Seungri & Jiyong?

Expect It To Go Wrong

Finally, fourth period was over and I made my way to the bus. Jiyong would be coming over today for the project since it's a Friday and I will question him. Oh yes I will. >:)

 I sit near the middle as Jiyong made his way to the back, dragging a protesting Seungri with him. "It's his first day, Jiyong! He can't sit alone!" Seungri pouted, sitting next to Jiyong as Daesung and Choi sat behind them.

 "He has been with you all morning and with me the rest of the day. He will be fine riding home by himself." Jiyong said annoyed. Taeyang gets on and happily and childishly runs to the back of the bus and sits on Seungri and Jiyong with a big eye smile of his. Jiyong yelled annoyed and Seungri laughed. Aish, Jiyong looks annoyed with everything. I smile watching Daesung poking Jiyong's cheeks to make him smile and Choi pulls on Seungri's cheeks. 

 I turn around and look out my window and sigh. I hate sitting alone on buses. It makes me feel like more of a loser than I already am. I just daydream about Jiyong and our drama project. I don't even have a movie planned out in my head, even if I did Jiyong would probably say that that was a stupid idea, so I'll just leave the movie reenactment to him. 

 I just stare out the window, thinking about the conversation Jiyong and I shared when Jiyong smacked me in the head. "Yo, derp, we're at your stop." Jiyong said standing next to my seat with Seungri. I get off the bus with them blushing embarrassed and start walking down the road with Jiyong and Seungri as Jiyong keeps distracting Seungri every time he drifts closer to me while walking. 

 "How was lunch, guys?" He asked as Jiyong just rolls his eyes and I look at my feet awkwardly while walking. "Guys?"

 "It was fine." Jiyong snapped angrily and walked to my house quickly. Seungri looks at me confused.

 "Did anything happen?" He asked tilting his head to the side cutely. Aegyo!! <3 I felt myself blush and quickly looked away. It was from embarrassment from rethinking about Jiyong and me. Not because his aegyo. Nope. Aniyo. Never. Ever. He's not my type. I don't have a type.

 "Aniyo, we just didn't really speak." I shrugged as his expression turns to anger. "But it wasn't awkward!  And I didn't feel alone either! It was actually quite nice!" I said nervously and quickly.

 "I told him to make sure you had a nice lunch! And what's he do?! He ignores you! A typical Jiyong move! I knew I was asking too much from him." He said pissed and went to his front door. "I'll talk to him later about it. Annyeonghi gyeseyo." He mumbled and went inside.

"Annyeonghi gaseyo." I mumbled and caught up with Jiyong. Jiyong walks up to my front door. "How do you know where my house is?" I asked looking at him confused. 

"Seungri was talking about how you were his neighbor on the bus." He said as I unlocked and opened the door. We make our way in, slipping our shoes off at the door mat and put our book bags by the front door and go in my living room.

"Where are your parents?" He asked sitting on the couch and holding his video camera and grabbing my laptop that I left on the couch this morning.

"I live here by myself." I said plainly while walking over with glasses of water. "What do you want to do for the reenactment?" I asked trying to change the subject.

"That must be nice." He said not answering my question. "No one can ever tell you what to do or punish you. It seems nice." He smiled while thinking about it.

"Aniyo. It's lonely and you have to pay for everything- including bills." I said as Jiyong rolled his eyes. "At least you have parents. Mine are dead." I mumbled and he looked away awkwardly.

"Mianhae, but I would trade anything to not have parents." He said opening and closing the video camera while laying down on my couch. 

 "Wae?" I asked raising an eyebrow and he snorts.

 "It's none of your business." He growled and has me open my laptop.


 Maybe two hours later we were lounging around in my room brainstorming for ideas for our project when Jiyong randomly gets up. "I have to go to the bathroom. Where is it?" He asked. I pointed to the bathroom door and he left. 

Minutes later his phone vibrates on my bed and I look at it. It was already open. I slowly inch towards the phone and read the message. It was from Seungri.

 "Don't tell me you love me. I'm tired of hearing your lies. Us being over is not Young Jae's fault. We were over before he came. He can't be stealing me when there's nothing to steal..." 

 My eyes widened and I lose all color in my face.

 Holy ...Jiyong hates me because Seungri is his ex boyfriend. He didn't want me to leave him alone because I was stealing his best friend...I was stealing his boyfriend!! Seungri's not even into me though. He even said it wasn't my fault. We've only known each other for a day. You can't gain feelings for someone in one day? Right?

 All these other thoughts dashed through my mind until Jiyong came in, seeing me reading his message.

 "What are you doing?!" He yelled as I drop the phone.

 "N-Nothing." I stuttered still shocked. "It's not what it looks like. I was just-"

 "You were just reading my messages!" He yelled pissed and storming towards me, swiping his phone away from me. I just look at him speechless and look back at my hands.

