young Jae. My home life isn't as unstable as yours." He said then grinned. Jiyong's eyes flashed with anger and he pounced on Seungri again. He was punching any part of Seungri that was available. 

 "Jiyong!" I screamed trying to rip him off. "Stop!" I tried pulling him off but once Seungri punches back Jiyong's only more determined to possibly kill Seungri. "Guys!!" I screamed and tried to rip them apart. Next thing I know I'm on the ground and covering my nose. A warm liquid rushed out of my nose and down my face.

 "Young Jae!" Jiyong and Seungri shrieked. I heard them both rush over to me and I saw them kneeling over me.

 "Way to go, Seungri!" Jiyong growled and picked me up. We're going inside to fix him up." He growled and carried me inside and into my bathroom. He sits me down on the counter and gets out a wet rag. "I think it's broken." He said quietly and looking at my nose carefully. "You have a very feminine nose." He said and wiped the blood off with the wet rag. I felt myself blush as his face was close to mine. I always did get butterflies in my stomach when with Jiyong. "I'm going to have to pop it back into place." He said and I closed my eyes tightly. Every time I watch someone get their nose popped back into place they always screamed and it looked like it really hurt. I keep my eyes close and when he popped it back into place I screamed so loud. Probably not my manliest moment...

 "There." Jiyong said helping me off the counter. He went back downstairs without saying a word. 

 "J-Jiyong." I mumbled and followed him down the steps. 

 "Why are you still here?!" I heard Jiyong yell at Seungri and I just sigh and hurry down the steps. 

 "Because I want to see if he's okay." He growled and then walks over to me smiling. "I'm so sorry, Young Jae. You know I would never purposely hurt you." He frowned and cupped my cheeks in his hands. I felt myself blush and smile some until Jiyong coughed. 

 "Young Jae." He said looking at me seriously. I move away from Seungri and look at Jiyong.

 "Ne?" I asked weakly and quietly. I was also looking at my feet.

 "You can't have Seungri and me." He asked using his finger to lift up my chin. His eyes were staring at mine. Seungri walked over making me leave Jiyong's eyes.

 "Who do you love, Young Jae?" Seungri asked standing next to Jiyong.

 "I...I love you...both..."


So...here's the chapter!! ^^ 

I'm not very good with fight scenes and this was the first one I wrote. I hope it was ok! :)

Next chapter Young Jae/Taellaa will be forced to pick the one she really loves.

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Oh, he's good...


I like you, panda <3



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I think I'm going to wait awhile before updating my Expect It To Go Wrong fic. Just until I find out if I'm getting a poster for it. ^^


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ParanoidTranquility #2
Chapter 20: Can't wait to read the next chapter :)
No GD you can't do this!! Plz update as soon as you can I can't bare to see everyone so hurt!! And good luck at school!!
MelodyJT #4
It's okay,you're not a bad author :D ,and good luck on your school year!!hwaiting!!! x3
Its okay! :D authornim, fighting! ^_^
TOPismyoppa #6
Shermclaine #7
Love the update and have a great school year. :)
Wa! Me like. :]
Hope you update soon really looking foreword to what happens next in the story \(^ ^)/
Shermclaine #10
OMG! I hope Taella gets better. Please update soon, the story is so good I want to know where it leads now.