These Feelings Are Wrong

Expect It To Go Wrong

 "Young Jae?" Seungri asked quietly and put a hand on my shoulder. I wasn't even thinking at this point. The filter in my mind that stopped the words that would fly out of my mouth officially broke in half. 

 "Why didn't you tell me you knew?!" I screamed crying. Seungri sits next to me, removing his hand from my shoulder.

 "Know what, Young Jae?" He asked and held my hand. I stared at my hand that was in his. I liked the feeling of his warm hand comforting me, but I was already with Jiyong. 

 "Why did you pick that song? I know you picked it for a reason!" I shrieked frustrated and moved my hand from his and buried my face in my hands again. 

 "Because...because I like you, Young Jae." He said embarrassed and softly held my hand again. Did I just hear him right? He did not say he liked me. Oh, hell no. 

 "Pardon?" I asked shocked and I felt more stress slam onto my shoulders. Why not just put the world on my shoulders right now while you're at it.

 "I like you. I've liked you since we first met. There was something about you that attracted me. I know you pry don't like boys, or even me, but I didn't know how else to tell you but through song. I hope you don't mind that I used a song about a woman." He said blushing and my jaw dropped to the ground. Holy . Holy . HOLY ING .  I opened my mouth but no words would come out. They refused to make their way out of my mouth. I have no idea how I had gotten Seungri to fall for me, or Jiyong to fall for me. I honestly don't know how I'm doing any of this. I thought I'd be hopeless with boys for the rest of my life and end up becoming a lesbian because I can only talk to girls...kind of. I look at Seungri again who is just staring at his hands on his lap, obviously making a decision in his mind. 

 "Seung-" I was cut off when he crashed his lips onto mine. My eyes widened but soon closed and enjoyed the kiss. I found myself wrapping my arms around him and pulling him closer to me. What was I doing? I found myself running my fingers through his hair. When I found myself his name and him giving me a hickey is when I decided that this should stop. 

 I ripped away from him violently and very red in the face. "Seungri...I..." I couldn't even explain to myself on what I just did. I had just cheated on Jiyong with the ex that broke his heart. What type of person does that make me? These feelings are wrong. They shouldn't be there, but they are. They are and they won't go away now. Not after what I just did. We did. I wish I never took that bet. I don't even remember the bet. I was drunk. I wish I just chickened out and never came here. I wish I never met Seungri or Jiyong. I wish I never did any of this. I think I'm going to die of stress. I'm hiding everything. I'm lying to Jiyong about my gender, I'm probably going to lie to him about Seungri and I'm lying to Seungri about my gender and my relationship with Jiyong. What kind of person am I?

 "Young Jae..." He said blushing and smiled shyly. "I really want to be more than friends with you." He said. 

 "I...I can't. I'm with Jiyong." I said and ran off...again. Well, I just lost my friend...


Ok! So don't flip cause she just kinda cheated on Jiyong. Jiyong still won the poll and will still end up with him.(:

It's just, I want Seungri in this a little more. So yeah...

And I'm very sorry about this very short chapter! Next one will be longer! Promise ~


Here's another gift. A pet panda. I named him Seungri. Hmmm, Daesung can be the kitty. XD Please take care of my pet panda and kitty.


You know I'm a Leo...and Jiyong's a if we were together...WE'D BE FREAKS IN THE SHEETS xD


And yay! Almost 30 subscribers! <3 you guys! I really do appreciate each comment and subscription. (:

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The oh so wise Jiyong...


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I totally be creepin' up on him XD


Good god, he is just so ugh. I love his smile. I wish I could just make a collage of his smile, but then I'd feel like a total yeah...



Haha, living large (; I really loved this movie.


BABY BIG BANG OMG SOOOOO CUTEEEEE <3 <33333333 Baby D-Lite is just too cute. <333


Awww, this is so cute, and I love how Seungri is still trying to talk. And Jiyong's hair! I love that color.<3


See you guys next update. <3

I think I've spammed you enough XD

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I think I'm going to wait awhile before updating my Expect It To Go Wrong fic. Just until I find out if I'm getting a poster for it. ^^


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ParanoidTranquility #2
Chapter 20: Can't wait to read the next chapter :)
No GD you can't do this!! Plz update as soon as you can I can't bare to see everyone so hurt!! And good luck at school!!
MelodyJT #4
It's okay,you're not a bad author :D ,and good luck on your school year!!hwaiting!!! x3
Its okay! :D authornim, fighting! ^_^
TOPismyoppa #6
Shermclaine #7
Love the update and have a great school year. :)
Wa! Me like. :]
Hope you update soon really looking foreword to what happens next in the story \(^ ^)/
Shermclaine #10
OMG! I hope Taella gets better. Please update soon, the story is so good I want to know where it leads now.