 "I didn't mean to. It just vibrated and it was already opened..." I mumbled embarrassed.

 "How are you embarrassed?! I should be the one embarrassed! I am embarrassed! You just read something personal!" He yelled and just sat on one of my chairs and ran his hands through his hair.

 "I'm so-"

 "You can't tell anyone. Now that you know." He said quietly. "I'll do whatever you want. Just don't tell."

 "You don't have to do anything." I said softly, making him look at me.

 "Really?" He asked. "I don't have to do anything?"

 "Ne. Who else knows?" I asked still trying to process this through my head. I can't believe that he didn't pound my face in. He pry thought I'd blackmail him then.

 "Just the boys and you. No one else." He mumbled and closed the phone. "He hates me."

 "Wae?" I asked. "Is it okay if you tell me why?"

 "Well, we were secretly dating at the beginning of the year..." He trailed off. "I treated him the best I could. I didn't want to lose him.  I wanted to be a good boyfriend."

 "And he dumped you for that?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

 "Aniyo. I got in fights a lot. Mostly with random people over different things. He hated that." He sighed. "It was the only thing he couldn't see past. I did everything else perfectly, but he just couldn't get over my fighting."

 "And then you broke up?" I asked. I honestly couldn't believe he was opening up to me like this. I never imagined I would make this much progress.

 "Well, not long after that, my fighting caused even more of a strain on my parents and they divorced. My umma was cheating on my appa and now I live with my umma and stepdad." He mumbled. "My stepdad is an abusive drunk who beats me and my umma. I guess my behavior changed after that and I started taking out my anger on Seungri and the others, putting a strain on all of us." So that's what Taeyang was talking about during lunch. How Jiyong changed and became harsher on them. "They don't know that my stepdad beats us. Not even Seungri. I'm too afraid to tell him."

 Seungri doesn't even know? Seungri would probably flip if he found out. I can't believe that I'm the only one that knows this about his home life. Just a few minutes ago he hated me and now he's spilling his guts out to me. "I guess I caused too much of a strain on us with my secretive and rude behavior, so he left me." He sighed sadly. "I guess I didn't like you because I became jealous of you since Seungri kept talking to you and treating so well outside of our group when I'm used to him only treating me well. Mianhae." He said embarrassed. "Me treating you like wasn't helping our situation."

 I smile widely and hug him giggling like a fangirl. He very awkwardly hugs me back while raising an eyebrow. "I can't believe you opened up to me! <3" I giggled as he smiles.

 He looks at the clock and gets up suddenly, making me lose my balance and stumble back. "Mianhae, but I have to go now. Dinner's soon and my stepdad will get mad." He said heading downstairs and I followed.

 "Jiyong." I called out quickly, making him turn at the door way with his book bag over his shoulder. 

 "What?" He asked slipping on his shoes.

 "Um...would to have dinner here tonight? It gets lonely and it sounds like you don't want to eat there anyway..." I asked quietly and shyly. I look up after a few seconds and see him smiling while putting his bag down and taking his shoes off again.

 "Sure." He smiled and made his way over to the kitchen. "We're making what I want to eat though." He said chuckling and I followed smiling.

 "Fine by me as long as it's not instant ramen." I smiled.



Rawr. Isn't Jiyong y here? XD

This is a present to you, my readers kekekeke

It takes a lot for me to not find him y, and here, he's still y. XD

The y King of Derps ;)


Ok, I love Seungri's derp face too. His laugh, it makes me laugh too...

I might not be able to update tomorrow or Thursday since it's my 16th birthday...I still can't drive...

Anyways, so as you can see I remade this chapter and gave it a new title since I wasn't happy with the last one. Hope that's okay! :) 

I am very pleased with this chapter instead ;) I hope you guys are too! <3

Sooo, if you like it, please comment and subscribe! :) 

Thanks for reading...again!! :)

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I think I'm going to wait awhile before updating my Expect It To Go Wrong fic. Just until I find out if I'm getting a poster for it. ^^


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ParanoidTranquility #2
Chapter 20: Can't wait to read the next chapter :)
No GD you can't do this!! Plz update as soon as you can I can't bare to see everyone so hurt!! And good luck at school!!
MelodyJT #4
It's okay,you're not a bad author :D ,and good luck on your school year!!hwaiting!!! x3
Its okay! :D authornim, fighting! ^_^
TOPismyoppa #6
Shermclaine #7
Love the update and have a great school year. :)
Wa! Me like. :]
Hope you update soon really looking foreword to what happens next in the story \(^ ^)/
Shermclaine #10
OMG! I hope Taella gets better. Please update soon, the story is so good I want to know where it leads now.